"Then let's start the challenge right away. I think it would be a good thing to have the opportunity to have a real confrontation with the other party!"

Han Yi's words suddenly ignited the passion of everyone in the entire team. They had always been more obedient to Han Yi's instructions. Now that Han Yi could suddenly say this to them, it really excited him..

If there is an opportunity to argue with the other party in this way, then this will definitely be an unexpected result, but everyone can feel that things may indeed be a bit beyond their expectations.

This is definitely not a simple question, if If they accidentally screw up, it will only make them helpless.

Maybe they will injure the enemy a thousand times and lose eight hundred to themselves.

"War is definitely not a trivial matter. Han Ying, you'd better give in temporarily."

"I understand that you are focused on the auto show, but this is the most important decision for us now. You have also seen that the people over there have begun to continuously launch various powerful weapons against us."

"There is really not much time left for us now. I hope you will not waste any more minutes!"

When everyone is thinking about this issue, they still feel extremely dangerous in their hearts.

Bai Qishang has already been at a disadvantage.

He has no advantage at all in this matter, but now for them, this matter is too early It has exceeded everyone's expectations.

It may never be possible for anyone to be willing to talk about this issue in front of them, but this makes Han Yi always feel that his thoughts are completely different.

He walked forward with a smile. After walking a few steps, he said to Xu Chumao again

"Xu Chumao, you don’t have to look at me quietly from the side. I understand that you are obviously joking. In your mind, you always feel that I am deliberately lying to you. In fact, I don’t think so at all."

"Even if you are watching my jokes, I won't care, because I may be a person in another world soon. How much you look down on me now, how stupid you will be in the next life!"

While everyone was still thinking about this issue, Han Yi didn't say anything more.

He thought that if the other party wanted to do something now, it was their own business, and Han Yi just hoped to give them a place where they could move. Space.

Xu Chumao was stunned after hearing what Bai Qishang said. He didn't say anything more. But at this time, Bai Qishang didn't give anyone time to react, but took out his own A dagger he carried in his hand was wiped on his neck.

Such a scene really surprised everyone. Maybe they all hoped to give themselves the opportunity to communicate with a few of them. , but this problem has indeed brought them some trouble.

And this matter is definitely not something that any of them can easily change. There will be more people who are willing to help them solve this matter.

"Okay, now this farce is over. If anyone among you is willing to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, please put down the weapons in your hands immediately."

"Otherwise, if this continues, the consequences may be disastrous!"

Han Yi's words are really not that important to them, but he still hopes to find a solution that suits him.

Maybe this situation has indeed brought a lot of pressure to them, but the key to the problem is Because this is definitely not something that anyone can change easily, Han Yi took a few steps forward with a smile on his face.

"All of you used to be soldiers that I personally recruited. Now you follow Bai Qishang and come to bother me. I don’t want to tell you so much, I just want to remind you to take a good look at the road in front of you."

"Bai Qishang has drawn his sword and committed suicide. Does anyone else want to follow his path?"

Han Yi's words really brought a big impact to them, and there may be many people who hope to improve their strength.

But now they are facing such a scene, it is really Everyone was already frightened, and some people were already starting to put down their weapons.

The sound of some ping-pong-pong-pong throwing weapons on the ground could be heard throughout Kyushu.

After seeing such a scene, the people around them, Basically, everyone was stunned. They really didn't expect that Han Yi would be such a strong deterrent.

It was just a few words, and he could make all the people around him put down their weapons. It seemed that this kid was so intimidating. The power is really strong, and Han Ying walked over and said to Xu Chumao next to him

"What's wrong? Did you really think that what Bai Qishang said just now was for your own good? Let me tell you, he is just a dying man, so he has no intention of continuing to make things easier for all of you."

"What he actually wants most now is to have you all die with him. This is what he wants, so he deliberately said this in order to cause a dispute between you and Han Yi."

"You must not be so stupid!"

Han Ying also knew that no matter what he said to them now, no one might be willing to believe it, but this was not that important to him at all. For them, this was already considered a very important thing. It’s necessary.

Xu Chumao shook his head helplessly and said to Han Ying

"I also know that the relationship between you and Han Yi is quite good."

"I can see that the feeling between the two of you feels a little different, but I still hope to improve my strength. I don't understand why one day I suddenly become like this."

"But I also know very well that the deep father-daughter love between you and Han Yi is not something that outsiders like us can compare to."

When encountering this kind of thing, Han Yi actually still felt very entangled in his heart. He also knew that he didn't need to argue with them, but now that he sees that Bai Qishang and the others have made things like this, then Now he can only bite the bullet and recruit these other people.

In the face of the enemy, Ni Hongshang and the others have completely torn their faces, and now because Bai Qishang is dead.

The people behind him are basically In other words, all strength values ​​have been lost.

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