I don't know what this guy means, but it seems that he agrees with Han Yi's opinion.

He took a few steps forward with a smile on his face. He really hoped to resolve the relationship between them as soon as possible, but if they continued to be entangled like this, it might not be a good idea. At this time, he faced the smiling person. He nodded and continued.

"I hope to be able to communicate with me the status of each of you. Maybe this matter is not that important to me."

"But I have been waiting for an opportunity to have a good battle with Cai Tianming. Perhaps only in this way can I be reminded to never forget your cultivation of me."

"Maybe this matter is not that important to me, but I always hope to choose a reasonable opportunity to have a good battle with you guys."

"Perhaps this is the only way to remind us all of this feeling, which is completely different."

Han Ying also nodded with satisfaction. She didn't expect Xu Chumao to be such a serious and responsible person.

But if today was just to leave all the matters to Xu Chumao alone, Han Ying would still feel He was a little uneasy because he knew that his relationship with Han Yi was already quite good.

If Xu Chumao were to do everything by himself, Han Ying would really be worried about doing something wrong. If similar things happen next, he will definitely choose a reasonable plan to solve the problem as soon as possible. However, when he actually encountered this situation, Han Yi felt that this situation did not seem to be the case. They can easily judge by themselves

"If similar things happen to them in the future, I think you all must choose a reasonable method. Now it seems that there is no point in saying so much."

"I hope you can improve your personal cultivation and quality as soon as possible. If something similar happens again, don't make the problem so complicated."

"Now Cai Tianming and the others have set up a dragnet here. We don’t know where Gu Rufeng and the others are being held. We just saw a simple water prison, but when I passed by there just now, there was no see any figure"

"Do you know what I mean by saying this? I just want to say that if it is Gu Rufeng who is really detained in this water prison, then Gu Rufeng must be solved by us as soon as possible in a short time."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid there will really be many serious problems. Each of us is more worried than the other. It doesn't make any sense to say so much now. We should all go into battle lightly and throw away all the equipment in your hands!"

When he heard the other party say this, Han Yi suddenly felt a little emotional. He didn't know why he would suddenly end up like this one day, but he still always hoped to choose a reasonable plan as soon as possible.

Maybe This matter is not that important to them at all, but if they continue to be entangled like this, it may cause some new damage to them. Thinking of this, Han Yi just shook his head silently and continued.

"Alas, I really don’t know what you guys mean. Are you all giving up your money rather than your life? We have all made it very clear that if today's events cannot be truly understood, then there is really nothing I can do!"

"But you all can also think about it from another angle. If you were Cai Tianming, would you be able to prevent people from coming to Jie Tian Prison?"

Han Yi's words were like an enlightenment to them. More people understood what he meant. It seems that this result has had some considerable impact on them.

But if we say now If there are more people who understand the feelings between the two of them, then this will definitely be very tragic, but every sentence Han Yi says now has a different weight for them.

But Han Yi now Seeing these soldiers in front of them, they have no intention of putting down their weapons.

It seems that they are really willing to give up their money rather than their lives. These equipment are crucial to them. If they are next If something similar happened once, it must be very tragic.

Thinking of this, Han Yi just smiled dreamily and continued.

"I hope to treat you as my own good friends, so now I am just telling my true thoughts. As for whether you want to bring equipment with you or not, that is your own business!"

"I have told you my truest opinions. If you really don’t want to believe me, forget it!"

I encountered this situation, so I explained everything I had to say to them one by one, but when I saw that everyone seemed to have no expression at all, this time Gu Rufeng's life and death depended on others. In the hands of others.

Everyone seemed to hope that this matter could be explained clearly as soon as possible, but when he actually encountered this situation, Han Yi realized that this was definitely not a simple problem.

Xu Chumao felt the incomparable atmosphere, He saw that Han Yi had already said this, but his men and soldiers were still indifferent, so he walked to the front angrily and said to them

"I really didn’t expect that you would often be like this. I always treated you as my own good friends, but I really don’t know why I suddenly became like this one day."

"It seems that now we all still have to find a reasonable solution as soon as possible. It seems that all of you don’t want to live anymore. Since those who don’t listen to Han Yi will stay here immediately. Now you people really It's simply too much!"

In fact, what Xu Chumao said all represents what Han Yi wants to say in his heart, but because he is a leadership-level figure now, he knows this matter. If it is handed over to others, Dealing with it may become more difficult.

He hopes to choose a reasonable plan as soon as possible to change the situation between the few of them. Maybe this is a very embarrassing thing in itself, but at this time Han Ying has already A whole new preparation.

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