Diao Chan knew that what Han Ying said now was very reasonable, and at the same time she could understand what kind of person her daughter was.

At this time, my daughter will never say anything else, not to mention that my daughter will never do any dangerous things at will, not to mention that this matter was also done with Han Yi's consent. , that’s why.

But as a mother, how could she not worry?

If you say you're not worried, it's all lies and you're lying to yourself.

And he is very clear about how outstanding his daughter is.

But his young age made him feel unbearable.

Diao Chan couldn't help but want to persuade her daughter. After all, it would be really difficult for him at such a young age to really follow him to Yongzhou.

There are many differences in eating, drinking, and eating.

Moreover, Han Yi is a man. How can he compare with himself when he takes care of this child?

But he could also see that Han Ying had made up her mind at this time.

No matter how hard I tried to persuade, I couldn't restore Han Ying's determination.

And Diao Chan can also clearly know that relying on Han Yi and Han Ying's thoughts, even if she persuades them, it will be of no use at all.

The two of them's insistence on going their own way is passed down from generation to generation.

They all have the kind of character that never looks back until they hit the wall. Even Han Ying is the kind of person who wants to break the wall and keep moving forward.

Han Ying looked at the way his mother was hesitant to speak, and he knew that her mother was constantly struggling in her heart, but for him, he didn't feel that what he did this time was so wrong.

Because this time it's not just for him, but also for Han Yi. After all, Han Yi is the head of their family.

As long as Han Yi can gain a foothold in Jizhou City, it will be a great blessing for Han Ying and his family.

Just when Diao Chan was trying to persuade Han Ying, Han Yi was already planning the expedition with his advisers.

Han Yike, who was sitting in the meeting hall, was very different from the man in the back house.

Han Yi always looked so gentle and gentle when facing Han Ying.

You never know how doting your eyes will be, and you will always be able to make people see that spring breeze smile.

But Han Yi sitting in this conference hall had a cold-blooded face. It's hard to bear to look at. Several counselors sitting in this room couldn't help but find it hard to believe when they saw Han Yi's appearance.

Where has the Han Yi who held his daughter and smiled in front of them two days ago gone?

"General, we have enough men and horses this time. We only need to bring 5,000 men and horses. Will you go out personally to bring the others?

As for the food and grass, we have already prepared enough. We have enough food and grass to last for 5 days.

The depression in Yongzhou is now the harvest season. If the army does not have enough food and grass, it can be confiscated on the spot. That side is considered our territory, so we don’t need to bring too much, just enough food and grass."

The most important things for an army to go on an expedition are men, horses and food. Han Yi saw that his counselors had prepared these two, and the rest was easy to get.

And they were also soldiers this time, and the strong generals didn't care about the rest. What 's more, there are Ma family father and son not far from Yongzhou, and it will be very easy to dispatch troops and generals to support their barracks.

"You should check the almanac to see which day is more auspicious for issuing the certificate. Within the last three days or two, we will try our best to find a good day and we will set off as soon as possible.

Otherwise, after a long time, I think the morale of the army will be somewhat weakened.

Moreover, each of our soldiers is very arrogant. When they followed me to Jizhou City, they all felt that they were very great people.

I don’t know how high the sky is and how thick it is. Everyone thinks they are old acquaintances in front of me.

They all want to rely on their past relationships to be here with me, and want to be a small official.

Why don't you think about it? No matter what happens here, I have to rely on my own military merit to speak for myself."

Listening to Han Yi's complaints, several people did not dare to say anything. After all, this kind of thing is not something that they, as counselors, can say whatever they want, and those generals It is true that some of them can occupy a place in Han Yi's military camp by virtue of their military merits.

And Han Yi's current complaints are just some of their own thoughts, At this time, if these counselors dare to complain like Han Yi, Han Yi will lose his temper immediately.

Now, several counselors dare not take a breath, and they are calculating the best time to send troops. And time. But in their hearts, they kept praying to God to help them at this time, let Han Ying come quickly.

Because only the arrival of something can make this Han Yi have a slight smile, isn't it? It's scary like this.

It's just a pity that Han Ying doesn't have the time or mood to take care of these people.

At this time, Han Ying is already packing her luggage. He knows that this This time her father will definitely be able to take her on an expedition.

Because this time she is going on an expedition with the army, so Han Ying feels that she should also check her luggage carefully and not cause trouble for those maids.

Usually when I go out, I have to prepare a lot of things, but this time Han Ying decided to keep everything simple.

He didn't want to bring out such a large pile of luggage casually.

And this time we were going out to fight, not out for fun.

And this time, he had to be by Han Yi's side all the time, so he didn't need too many arrangements for all his food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Que'er was watching from the side, and he was a little helpless at Han Ying's hurried look.

"Miss, what clothes are you going to bring this time? Can I help you get ready? Don't just look at you like this with a sad face, I really feel sorry for you.

Just tell me what you need, and I will help you get it. This time, please take me with you. It can help you organize these. Serving you and the master at the same time."

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