The Judge of Sin ran towards Lin Kong, the sword in his hand advanced.

Lin Kong stood motionless on the spot.


Yang Jin and Ou Ze looked at each other and said bitterly:"What kind of teammates are these? The first one comes to fight, one of them dies. The second one faces the attack, he looks like a fool again."

They felt that this round was going far.

Judgment of sin!

The judge's blade struck Lin Kong.

The golden light suddenly appears!

-1 million!

【Ding! To trigger the gift of death, please specify the resurrection location. 】

Lin Kong opened the map.

It clearly shows the exact location of all the monsters..This is also the characteristic of this Bureau.

It will undoubtedly cause fighting among professionals.

After all, the number of professionals is as high as 1 million. Just to complete the first phase of the task, 1 billion monsters are needed.

There are not so many monsters in Ande City.

A situation with more monks and less meat

"Resurrection right here."

Lin Kong chose a place where demons gathered, 10 kilometers away.

【Ding, you get the benefit:"Sin Liberation", the effect is refreshed after leaving this world】

【Sin Liberation: When there is a sin value on you, liberate 10 times the sin value and transfer it to a unit within 100 kilometers.】

【Additional effects: Liberate the sin value and increase the four-dimensional attribute by 1 point (only in this world). When the recipient of sin dies, you gain 1 sin point】

【""Y6237" received 10 points of sin transferred from you, four-dimensional attribute +1]

Hearing the prompt, Lin Kong's eyes were a little strange.

"Isn't this the cheap teammate named Ou Ze?……"

He didn't expect his teammates to be so lucky.

One shot into the soul.

Lin Kong looked back.

An evil sound reached his ears

"Jie Jie, the smell of human flesh and blood!"

"I'm going to eat him! Eat him!"

The demons jumped out from the shadows, their mouths were drooling, and their eyes were full of greed.

【Bloodthirsty Shadow Ghost·Elite·Enhanced】

Level: 35

Rank: A

HP: 610,000

Attack: 2,000,000

Because of the SSS-level bounty mission.

The attributes of this group of monsters are stronger than ordinary A-level elites.

Extreme killing!

Rain of blood and arrows!

Lin Kong raised his long bow calmly and shot an arrow of blood into the sky, which turned into a thick blood cloud and filled an area with a radius of 680 meters. Suddenly, three rounds of blood arrows fell from the sky.





In an instant, all the monsters in sight turned into ice sculptures, standing in place with ferocious expressions on their faces.


Lin Kong let out a low shout.

He displayed various skills unceremoniously, including 26 ordinary iron arrows.

The arrows were evenly poured on the demon.

-10w! (critical hit)

-10w! (critical hit)


【You kill the bloodthirsty shadow ghost and gain: 5400 experience points, Church of Hope points +9】


Gain 70,000 experience points in the blink of an eye

"It's a pity that you don't gain sin by killing monsters."

Lin Kong is quite sorry.

If you want to get a lot of points in this game, you must start with professionals.


Killing professionals can maximize the"Sin Liberation" effect and increase your own attributes.

Sniper from the sky!

Lin Kong uses weapons Skill, he got the coordinates of enemies with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and he recorded the map

"It's time to act."

He is ready to move to a professional position in the first team.


Birth point.

Ou Ze and Yang Jin witnessed Lin Kong's death.

But no death reminder rang in my ears. at this time.

They already know Lin Kong’s identity

"It turns out that Yongye is a professional who carries SSS-level bounty missions. No wonder the two of them are fighting."

Yang Jin said helplessly:"The system did not prompt,"Yong Ye" should have been transported to other locations."

"This game was a bit difficult, as I lost a teammate at the beginning."Ou Ze also shook his head.

He sighed:"Oh, why did I get matched with Yong Ye? It's really unlucky." at this time

【Ding! You gain 10 guilt points】

" it worth it?"

Ou Ze had a look of confusion on his face.

He thought he was hallucinating.

At the beginning of the game, he didn't even make a move, so where could the evil come from?

"Is this the result of the increased difficulty of the game?"

Ou Ze guessed.

Bang bang - there was a dense sound of footsteps behind him, and 10 criminal judges were activated. They ran towards Ou Ze with big knives.

"Damn it!

Ou Ze was startled and shouted:"No, I want to go over and find monsters to kill!""


He took steps and ran out

"Hey, brother Ou Ze, why are you running? These judges will not take action against you."

Yang Jin felt baffled.

However, Ou Ze had no time to pay attention to him.

Killing the monster as soon as possible and washing away the sin is the most urgent matter.

"I X!"

Ou Ze looked back at the judge and was so frightened that he cursed

"Why don’t I just watch the show next to you? Why increase sin?"

He just wanted to cry without tears.

There were no monsters around, and the judge moved faster and faster, until he exceeded Ou Ze's speed.

The broadsword struck from all directions.

The thin body suffered injuries that should not have been endured.

-1 million! -100w! -100w!...

Ouze was hacked to death with random knives


【The person who received the sin"Y6237" dies, and you gain 1 sin point.】

【""Y17623" received the 10 points of sin you transferred, and the four-dimensional attribute +1】

"hiss! This wave of Tianxiu!"

"Even if the transferred person dies and gains sin points, he can be transferred out."

Lin Kong was startled at first, and then smiled.

The endless guilt value.

How wonderful!

Lin Kong calmed down his emotions.

He quickly arrived at the second demon stronghold.

【Bloodthirsty Shadow Ghost LV35, HP 610,000]

5 monsters.

Lin Kong easily killed them.

A treasure chest drops from the ground.

He opened the box.

Get a B-level skill book - Blood Claw.

Turn on talent to devour it

【Your archery skills gain effects: Physical arrows gain 16% lifesteal. 】

The arrow's blood suck reaches 81%.

The huge blood return effect greatly ensures Lin Kong's survivability.

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