Although he always felt that he was very old, in Han Yi's mind, he always treated him as his precious daughter, and he did not want him to be insulted in any way.

To them, the current scene was simply too cruel and bloody. How could Han Yi bear to let Han Ying see it?

If he really found out, he would definitely think that his situation was not good, and maybe some bad problems would arise. At this time, Han Ying began to desperately break away from Han Yi's arm, and continued to say

"Dad, what do you mean? Can you please stop covering my eyes? In fact, I have grown up and I know more about war than you do."

But no matter how he moved Han Yi's fingers, he still couldn't imagine why it would suddenly become like this one day. It seemed that this conclusion was not that important to them.

But Han Yi still hoped to choose a A reasonable approach, he thought that this situation might cause them a lot of suspicion.

But he still didn't know why it would suddenly become such a situation one day. Han Yi also wanted to see what this Wang Haobo would be. Condition

"Brothers, please forgive me. There is really nothing going on here. I have told you everything I know."

Seeing Wang Haobo's situation in front of him, Gu Rufeng was really angry. Although the two of them were surrounded by enemy troops, Gu Rufeng still felt that he was proud.

Even in this situation At that time, he was really caught by a few of them, so he was fearless. He always felt that his situation was completely different from theirs.

If there was a chance, he would definitely make his situation worse. It should be simple and relaxed, so that they don't have to think about so many worrying issues, but at this time Gu Rufeng spit on the ground very angrily.


"Wang Haobo, how did I teach you such a brother? If I had known you were such a person, I shouldn't have brought you here. Now we are surrounded!"

"The only one who can save us is ourselves. Do you really think that if you surrender to them and betray all the secrets of our entire team, you will have a chance to survive?"

"It's a bit silly for you to think like this. I think you and Han Yi should have a good talk. After all, this situation is not that important to me, but I still hope to choose a reasonable way."

"Now it seems that you have no interest in what I say at all, but I must remind you that by doing so, you will be conscious of your grave."

When he heard what the other party said, Han Yi suddenly felt a little sad. He really didn't know how to answer this situation, but he still hoped to choose a reasonable way. It would be best to be with everyone. They went to have a good exchange, but something that made Han Yi feel a little strange was that Gu Rufeng was still loyal. Now Cai Tianming walked past them. There were still several soldering irons in his hands.

However, the soldering irons were only But it was black. Everyone knew at that time that a soldering iron is the most terrifying only when it is burned to a hot red state.

But now this black soldering iron has been in Wang Haobo's mind A deep mark was left in it.

He himself felt that his strength was not as good as others, but today he was able to take the initiative to show his status here just to let everyone know that he hoped to stand out.

But what happened to Gu Rufeng? He never thought that Wang Haobo would be in such a situation. At this time, Han Yi could see clearly from above, but Wang Haobo said to the rest of them.

"Cai Tianming, if you really think that I am a useful person, then I hope you can exempt me from these criminal laws. If you can give me no money, I can explain anything. I know everything about Han Yi."

When Gu Rufeng's hands were trapped by the enemy troops, he felt very angry all the time. He began to curse Wang Haobo in front of him desperately.

"Wang Haobo, you are simply too heartless. Han Yi was so kind to you back then. Isn't it just to give you a chance to prove yourself when he sent you to come with me to infiltrate the enemy camp this time?"

"But if you do this now, who are you worthy of? It seems that I overestimated you a little too much. I shouldn't have become brothers with someone like you in the first place. You are simply worse than a pig or a dog!"

Hearing such a sentence, everyone actually felt helpless. They really couldn't imagine why Gu Rufeng would speak so fiercely to his brother, but this time Han Ying said this to his father.

"Dad, can you put your hands down first? I heard Gu Rufeng's voice just now. I know that he is now surrounded by enemy troops, but can't we all find a way to rescue him directly?"

Han Yi shook his head humbly. In fact, it was not because he was a cold-blooded person.

It was because in his mind, he always felt that these things should be re-divided between them. Connection, maybe this in itself is a very helpless thing.

But Han Yi has adopted a new perspective. He feels that this kind of thing may really have nothing to do with others, but he has been facing Han Ying , also hoping to let him know how he feels now

"Han Ying, you don’t know this. In fact, dad didn’t have any other ideas at the beginning. He just wanted to let you understand the relationship between us. It’s best to think about it carefully. Now you If it was really for Gu Rufeng's good, he should be given such a chance!"

It can be seen that Han Yi still trusts Gu Rufeng very much now, so he doesn't want to interrupt anyone. At this time, there is a pattern next to him. He walks up, and he comes to Han Ying and faces him. said

"Miss Ying, you don’t have to worry. With Han Yi here to say these things to you, why do you need to worry here? Anyway, Han Yi still values ​​Gu Rufeng very much, you just need to wait for a while!"

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