"Buy and leave!"

"Buy and leave!"




The copper coins kept beating in the bowl.

Yang Xiu listened intently.

When the pottery bowl was slapped on the table, the corners of his lips raised slightly and he smiled faintly.

"Buy and leave!"

"Buy and leave!"


Yang Xiu didn't hesitate and slapped a small amount of money on"big". as expected!

When the pottery bowl is opened.

Big indeed!

Yang Xiu made a fortune and kept the money. this feeling......

Not for a long time.

When I was in Taishan, no one in the casino wanted to play with Yang Xiu.

As long as you are an opponent, you will definitely lose.

But if it was a rivalry with a banker, no casino would welcome Yang Xiu, and everyone would be screwed by him.

If Yang Xiu was not the eldest son of the Hongnong Yang family.


With his gambling skills, he would be beaten to death sooner or later.

Yang Xiu hasn't really gambled for at least seven or eight months.

This time.

He finally had a business trip.

Naturally, you have to let go and have fun. but......

He knows that his strength is amazing.

So, try to keep a low profile so as not to attract attention.

He never plays big games, he always plays small games, just to get addicted to handicrafts.

Although it was a small fuss, in a short time, Yang Xiu had made back all the expenses he had spent along the way. He even made back all the money he had spent on hotels and meals in the next few days.

It feels almost done.

Yang Xiu then picked up the five baht and prepared to leave.


Yang Xiu just walked to the door.

A voice sounded from behind:

"Wait a minute, young master!"

Yang Xiu stopped, turned around and came back.

He saw a man in luxurious clothes, wearing a soap kerchief on his head, a light blue straight train, a white jade tied around his waist, and an exquisite sachet, and he held his hand towards him A salute.

Yang Xiu is not stupid!

Judging from the other party's clothes, he must be a kid from a rich family.

However, Yang Xiu can't feel the smell of copper on the other party. On the contrary, there is a faint elegance.


Judging from the other party's decent behavior , we can also get clues.


This person, like himself, is also a Confucian scholar.

I just like to block those two.

Just this moment.

Many judgments of this person flashed through Yang Xiu's mind.

"Are you looking for me?"

Yang Xiu pretended not to know and asked calmly.


The man nodded and waved his hand in an invitation:"I would like to ask, sir, if you are interested in getting together in the side hall. Let's have some tea together and talk about this gambling skill.""

"Since the young master came in, I have been attracted by it. I have been observing the young master for a long time. You have played three kinds of games in total, about two or three times each time. This time, you won all the games and did not lose any of them!"

"Such magical skills are truly admirable. The man bowed his head in salute and said in an extremely respectful manner:"To be honest, I have been hanging out in various casinos in Xiangyang all year round. Anyone with good gambling skills is familiar with a certain person, but only Mr......."

While talking.

The man shook his head:"I have never seen this before. Just a few words from Young Master just made me more sure. He is a foreigner, and his accent sounds like he was born in Sili.""

"Not sure if that's right?"

Yang Xiu couldn't help but be stunned.

He really didn't expect that he could meet such an interesting person in a place like a casino.

After looking him up and down, Yang Xiu raised his lips slightly:"What else do you know?

The man smiled and said,"I know a little bit about it, but it may be a little inconvenient to say it here. I wonder if the young master can appreciate it. How about we talk to each other in the hall?"

Yang Xiu nodded:"Okay!"

The man waved his hand to make a petition:"Master, please come this way!""

Yang Xiu walked to the side hall.

The two sat across from each other. An attendant had already prepared tea.

It was obvious!

The other party had already set his sights on him.

Yang Xiu couldn't help frowning and making random guesses in his mind.

Could it be possible?......

Is he really just trying to learn gambling?

Or maybe there is another purpose.

This is not because Yang Xiu is overly concerned, but because he has a mission after all, so he cannot but pay enough attention to it.

"I'm Xi Zhen, the Xi family in Xiangyang"

"I don’t know the young master’s surname?"

Xi Zhen bowed and held his hands in humility.

"Xi family?"

Yang Xiu did his homework before coming here.

Although there are many noble families in Xiangyang, the Cai family is the largest, followed by the Kuai family, Pang family, and Huang family, followed closely.

Some people call them the four major families in Xiangyang. Four families.

But there is another family, which is also a local wealthy family and is quite famous.

It is the Xi family!

The ancestor of the Xi family is called Xi Yu.

He was named the Marquis of Xiangyang because of his meritorious service in following the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu, returned home in rich clothes, and was named the Marquis of Xiangyang. As a result, the family became a local wealthy family in Xiangyang.

As a wealthy family, there must be a manor.

Xi Yu admired Fan Li, a famous scholar in the Spring and Autumn Period. He admired Fan Li's stories to the point of extreme admiration.

He wrote a"Fish Farming Classic" and was regarded as a fish farmer in our country. A professional book on fish.

Xi Yu read this book and was very envious of the life in it. Therefore, in his manor, he followed Fan Li and built an artificial pool, known as the Xijia Pool!

The story of the Xi family flashed through Yang Xiu's mind.

Watch Come!

The young man in front of you should be a descendant of the Xi family.

"I'm Yang Xiu."

Yang Xiu bowed his head simply.

"Yang Xiu?"

