
"Lord, General, General Yue Yun has led the army to the predetermined location and is ready!"

"good! Explore again!"



"Qingzhou Yellow Turban has passed through Lu County in Jibei Province, less than thirty miles away from Mount Tai!"

"Explore again!"



"Zhang Xian and Gao Chong each ordered a group of cavalry to rush to the predetermined location to lie dormant."

"Okay, let’s explore again!"



"The county magistrates and chief registrars of Taishan have arrived as required and are waiting for orders!"

"Explore again!"



"The grain and grass supplies in all counties and counties have been put in place. Do you want to bury the pot and make rice?"

"Don't worry, wait for my order!"

"promise!"...... front.

Command center.

In the Chinese army's tent.

Yue Fei sat upright, and below him, Han Yi sat upright, silent.

Marching and fighting is what professionals should do.

Han Yi is very self-aware.

He can control the general trend of history.

But when it comes to commanding battles and winning by surprise, he is really just a layman.

Rather than giving blind orders, it is better to temporarily hand over the command power.


The fierce generals summoned by Yue Fei will not rebel.

What are you afraid of!

For Han Yi, instead of worrying about how to fight the war, it is better to worry about when the war will end and how to replenish Cai Yan's health after returning.

These are more practical!

But Yue Fei was truly terrified!

This heavy trust made him a little flattered.

From time to time, he would turn his head and ask:"My lord, what do you think?"

Han Yi always replied impatiently:"You are the commander-in-chief of the three armies, can't you do this? You still ask me!"

Yue Fei was also very interested. Embarrassed:"Then......All right!"

Looking at Yue Fei's embarrassed look, Han Yi sighed:"Am I here, preventing you from commanding the battle? Otherwise, I'd better go back to Fenggao, and I'll leave all the power here to you!"

"My lord, you must not do it! Yue

Fei hurriedly waved his hand to stop him and said:"You are the mainstay in the hearts of all the soldiers. As long as you are here, the soldiers will do their best, but if you leave, the morale of the soldiers will definitely be unstable!""

"But while I'm here, you're always worried about commanding the battle!"

"How can this be done?"

Han Yi clearly misses his wife and wants to go home.

But why?......

He also acted very reasonable.

Of course, Yue Fei wouldn't think so.

He will only feel that the master is really good to him

"Lord, don’t worry!"

Without any hesitation, Yue Fei immediately expressed his position:"The final general will definitely command the battle with all his strength and strive to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time to reassure the people!"

"Um! This is right!"

Although Han Yi said this, he always felt angry in his heart.

Damn it!

Instead of doing nothing here, it's better to go home to spend time with your wife and children.

When he becomes the emperor in the future, who dares to let him control him? I'm going to fight him in person, I'm going to beat the shit out of him!

Are they all just for food after raising so many capable ministers and generals?

"okay! Han

Yi waved his hand:"It's too boring here. I'll leave the army to you when I go out for a walk. My request is also very simple. Just win. As for how to fight, that's your business. I won't do anything about it." participate!"

"The general will obey!"

Yue Fei cupped his fists and raised his hands.

This feeling of being trusted......

It's like being in a dream!

Super cool!

After saying that, Han Yi left the military battle without looking back.

When the warm sunshine shines on yourself.

Han Yi took a deep breath, and suddenly felt like he was resurrected with full blood.

This is Ran County.

Not far from Yue Fei's sniper point. whee!

Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

Han Yi waved his hand:"Come here, bring my horse!"

The soldier bowed his hand and said,"No!"

After a while.

The soldier came over with the horse:"Lord."

Han Yi got on the horse and took the reins:"Tell Yue Fei to let him use his troops and leave me alone!" The soldier cupped his hands and clasped his fists:" Promise!"


Riding his horse and whipping his whip, he rides like a warrior.

This was the first time since he traveled across time that he rode a horse so unscrupulously.

The feeling of galloping on the battlefield arises spontaneously!


Hot blooded!

All of a sudden!

It was like thousands of horses galloping, mixed with the roar of gold and the sound of people shouting and horses neighing, ringing in my ears.

And he was like a god of war, galloping on his horse, causing waves to break wherever he passed, no one could stop him!



Running like this for a long time.

Han Yi was also a little tired.

He rode his horse to the top of a mountain and looked around. The country was at his feet.

And somewhere not far away. as if......

There are dark clouds rolling in.

Han Yi is not stupid. How can there be dark clouds in this clear sky?

He realized it immediately!

This is not a dark cloud, but a million yellow scarves, already approaching! hiss~~~

Han Yi gasped.

Sure enough, judging from the momentum alone, Millions of Yellow Turbans are invincible!

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