"Is everything you said true?"

Taishan Palace, Chongde Hall.

The young emperor Liu Xie stood up and stared at Yang Xiu below with eyes as big as eggs.

He seemed to be unable to believe that the truth about Liu Biao's death in Jingzhou turned out to be like that!

Cao Cao Liu Biao's concubine, Mrs. Cai.

Mrs. Cai encouraged Cai Mao and joined forces with Cao Cao to do Liu Biao!

(PS: Yang Xiu couldn't find out that it was Cai Mao who joined forces with Mrs. Cai. He just inferred from the population that it was Cai Mao who joined Cao Cao. Cai Madam searched for Cai Mao and came to the conclusion, so it is slightly biased.)

"Absolutely true! Yang

Xiu raised his hand with certainty and affirmation:"Your Majesty, since arriving in Xiangyang, this villain has gone through a lot of hardships and escaped several or even dozens of pursuits. If it weren't for the help of the Xi family in Xiangyang, Maybe we won’t be able to get to the state pastoral office yet."

"When he was in the Prefectural Mufu, the villain pretended to be mute, and relied on the advantage of not happening to hide his northern accent. But after meeting Cao Cao, he knew that he could no longer pretend, so he temporarily Escaped and came back"

"His Majesty!"

Having said this, Yang Xiu leaned over and held up his hands, saying with great sincerity:"I ask your Majesty for your forgiveness for not being able to bring back any witnesses or material evidence, but I can guarantee that everything I said in the hall today is true. , absolutely no lies!"

Suddenly, the civil and military officials in the main hall were confused, and they began to talk about it:

"This is unbelievable. Cai Mao dared to murder Han clan members!"

"Cao Cao has always liked wives. This is true. It is indeed possible that he got together with Liu Biao's concubine, but I can't believe it that he actually got Mrs. Cai pregnant."

"It’s so unconscionable, it’s simply unreasonable!"

"Liu Jingzhou died so tragically, Cai Mao and Cao Cao simply had to die badly!"

"Even if this kind of person is taken out and beheaded a hundred times, it won't be too much!"

"Poor Liu Biao, he struggled all his life in Jingzhou, but in the end he ended up feeding tigers!"


All kinds of abusive voices immediately filled Chongde Hall. no way!

It’s so shocking!

It's almost like a palace spy drama.

This was especially true when Yang Xiu told all his experiences bit by bit!

At the beginning, Xiangyang was closed down, and foreigners were interrogated in various ways.

Later, relying on Pang Degong's relationship, he got into Xiangyang City.

Who would have thought!

The other party's revenge comes so quickly.

Searching Xiangyang City is like digging three feet into the ground. again and again! again and again!......

If it weren't for the help of the Xi family in Xiangyang, Yang Xiu might have been caught by them.

What's even more frightening is that after arriving at the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion, what Yang Xiu heard and saw was simply unbelievable.

Cao Cao and Cai Mao's deeds were all exposed!

At that moment, Yang Biao was secretly relieved.

You know, he almost became a tool used by Cao Cao.

If Han Yi hadn't refused in court, he might have caused a catastrophe.

At this moment!

After listening to his son's words.

He was so frightened that a layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body, and fine beads of sweat rolled down his forehead!


It’s incredible!

"It turns out to be like this!"

Not to mention others, even the little emperor was completely stunned at this moment.

He sat down on the dragon throne, stunned in place like thunder and lightning.

Although, he experienced inhuman treatment in Chang'an , but at least he is safe, no one dares to attack him.

But what about Liu Biao in Jingzhou?

Liu Xie suddenly remembered an emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Han Zhi Emperor Liu Zan!

And his brother. He was killed by Li Ruzhen Hongnong King Liu Bian.

Extremely terrifying!

Absolutely terrifying!

"His Majesty! Yang

Xiu leaned over and cupped his hands and said,"When I left Xiangyang, Cao Cao, Cai Mao and others had already begun to mobilize their troops. They may be going to attack Young Master Liu Qi!""


Liu Xie was stunned.

He raised his steel teeth and his eyes were as wide as bells:"Cai Mao! Cao Cao is a traitor! Do you want to drive out all the Han clan members? Do they really think that this world is already theirs?"

"How unreasonable!"

"This is simply unreasonable!"


Just at this moment, a rapid report sounded outside the hall.

A guard broke in from the outside, leaned over and said,"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the direction of Jingzhou. Cao Cao's troops retreated to Xiangyang. Something may have happened inside Jingzhou!""


The little emperor was stunned.

Sure enough!

Something happened.

Next, Yang Xiu immediately said:"Your Majesty, I think that the reason why the Cao thieves retreated their troops to Xiangyang is because they are afraid that General Han Yi will take advantage of the civil strife in Jingzhou. Attack, so focus on defending Xiangyang!"

"Xiangyang is the gateway to Jingzhou, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Cao Cao must defend Xiangyang to the death. While the war in the northern border of the imperial court has not yet been resolved, he takes the opportunity to kill Liu Biao's remnant, the young master Liu Qi!"

I have to admit.

Yang Xiu is indeed smart and his analysis is very correct.

Han Yi has analyzed the problem very thoroughly without saying a word.

As for what to do with the rest, the little emperor is already on top!

It seems!

The answer is already very obvious

"Han Qing!"

The little emperor turned his head and looked at Han Yi

"I'm here!"

Han Yi took a step forward, leaned forward and cupped his hands.

He glanced at the little emperor.

Sure enough!

This guy's sullen expression showed on his face.

It looked like he wanted to eat Cao Cao and Cai Mao alive!

"Han Qing, will the war in Northern Xinjiang affect your attack on Jingzhou?"

It can be seen from this sentence that at least Liu Xie is still somewhat rational.


Han Yi pondered for a moment and said softly:"Your Majesty, if you say there is no impact, it is false, but if you say there is an impact, it will only have a small impact. After all, these are two armies. As long as food and grass can be supplied, there will be no problem!"

Liu Xie naturally understands.

To the north is Yue Fei, the Yue Family Army!

To the south, there are two soldiers and horses.

One of the soldiers and horses is the general of the Yang family; the other is the hero of Wagang.

Wagang Heroes are used for sneak attacks against Jiangdong.

Of course it’s impossible to move!

Then if we want to move, we can only move the generals of the Yang family.

"What about the food and grass situation? Liu

Xie continued to ask

"Well enough!"

Han Yi replied softly.

The implication is, there is no problem!

"very good! Liu

Xie took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said loudly:"Then I will order you to send troops and horses to attack Xiangyang!" No matter what, I must tear off the heads of Cai Mao and Cao Cao!"

"These two heartless guys!"

"This is simply unreasonable! Han

Yi leaned over and held up his hands and said,"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the general will send an order to send the Yang family generals to go on an expedition!" However, could your Majesty send someone to write a memorandum against the thieves and publish their evil deeds to the public, so that we can become famous?

Liu Xie nodded affirmatively:"Of course it is!""

"Master, is there anyone here who can do it?"

"Your Majesty, I know that one person, with his pen as a rafter, can serve as an army of millions."

"oh? who?"

"Chen Lin!"

"good!" Liu Xie said sonorously,"Then let Chen Lin write it. If you write well, I will reward you greatly!"

"promise!"Yang Biao leaned over and cupped his hands.


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