Han Ying understood that what Han Zhong said was for her own good, and Han Ying could only nod silently.

If it were normal times, he would never be so obedient, but now he knows it very well in his heart.

These guards of his are also for his own good.

What's more, he, Han Zhong, has been with him since he was a child.

After so many years, how could he harm himself?

The most important thing is that his body really doesn't allow him to be so arrogant now.

It was better last night. I lived alone in a small tent without any accidents. But after their urgent march tonight, who can know what will happen?

And now we are getting closer and closer to Yongzhou. So it's better to be careful about everything.

And he will never allow anyone to threaten his father because of his own problems.

"Don't worry, Han Zhong, I know this matter better than anyone else, and how I should do it, and I also know it better than anyone else at this time.

In this situation, how should I handle it? My father has always been a superior person and will never allow him to be implicated in any way because of my problems.

Don't worry, I will stay with my father tonight. How can I not understand at this time?

My father was able to bring me out, so he had the consciousness to bring me out, and I must be obedient.

I can't let my father worry with me because of my own problems, and I can't let my father get angry with me because of my problems.

What's more, the various problems we are facing now are also very helpless.

Being so close to Yongzhou, who knows how Wang Meng's men or Liu Zhang's men will come to rescue them?

After all, who are they with? How could the two of them ignore death after being around them for so many years?

And I know that you have to guard against all of this, so I won’t cause you any trouble at this time, and I won’t cause any trouble to you at the same time."

Han Zhong knows that his young lady is always so well-behaved and obedient. At the same time, he also understands that his young lady also has a lot on her mind.

At this time, it is really amazing that his young lady can understand all this. It is a very difficult thing.

What's more, in this situation, the young lady should be able to understand the general's thoughts if he comes along.

When he saw his young lady being so obedient and obedient, Han Zhong couldn't help but reach out and touch her. soft hair

"Miss, you are so great, we can really feel your kindness, and for a good child like you, how can we not know how well-behaved and obedient you are?

And don’t worry, miss, we will definitely treat you well at this time, and we will definitely let you feel the rewards of your gentleness and kindness."

Han Zhong slowly walked around his camp with Han Ying. When he saw the chef's fire-headed army cooking there, Han Zhong couldn't help but be very curious. What did these big-headed soldiers eat in their daily life? What are they?

She followed the chief cook and looked at the ordinary soldiers. After their dinner, Han Ying couldn't help but feel helpless.

These ordinary soldiers were really suffering. They only had to boil cabbage in water and put it away. A little salt, and the staple food is two dry biscuits.

This kind of food is really a delicacy for ordinary citizens like them. You must know that when they are at home on weekdays, even these dry We can't even eat pancakes.

And it's really difficult to have a full meal now.

Among Han Yi's troops, these soldiers can eat eighty cents full, which is considered a very good thing for Han Yi. He is capable, and Han Yi's current ability can already make him feel very hard.

In some other places, those people have never given their soldiers enough to eat..

The food for them is even worse, not as good as that of Han Yi and others.

At this time, Han Yi also knew very well that in this situation, it was really unbelievable that he could do this. It's easy. Han Ying couldn't help but feel helpless after seeing such food.

After wandering around for a while, Han Ying returned to Han Yi, glanced at her father, and asked

"Dad, why do you think those people are serving as soldiers? Isn't it just to have enough food to have some inflammation in the house? How much money do you people give them every day, or how much money do you give them every month?

Are soldiers in our family much better off than people in other places? In the past, I had heard that soldiers in other places could only give them a penny a month.

How much can daddy buy with one coin? If they served as soldiers in our family, would they be able to earn as much?

Can their money support their family? Seeing them like this, I really felt very sad and helpless for them.

The food I saw them eating just now was really unpalatable.

The staple food is dry pancakes and some boiled cabbage. Can I feel full if I add some salt?"

Han Yi touched his daughter lovingly. Now he can really know his daughter clearly, but he doesn't understand anything.

And it seems that his daughter doesn't even know the sufferings in the world. This is really too much. It’s not easy anymore.

It seems that in the future, his daughter should be able to let him experience more the dangers and hardships of life, so that his daughter can worry more about national affairs. In this way, he can let himself My daughter can learn more from now on, and I can also hope that my daughter can get more everything.

Han Yi feels that his daughter is really a very obedient and well-behaved good child, and his daughter is The most compassionate person in the world

"My daughter, you really don’t understand this society, and you don’t know how those people outside live. My good child, if you know how those people live now, you will understand.

This is what their father gave them. It is really enough, but they do not know how to cherish it."

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