"In fact, when I heard the two of you say this, I still felt a little uncomfortable. I felt that I was not doing well enough, so I let people around me betray me one by one.

If that wasn't the case, why would they leave me? I think it might be my own fault. I should know why they left me?

Only in this way can I avoid this situation from happening again. If those people I trained leave me one by one, then who will be able to help me in the future.

I also know that what you said is for my own good, and you also hope that I can be safer and have some true friends in the future.

But I also want to know why my friends left me, so that I can make more friends and have more people willing to protect me and help me."

Han Ying felt very uncomfortable when she heard her father say this. She felt that there was no problem with her father's life, it was just those people who had problems.

Han Ying felt that Han Yi was very good to everyone, but those People are dissatisfied, so they leave their father.

None of this has anything to do with their father, it’s just that those people are too difficult to be satisfied. So when Han Ying saw this side of Han Yi, she felt very sad and felt that she was She feels very sorry for her father.

If this happened to her, she would collapse, let alone her father.

But Han Ying didn't know how to persuade her father. After all, she was Han Yi's friend in this matter. Han Yi must figure it out on his own.

No matter how others try to persuade Han Yi, he won't know, and he won't know what other people are thinking. Only he can figure it out.

Han Ying feels We should still give Han Yi some time to think about it by himself.

"Brother Han Zhong, the two of us should give dad some time. After all, he has endured such a big thing and he can't bear it.

We have to give him some time to understand, so that he can know that we are doing this for his own good.

If this happened to us, we ourselves would collapse, let alone my dad.

We have said what we should say, and I believe that Dad can understand our painstaking efforts and will consider the problem from our perspective, so that he will know whether Yangyao has changed.

I feel that if this happened to us, we might not be as calm as our father."

When Han Zhong heard what Han Ying said, he felt that he really couldn't bear such a big thing. If someone around him betrayed him and hurt himself, he would definitely have some collapse.

And he wouldn't be like Han Zhong. Yi is so calm and calm. Although Han Yi doesn't believe this situation, but give Han Yi some time, Han Yi will definitely be able to figure it out. Han

Zhong feels that no matter who this thing happens to, it is very embarrassing. After all, this man and I used to be brothers who were born and died, and no one can accept the sudden change.

What about Han Yi? I feel that Han Yi should be given some time to let Han Yi understand it, so that he can Can know that Han Ying and Han Zhong are sincerely thinking about him

"Han Ying, if you tell me this, we should really give Han Yi some time. How about this, I will carry you back to the car and have a rest. After all, you are very tired from the car ride.

I think the most important thing now is to protect your body. After all, you can no longer bear it. I see that you have noticed signs of discomfort.

If this continues for a long time, you will definitely become more and more serious, and Han Yi will definitely be more worried by then.

If you don't want Han Yi to worry so much, you should take care of your body and don't let your body suffer any more problems.

I know this matter has nothing to do with you at all, and you don't want your body to be like this, but I think if you can get enough rest, you might be able to relieve yourself."

Han Ying heard what Han Zhong said and felt that what Han Zhong said was reasonable. She felt that her body was showing signs of discomfort. It might be because she was too tired during this period.

When she met them, they had been working out in the car during this period, and they were not feeling well at all. It is normal for your body to have problems after you have had a good rest.

I feel that if I can get enough rest, my condition may be improved, and my uncomfortable situation can be alleviated.

Just let Han Ying go now Han Ying was worried about resting. After all, her father was in this state now. What would his father do if he left? He felt that if he really wanted to rest, he must let his father and Han Zhong be in the car together. , only when you see them like this can you feel more at ease.

"Brother Han Zhong, if you let me rest now, I may not be able to rest. After all, I still can't worry about my father.

If you really want to rest, you and dad must be in the car together. Only when I see you can I rest peacefully.

Otherwise, how could I leave in this situation? After all, it makes me feel very distressed to see my father like this.

What if something goes wrong during my break? There is no way I can see my father again. I know there are some signs of discomfort in my body now, but I don’t know the specific reasons.

I also want my body to get better, at least not in an uncomfortable state. But I have no way to control it at all. It may also be because I didn't get a good rest during this period.

During this time, we have been traveling non-stop, so it is normal to feel uncomfortable. You don't have to worry too much.

It's better not to tell dad about this situation, otherwise dad will definitely be worried.

I know my own body well. Although I am a little uncomfortable, it is not to the point where I cannot bear it."

Han Zhong felt very sad when he saw Han Ying like this. He felt that he couldn't help them at all. Although he could help them solve some danger, Han Ying's behavior made him feel very distressed.

Han Ying is now We have already reached this point, and we are still worried about Han Yi's comfort. I still feel very sorry for Han Ying, and I feel that it would be great if I could help Han Ying solve some problems.

In this way, Han Ying will not have to work so hard, and You can also take a good rest.

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