Cities surrounding Jiang City such as Tongshi, Nanshi and Chushi are suffering and the situation is dire.

Citizens were trapped inside, unable to escape.

Even some powerful people cannot succeed by using their connections.

At this time, they are just like ordinary people, without any difference.

People also clearly feel the changes of the times.

One day in the future, the right to speak will only be in the hands of the strong.

Even if you have unparalleled power and control, you are still as weak as an ant in the face of real power, and all your calculations will become a joke!

Online fishing boats are overwhelming, covering every corner of the entire network

"How long has this been going on? Why haven’t effective measures been taken yet?"

"Whoever can do it will get better! If you can't do it, let someone else do it!"

"Have you negotiated and failed?"

"What conditions did the other party put forward? Agree!"

"Stop beeping, we will not be abandoned, they have been working hard for us!"

"Hahaha, you filial son upstairs, are you licking like this?"

"Lick it! Where is Xiaonima! It’s not the people here who make sarcastic remarks, but you can’t understand the suffering we are going through right now!"

"You will never understand the hardships of others. Everyone sees the efforts of others. Only you, the worms in society, constantly deny and ridicule others!"

"I hope that when disaster does befall you, you can still play the key calmly and easily!"

"Haha, a bunch of cubs, let’s talk about it after surviving!"



Lingzong Temple.

The hall was as silent as death, and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive and heavy.

Abbot Zongxuan had no expression on his face and remained silent for a long time.

Finally, he spoke slowly,"The seriousness of the situation exceeded my expectations. Now we have two major troubles in front of us."

His voice was indifferent, without any emotion.

"First, official maintenance"

"Second, one’s own strength."

The monks then began to discuss

"Devil, this is a complete devil, he should be punished, he should be punished!"

"Senior Brother Jingrong, Senior Brother Jingsong, Senior Brother Qingshui, and Junior Brother Jingruo, we will definitely avenge you!"

"Lingzong Temple has a strong foundation and is not afraid of them!"

"We cannot be careless. Once we cross the bottom line, even if we are in a transcendental place, we will suffer a devastating blow!"

"Therefore, we must continue to exert pressure, especially on social fishing. The greatest existence value of incompetent people is their mouths!"

"That guy is so tyrannical, should we seek help?"


Finally, Abbot Zongxuan issued two orders:

"First, let believers with status and power in the secular world increase their control and guidance of the social fishing boat."

"Second, send an invitation to the major sects who have friendship with Lingzong Temple to gather at Lingzong Temple to discuss the future situation."


"The people to quell the unrest are ready. You can send personnel to guide and cooperate."

In the evening, Su Yue conveyed this news to the Men in Black organization.

Nie Feng was eager to give it a try,"We have prepared everything, just waiting for this moment!"

This night is destined to be unstable.

The official issued a tough notice.

All people in the relevant cities are not allowed to go out!

Violators will be punished as disrupting social order!

Everyone has no idea why, and they are speculating online.

"Is it time to take action?"

"Something big is happening! There must be something big happening!"

"Very good! I knew we wouldn't be left behind, great!"

"It was as if I immediately saw their heroic figures!"


Most people are full of excitement, anticipation and nervousness.

There are also a lot of people who are yin and yang and are very evil, causing great harm to the scenery.

"Haha, a big move? I think I'll have to fail in the end."

"Alas, what is the most despairing thing? Just want to be extinguished!"

"I think tonight, the flames of hope that people in those cities have managed to save will be extinguished."

"Obviously the most effective way is right there, but we have to take a detour and respectfully meet the needs of the masters. Wouldn't it be nice to ask them to take action?"


However, even the brainless trolls have to keep their mouths shut in the face of the ironclad facts!

The moon is clear at night and the streets are lonely.

Resurrected evil spirits and demons become active.

Most of them cannot directly cause large damage and can only target individual people.

However, because of their large number, not a few people are harmed.

The impact is extremely bad!

A drunk man was staggering on the deserted street, his body exuding a strong smell of alcohol. He had obviously drank a lot.

His nose was red, he was mumbling words of unknown meaning, and a dark shadow flashed before his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes and his eyes lit up. There seemed to be a sexy beauty waving to him in front of him.

"Will I have good luck today? The drunk man was overjoyed and trotted over,"Sister, do you need my help for anything?""

The woman was wearing scantily clad clothes and had a charming smile. She didn't answer when she heard this. Instead, she slowly stretched out her arms and put her arms around the other person's neck.

The drunk man said coquettishly:"On the street? Not so good, why not go to my house……"

Before he finished speaking, a pair of ferocious fangs appeared from the corner of the woman's mouth.

At this moment, a sword light fell.

The woman was actually split into two, but no blood was spilled, but turned into black flames and burned up!

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