"It's true that you can't find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get it."

Zhu Ze's eyes lit up when he noticed this aura, and he locked his eyes on Karin, who had fully embodied the Eraser mecha.

Now, part of the core program of the Quantum Destiny Network resides in this mecha.

He must follow this The guy had a good exchange.

While he was thinking, the completed Eraser mecha suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a huge fist hit him with a terrifying energy tide.


Feng Shui Take turns.

This time it was Chu Ze who flew out.

But his reaction speed was very fast, and he had already adjusted his posture in mid-air and stopped.

"strong enough!"

Feeling all the suddenly broken shields and the slightly worn original armor.

Chu Ze smiled.

He hadn't encountered an existence that could make him feel pain for a long time.

But the punch just now made him feel it. Pain.

Although very weak.


Looking at the Eraser mecha that was chasing after him,

Chu Ze opened his palms and faced each other.

The infinite gems in his hands glowed brightly.

"Try this!"


Thick energy beams spewed out like a volcanic eruption, directly submerging the Eraser mecha.

The energy formed a torrent like a natural disaster, flooding half of the starry sky.

In this torrent, planets were evaporated and stars were destroyed. Dissolve.

Everything is reduced to nothing.

However, the huge Eraser mecha is like a rock on the coast.

It stands firm under this torrent.

It shows amazing strength.

"This guy is really a monster!"

In the cockpit of the Eraser mecha.

Karin looked at the various red warnings that popped up on the projection screen with a serious look.

Originally, she meant to fight for the damage to her foundation and summon the Star King level powerhouse to use the Eraser. The Eraser mecha can directly erase Chu Ze.

But now it seems that she took it too much for granted.

Not only was the man in front of her not erased, but he showed that it was difficult for the Eraser mecha to deal with it. The terrifying power.


The torrent of energy gradually dissipated.

An empty vacuum zone was left in the universe.

Here are the traces left by the energy tide Chu Ze just released.

On this trace.

Chu Ze's whole body is covered with cat eyes. Except for the mecha, everything else turned into particles invisible to the naked eye and disappeared without a trace.

"Limited contact! Turn on annihilation mode!"

Feeling this, Karin immediately made a choice.

With a wave of her hand, she activated the strongest mode of the Eraser.

Annihilation mode.

Click, click, click!

Accompanied by the sound of a restraint lock opening.

Eraser A series of armor modules popped up on the spine of the mecha.

With the pop-up of these armor modules

, the body of the Eraser mecha began to transform into energy.


The sound of the valve deflating came out, and the Eraser mecha A's body turned into a semi-energy body.

At the same time, his body that was a thousand meters tall suddenly shrank to about fifty meters.

The shrinkage of his body not only did not make his energy attenuate at all, but made him seem to sublimate and burst out. More powerful energy.


Raise your palm, and a condensed light spurts out from the fingers of the Eraser mecha, directly penetrating all the planets in this direction.


The arm moves, and this light turns into the most powerful The Star-Shattering Blade cut all the planets in its path in half.

Unfortunately, this light did not damage his target at all.

Because Chu Ze was too fast.

Even if the Eraser mecha had already The nearby space was completely solidified, preventing Chu Ze from making free space jumps.

However, his own movement speed alone reached a level that was not inferior to that of space jumps.

While dodging,

Chu Ze did not forget to retaliate. Lin.

However, each attack he released was absorbed by the half-energy Eraser mecha and turned into its own nourishment.

"Don't regular attacks work?"

With a movement of his body, he dodged a burst of cracking light released by the eyes of the Eraser mecha.

Chu Ze moved his palm.

The sun-shooting bow had already fallen into his hand.

At the same time as the sun-shooting bow appeared,

Wipe, who was originally unhurried, The Exterminator armor suddenly became violent.

The energy in the whole body also ignited with blood-colored flames.


The huge body showed unimaginable agility. It instantly bullied itself in front of Chu Ze.

The fist with blood flames shocked Void, punched Chu Ze.

Under this punch, space was destroyed, time was disrupted, energy was dispersed, and matter was shattered.

But there was an ancient arrow that remained unmoved.

It penetrated quickly. This fist, which could only be quantified, pierced into the head of the Eraser mecha.

Compared to the Eraser mecha, this arrow was not even a toothpick.

But the Eraser who was hit by this arrow However, the Eraser mecha suddenly became rigid and could not move.

The next second, the entire Eraser mecha suddenly collapsed.

The core of the quantum destiny network hidden inside turned into an information state and was about to escape into the void and merge into the main body.

But At this time, a powerful interference force suddenly came in and pinned it in place.

"Don't be in a hurry to run away, I still have something to discuss with you."

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