Han Yi thought it was better to wait a moment and see if Han Zhong would get into the carriage later.

If you come in, talk to Han Zhong. If Han Zhong doesn't come in, it means that Han Zhong thinks the same as them.

In this way, there is no need to worry. Han Yi thinks that Han Zhong should also be suspicious of Que'er.

After all, it was Han Zhong who brought up this matter. If Han Zhong saw Que'er alone outside, Han Zhong would definitely be worried.

Han Yi felt that it was normal for Han Ying to be worried. After all, she would definitely be worried under such circumstances.

Cherries will be out there doing things that hurt them.

At that time, they have no way to avoid it, so at that time, they can only accept the result.

Han Yi thought that if this problem could be avoided now, wouldn't they be so dangerous?

"Han Ying, I don’t think we need to worry too much. I think Han Zhong is thinking the same thing as me.

After all, Han Zhong noticed that there was something unusual about Que'er, and he also reminded me, so I doubted Que'er.

I think Han Zhong would definitely be worried if he saw Queer outside alone.

He will also accompany her outside so that she can know what Que'er will be doing outside."

When Han Ying heard what Han Yi said, she felt that if both Han Zhong and Han Yi were suspicious of Que'er, then she should be more careful, lest Que'er did something that would hurt her.

Han Ying felt that she didn't fight back at all now. ability. If Que'er wanted to hurt herself, she could only endure it and had no way to fight back.

Han Ying just didn't expect that Que'er would do something that would hurt them.

Han Ying felt that she was so good to Que'er, Never thought that Que'er would do such a thing?

Han Ying felt that she had never thought that one day Que'er would betray herself and all of them.

When she first heard Han Yi say this, Han Ying was She didn't believe it.

She felt that her father must have wronged Que'er. But when all the facts were put in front of her,

Han Ying had to believe it. But Han Ying felt that everything had already happened, and there was no point in regretting it.

As long as she took precautions Just be careful with Que'er. Otherwise, it will be difficult for Que'er now.

Doesn't this add a lot of pressure to Que'er? Anyway, Han Ying still cares about Que'er very much.

Han Ying feels that the relationship between herself and Que'er for so many years is not Maybe he should break off the relationship because of this incident.

But now Han Ying is not sure whether Que'er will think so.

He also knows that if Que'er really thinks in this direction, he will not do such harm at all. Their affairs.

Although Que'er didn't do anything now, it was a bad thing to betray their whereabouts.

Han Ying was still a little curious, thinking that both Han Zhong and Han Yi had already suspected Que'er.

Why did they Never told yourself that?

"Daddy, there's something I can't figure out. Just now you said that you and Brother Han Zhong have been suspicious of Queer.

But why didn't you tell me? If you had told me earlier.

Maybe I won’t be so emotionally attached to Queer. This way I won't be so sad."

Han Yi heard Han Ying ask this and understood that Han Ying would definitely ask him if she knew the news.

Han Yi felt that now that Han Ying knew these things, there was no need to hide it from Han Ying.

Although Han Yi also I know that even if Han Ying knows about this matter, she will not be able to accept it.

But Han Ying has the right to know the cause of this matter.

So Han Yi thought about it and felt that this matter should still be told to Han Ying

"Han Ying, actually we didn’t mean to hide it from you.

After all, you and Que'er have such a good relationship, and you don't want this incident to distract from your relationship.

Han Zhong and I were also afraid that you would be a little sad, so we chose to hide it from you.

We are also afraid that you will not be able to accept the result, so we choose to just know it ourselves.

But you already know about it now, so it doesn't matter if we don't tell you."

When Han Ying heard what Han Yi said, she felt that Han Yi also understood the feelings between herself and Que'er. She thought that if this was the case, it meant that Han Yi still cared about her very much and did not want to get herself into this fight.

In fact, Han Ying didn't blame Han Yi and Han Zhong for doing this. After all, Han Ying also understood that they did this to protect themselves.

But Han Ying just couldn't accept the result.

Han Ying felt that she was so good to Que'er, How could Que'er do such a thing?

But Han Ying thought about it and felt that Que'er didn't do anything.

He just betrayed their whereabouts and did not cause any harm to them.

Han Ying thought Did Queer ask someone to send their box of silver to them?

Otherwise, how could the money be placed there? Moreover, it was their carriage.

Others would not put their own money in their own car. On someone else's carriage.

Han Ying felt that if this was really the case, then they must have misunderstood Que'er. She felt that she should talk to Han Yi about this matter and see what Han Yi would think.

"Dad, I just remembered that box of silver on our carriage.

Did Que'er betray our whereabouts and want others to send us some money?

I think if this is the case, then we must have misunderstood Queer."

When Han Yi heard what Han Ying said, he thought about it and felt that what Han Ying said made sense.

Han Yi felt that he had never thought about this situation. He always felt that someone else had misplaced the box of silver.

Now that I hear what Han Ying said, I feel that what Han Ying said makes sense. It's possible that Que'er really asked someone to do it.

If it was really Que'er, then he had misunderstood Que'er, wouldn't he have hurt Que'er? His heart?

But Han Yi has already said those words now. Even if Que'er will be sad, he has already said it.

Besides, there is still no way to determine whether Que'er has done anything to hurt them.

I think we should observe Que'er's reaction first.

If Que'er's reaction is particularly violent, it means that he must have wronged Que'er.

If Que'er's reaction is relatively normal, it means that he has not wronged Que'er.

Han Yi feels that it cannot be because of Que'er 's reaction. , Queer believed Queer after doing a good deed.

Maybe Queer did this just to gain their trust, and then do something to hurt them.

Han Yi felt that if this was the result, he would end up I just found out, wouldn’t I regret it?

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