Xi Zhen frowned slightly, and also realized something:"Could it be that the young master is Yang Xiu, the young master of the Yang family in Hongnong, Sili?

Yang Xiu nodded:"It's me!""

Xi Zhen was greatly amazed, his eyes shining:"I never expected that the young master is Yang Xiu! Nice to meet you! Yang

Xiu nodded, smiled lightly, and responded:"I wonder what else Mr. Xi knows?" Xi

Zhen raised the corners of his lips slightly and rolled his eyes:"If it was just a guess before, now I am 50 or 60% sure!""


Yang Xiu couldn't help but be shocked:"What confidence?""

Xi Zhen said calmly:"Recently, the situation in Xiangyang has been changing. The city gates are being inspected every day, but there have been no results. I have a friend who is the captain of the city gate in Xiangyang."

"listen to him......"

"The higher-ups are looking for foreigners recently. As long as they are not from Jingzhou, they will all be subject to strict interrogation, even merchants coming and going. If the young master can appear here, he must have escaped the interrogation!"

"I think......"

Xi Zhen's eyes were fixed on Yang Xiu, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised:"Mr. Yang, it must be Mr. Pang who let him in, right?"

At this moment!

Yang Xiu's heart stirred up waves.

He really didn't expect that he had gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers before arriving in Xiangyang.

He was not discovered by Cai Mao's people, but was discovered by someone who didn't expect it? but......

Although he was shocked inside, there was no change of color on his face.

This is the benefit of year-round gambling.

Regardless of whether the other party was cheating or he had truly guessed it, Yang Xiuquan responded calmly and at the same time began to think of countermeasures.

He sipped the tea and looked calm.

"If the young master doesn't answer, then he is acquiescing."

Xi Zhen seemed to be more aggressive. He gave Yang Xiu a casual comment.


Immediately afterwards, he added:"But Mr. Yang, don't worry, our Xi family has always been peaceful and has never been involved in the affairs of the Cai family. It's just that the situation in Xiangyang has been too treacherous recently, which aroused my interest.""


"Pang Degong and the Cai family broke up for no reason, which made me even more suspicious. By chance, I met my wife here, which suddenly made me enlightened! Yang

Xiu put down the tea cup and exhaled a breath:"Is my news valuable?""

Xi Zhen was a little confused by this sudden question.

But immediately!

He looked up to the sky and laughed,"This......I’m really not sure! Although I like gambling, I only do it for fun. In fact, I am not very interested in money."

Yang Xiu did not find murderous intent in Xi Zhen.

Moreover, according to his previous homework, the Xi family is indeed relatively indifferent to fame and fortune.

Otherwise, with the initial strength of the ancestors of the Xi family, if they work hard to climb up, they may not be able to do anything at all. What happened to the Cai family?

After all, he was the Marquis of Xiangyang!

During the reign of Emperor Guangwu, the Cai family in Xiangyang was nothing compared to the Xi family!

Yang Xiu smiled calmly:"In that case, the young master came to me, is it really for gambling skills? ? Xi

Zhen nodded:"Of course it is. I'll tell you the truth. Although I like to gamble a little, I lose nine times out of ten, so I always want to find a suitable person to learn gambling skills.""

"I got to meet the young master today, and I’ve met the right person."

"oh? Yang Xiu said softly,"Then what do you like to play?" Dice?"

"This is the most played."Xi Zhen didn't hide it," but he lost the most miserably."

"certainly! Yang

Xiu casually took out the dice and threw it to the opponent:"I've been following this dice for ten years. No matter how you shake it, as soon as it hits the ground, I will know the score!""


Xi Zhen frowned:"Is that really the case?

Yang Xiu nodded:"If you don't believe it, you can try it!""

Xi Zhen ordered his attendants:"Get the bowl.


Xi Zhen put the two dice in the bowl and shook them vigorously.

They fell to the ground with a bang.

"What time is it?"

"Three-five, eight o'clock! Xi

Zhen opened the bowl and was shocked:

"Is it really eight o'clock?"

He doesn't believe in evil.

Keep rolling the dice.


"Two six, eight o'clock."

Open it!

It's true again.

Xi Zhen frowned and sighed:"Mr. Yang, how did you do it?

Yang Xiu smiled calmly:"It's nothing, I just feel familiar with it!" It has been with me for more than ten years. On weekdays, my father is busy and has no time to care about me. I can only play with it, so I developed this habit of taking it with me wherever I go."


Xi Zhen let out a long sigh:"Then can I be as good as the young master in a short period of time?"

Yang Xiu took a deep breath and frowned:"If we start practicing from now on, it will take as little as three years and as many as seven or eight years. Maybe it can be done, this thing depends not only on the method, but also on the talent!"

"I have summed up a set of methods myself, and I have taught them to others, but few people can learn them. Even if they can learn them, it is difficult to make accurate judgments in situations like casinos!"

Xi Zhen nodded slowly.


The casino is really noisy, and it is really difficult to judge the dice by listening to the sound.

"I wonder if you would be willing to teach me?"

"Can! Yang Xiu nodded,"I'm also very happy to have one more gambling friend.""

"That's not as good as......"

Xi Zhen became interested and was about to say something.


An attendant came back outside and whispered a few words.

Xi Zhen immediately frowned and sighed:"Mr. Yang, it seems that you are in trouble!"


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