"How can you treat me like this? I have never done anything wrong, and the things I did were just to live up to my own conscience. It seems now.

You people are really abominable, and you people really don’t understand why we do this?

You, Han Yi, can do it for your wife and children, but can't I do it for my children? For my children, is this wrong? As you are now, I really have nothing to say.

If you really want to do this, then just do it directly. Anyway, after my family members die, those gold and silver jewelry may not be able to benefit other people.

And those gold and silver jewelry are directly cheaper. Those who don't care are much better than making them cheaper for a person like you."

Listening to Liu Zhang's words, Han Yi could tell that he was really planning to smash the jar to the ground. At this time, Wang Meng in another tent had already done all these things directly. Han

Yi After Zhong heard the news, he felt a lot more relieved. After all, his young lady was thinking about these things.

Han Zhong came quietly, came to Han Ying's side, and looked at Han Ying's charming face. Said like

"Miss, what can she do if she doesn't say anything? That Wang Meng has already told his location. There is a particularly large cave in the back of the mountain where they rebelled.

It is filled with all the gold and silver jewelry that Liu Zhang got back, and there are still a lot of things in it, so if you really want it, I will definitely get it back for you when you have the chance. What do you say?

It was already very late now, and we already knew the hiding place, so there was no need for the two of them to keep it.

That Wang Meng can be regarded as a wallflower, and he doesn't seem to be a good person at ordinary times, so at this time, there is no need to think so much about it.

The most important thing is that he is able to know so much, and he is able to explain it all in such a way, which is really rare.

You should be able to understand it now, okay, I have told you everything, so just go ahead and be direct. Go back and rest. Look at the bird waiting for you there."

Han Ying looked at Han Zhong in disbelief and asked him.

"Is what you said true? Is it really like this? If you dare to lie to me, you see I won't deal with you very much."

Han Zhong couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard Han Ying's little voice and his warning words. For the answer she got.

How could he lie to others casually? The reporter said that these things originally belonged to him, Liu Zhang, and if people like them could get it, it would be a very lucky thing. If they couldn't get it, forget it.

And there was no need for him to deceive here. Han Ying, not to mention if he deceived this Han Ying, he would feel very guilty in his heart

"Okay, don't worry, I won't lie to you. Go back to bed quickly."

Han Yi asked after watching Que'er take away Han Ying.

"Is this old immortal thing really in that place?"

"yes general"

"Okay, let's just rest tonight. Let's get up early tomorrow and go there to take a look.

After arriving at Yongzhou City, I hung both of them on the city wall. I wanted to see how arrogant they were.

At the same time, I also want to see how powerful they are, but I don't even know that my coach was stolen secretly.

And it's been so long, and there hasn't been any news at all. This is really incredible, isn't it? Those people didn't care about the two of them at all."

Han Yi's culture makes everyone feel a little helpless. They don't know how to answer. After all, they themselves don't know how to say this kind of thing.

If it were their own family's opinion , If they were gone, they would have sent people to look for them in a hurry, but now it can be seen that those people don't care about the two of them at all, otherwise how could they be like this at this time. Let them alone I lost it. Now that I think about it, I still find it very unbelievable.

The night outside was already deep. After Han Yi looked at the sky outside, he said to Vice General Ma and General Wu.

"The same goes for both of you. You guys are up late at night and just wandering around here. I didn’t want to tell you two when I told you this.

After all, if this kind of thing is really known, everyone will know it. By then, my military salary will be gone. You should also be able to understand my situation. After all, I am a relation at this time. With many, many people.

So I hid something from you two, and I am really sorry. Now that I have told you about it.

I hope you can understand my current mood, and I also hope you can understand my current situation. After all, I have to support so many troops.

And for me, there are so many people who need to eat, and they live on me. Do you think that if I don’t get more of these things, wouldn’t they be able to survive?"

Vice General Ma and General Wu don't think there is anything wrong with this matter, and you must know that this kind of thing is what he should do as a general. What's more, what they have done is enough to I can feed so many people, so now I hear these words from Han Yi. Vice General Ma waved his hand and said

"General, we all understand very well what you said, and general, we can all understand that some of your difficulties are not easy.

After all, for those of us who rely on you to eat every day, and even if we don’t have so much military pay, just eating for so many of us is a big expense, and I understand all this.

Maybe if it were us, we wouldn't be as good as you. Don't worry, we people have absolutely no other ideas.

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