
I, Luo Cheng, and the content currently posted on the Internet are all slander.

The conflict between me and the villagers of Niujia Village was entirely the fault of the villagers of Niujia Village. What happened was mainly because I went into the mountains, discovered the poaching of rare wild animals by the villagers of Niujia Village, and brought them to justice.

When this happened, I was live broadcasting, and there is video to prove it.

The villagers of Houniujia Village beat him up and demanded 100 million yuan in compensation.

I didn't want to, so the other party gathered 277 people to besiege me. With the efforts of the public security organs, the other party's plan went bankrupt. In anger, the other party even attempted to murder me.

Attached is the complete snippet of the incident.

This matter has been handed over to the public security organs for handling. I will pursue legal responsibility for all those who spread rumors and cause trouble online. I am a director of a number of listed company groups. I will pursue their illegal activities to the maximum extent if they cause slander to my image..

All compensation received will be donated to charitable organizations to serve as a warning to others.

When Luo Cheng's statement of responsibility was posted on his Shark platform, his millions of fans clicked on it out of curiosity.

The video is divided into two parts. The first part is how he and Sister Yun captured Qian Xiaoliu and others in the forest, and the second part is how Cadre Wu led his men to besiege Luo Cheng.

Including Qian Xiaoliu's younger brother and the burly man who made the first move after hearing the alarm bell were also recorded.

"Damn, Brother Cheng is awesome, chasing more than a hundred people by himself!"

"I have always known that Brother Cheng is very strong. After all, I still have the videos of him beating people with scars, but I never thought that Brother Cheng would be so strong!"

"Those fifty people must be professional bodyguards. This push-down posture is too standard."

"Hey, can't you tell the difference between the main and supporting characters? Brother Cheng is the most dazzling, okay?"

"Punch a kid, Brother Cheng is so handsome!"

"That last look, I love it!"

"Brother Cheng also has a tattoo? I couldn't see it when I was diving before. Could it be pigeon blood?"

"But seriously, this tattoo is really cool. Screenshot. I want to get one too."

"Hey, are you paying attention to the wrong thing? Brother Cheng is clearly not wrong here, but those people are the ones looking for trouble. Why do you want to criticize Brother Cheng all over the Internet?"

"Yes, I also sprayed Brother Cheng yesterday. Brother Cheng, I’m sorry. I’ll repost it right now. I’m really sorry."

"Although I haven’t scolded you, I still want to forward it!"

Just when the water friends in Luo Cheng's live broadcast room forwarded Luo Cheng's post, the Public Security Bureau over there also directly issued a notice. The notice was exactly what Luo Cheng said. At the same time, it also included some villagers' police reports. A video of confessions recorded in the bureau.

In the video, the villagers confessed to what Cadre Wu had done. There was even a family member of one person who rebelled, directly confirming that Cadre Wu was the leader of this matter, and like this People in Niujia Village have done this before.

When these two videos were released, the popularity instantly increased again.

The video of Luo Cheng beating someone lost interest after it reached the third place in the hot search, almost After only staying for two hours, the popularity of this video posted by Luo Cheng became overwhelming.

While everyone knew what happened to Luo Cheng, their focus was actually more on Luo Cheng. They never thought about it. One person can really chase hundreds of people with a hammer and punch a child. Suddenly, the good guys started to circle those fighting masters under this video. They wanted to see how these people would react.

These fighting masters suddenly At first, they were still a little confused, why did they trap themselves?

But when they saw Luo Cheng's performance in this video, they were actually dumbfounded. The fighting power Luo Cheng showed in the video was really shameful and outrageous. As the old saying goes It's good, two fists can't beat four hands, and a tiger can't fight a pack of wolves.

In this situation with hundreds of people in a pair, the king of special forces can't do it, let alone himself, but Luo Cheng can easily defeat these people. , it’s too scary.

For a moment, people in the fighting world also silenced their voices and were thinking about what to say.

And some good people also moved this video to foreign websites. Well, actually these people also If you are considered a fan of Luo Cheng, don’t forget that many of Luo Cheng’s fans are foreigners. They climb over the wall to watch Luo Cheng’s live broadcast.

Now that there are good themes, they must be transferred there.

For foreigners In fact, they prefer to watch these fighting things.

When Luo Cheng's video was posted on a foreign website, the number of clicks increased like a rocket. Basically, the barrage and replies were also Yes:

Oh, you are ridiculous.

You also said that Yanhuang people don’t know martial arts?

This is too exaggerated.

God must have yellow skin at this time.

The traces of editing are obvious.

I feel that the people in the video must have South Korean descent.

No, I It feels like he should be one of the three Yin people.

He didn't know about the discussion of Luo Cheng on foreign websites, but he knew that there are many big Vs and self-media, and some people have given up.

These people have already had many Stop surrounding Luo Cheng in private. I hope that big things can be reduced to trivial matters. People like them just want to take advantage of the popularity. They will take advantage of whatever is hot. They start with a picture and everything else is made up. Once the making is wrong, everything will happen. The main ones are looking for them. If they can change it, they can do it, but if they can't, they can't rely on it. Unfortunately, they can't rely on Luo Cheng.

They circle Luo Cheng, but Luo Cheng can't see it at all, because he doesn't play vulgar at all.

These things Naturally, everyone will be handed over to Ouyang Zhuo to sue. They will sue for compensation based on the number of retweets and readings of these false things they posted. The minimum compensation is hundreds of thousands, and the maximum compensation is even millions or tens of millions!

It has nothing to do with Luo Cheng whether these people suffer misfortune or whether they cry or complain.

If they dare not apologize and compensate, Luo Cheng will not only sue them and put them on the list of dishonest people, but may even make it difficult for them.

Of course, even if they compensated, it would be difficult. After all, they offended Luo Cheng and still thought that nothing had happened. How could such a good thing happen?

Everyone on the Internet knows that Luo Cheng is rich, has character, and has a heart of stone. These people have hit the iron wall this time. Seeing the way these people give in, many people are actually snickering in their hearts.

Because in the past, it was well known that the writing of these big Vs and marketing accounts was particularly unreliable, and they often caused some victims to lose their teeth and bleed. But they controlled the public opinion, and those victims could not control them, so in the end they had to let it go.

This time Luo Cheng's strong slap in the face left these guys with bruises all over their heads.

Those people watching online were shouting with joy, and Luo Cheng's reputation was also constantly improving. At this time, he just didn't live broadcast. If he did live broadcast, his number of followers would probably skyrocket, but Luo Cheng didn't guess. That's all


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