There are always more solutions than difficulties!

This is the principle that Han Yi has always believed in.

Of course. more importantly.

Han Yi does have this ability now.

Even if there is no way, you can create a way.

Even if you don't have the ability, you can still change the Dharma if you have the ability.

Ma Teng!

Han Yi pondered for a moment and raised the corners of his lips slightly:

"Fengxiao, do you think we can give him some sweetness first and stabilize him?"

Why does Guo Jia need anyone? He has naturally thought of this method:

"My lord, it is indeed okay to give him some sweetness, but I think that if we push Cao Cao too hard, he may have a way to destroy this short-term stability."

"No matter what."

Guo Jia took a deep breath and exhaled slowly:"I believe that now we should put safety first and not open too many battlefields. Although we are powerful, the risk of doing so is too high."

At this moment,

Liu Ji leaned over and raised his hands and said:"My lord, I agree with Feng Xiao's point of view. We are now the most powerful. As long as we fight steadily, we can kill them all!"

"If we are too radical and open three battlefields, if there is a problem in any of them, we will be plunged into a situation of no return. This is really too dangerous. Xun

You also followed up and said:"Yes, we should focus on pacifying Northern Xinjiang. At worst, we will hand over Jingzhou to Cao Cao. The current situation is enough for Cao Cao to drink!""

"on the contrary!"

"If we forcibly open the battlefield in Jingzhou and force Cao Cao to be too ruthless, he will probably collude with Ma Teng and Han Sui in Jingzhou and send their cavalry south to attack Sili Luoyang!"


"Once Sili Luoyang is defeated, Sishui Pass will not be able to be defended. As long as Sishui Pass is gone and Yanzhou's gate is open, we have no soldiers and horses here, how can we withstand it?"

At this point, Xun You leaned over and held up his hands and said:"So, I have the same opinion as Feng Xiao and Bowen, we still have to work steadily. As long as we can resolve the matter in Northern Xinjiang this year, then we will have been very successful."

"Of course!"

"If we use a little bit of means to plunge Jingzhou into chaos, then we will be more successful. When spring comes next year and the world melts, we can lead our troops southward and sweep across the land of Jingyang in one fell swoop. Then the world will be settled."

The three main counselors all disagreed.

Han Yi felt somewhat unhappy. After all, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Cao Cao's ability cannot be judged by common sense.

This point.

From the time he left the desperate situation again and again, , you can see it.

Han Yi thought that as long as Cao Cao was given a chance, he would be able to gradually have the opportunity to compete with Han Yi like he did in Yuzhou!

Han Yi must never allow this againthings happen!

It’s not that he can’t defeat Cao Cao! just feel......

This is the true sure way.

As for Xiliang Ma Teng?


To be honest, Han Yi didn't take him to heart at all!

Except for Ma Chao and Pang De, who can be called heroes, the others are not worth mentioning at all. but......

No matter how awesome Ma Chao is.

In Han Yi's eyes, he is just a scumbag.

"okay! Han

Yi waved his hand and exhaled:"This matter is still early and can be discussed later. If it really doesn't work, we just don't send troops!""

Guo Jia seemed to have expected that something was wrong.

But he had nothing to do. After all, Han Yi was the lord. Even if he did something wrong, Guo Jia could only help him solve the problem in the wrong direction.


Early next morning.

The rooster crows the dawn, and the morning glow fills the sky.

Taishan Palace.

Chongde Hall.

The little emperor sat at the head, and under him the civil and military officers were arranged on both sides.

Accompanied by a burst of bells and drums, the court meeting officially began

"If you have something to do, go to court early; if nothing happens, leave the court."

Zhang Xu took a step forward and raised his voice.

"I have a plan to report!"

Underneath, Grand Tutor Yang Biao took a step forward, cupped his hands and clasped his fists:"Your Majesty, yesterday the Chancellery received a report from Jingzhou, saying that Liu Biao, the state pastor, died suddenly, and that Liu Cong, the pastor of Jingzhou, should take over the throne!"

"Liu Cong?

The little emperor frowned:"I vaguely remember that Liu Biao's eldest son should be Liu Qi, right?" Yang

Biao bowed his hands and said,"Your Majesty remembered correctly. Liu Biao's eldest son is indeed Liu Qi. He should be in Jiangxia at this time, but the letter mentioned that Liu Qi's behavior was not good enough and he had no reputation in Jingzhou. Liu Biao wanted to appoint his youngest son Liu Cong to succeed him.""

What a similar scene this is!

The little emperor couldn't help but think of what happened back then.

You know, before Liu Hong died, he wanted to pass the throne to himself.

However, because the He family was too powerful, Such a wish finally came true. The throne of the emperor was still inherited by his idiot brother.

To be honest,

Liu Xie was somewhat disappointed at that time.

He had no mother since he was a child and was raised by Empress Dowager Dong. Big.

He relied on his intelligence and wisdom to gradually gain a foothold in the palace.


In the end, he still couldn't compete with his brother who was always frivolous and without dignity.

If it weren't for Dong Zhuo, he wouldn't even be able to do it in this life. Became the emperor.

Therefore, when Liu Xie heard Yang Biao's words, his memories of that year were immediately brought back.

In fact, at this time,

Liu Xie brought himself into Liu Cong.

The scene back then is different from now. The scene that happened in Jingzhou was so similar.

Liu Xie took a long breath and nodded slowly:"What the tutor said makes sense. If Liu Qi is frivolous and has no dignity, then the good situation in Jingzhou will probably be ruined." on his hands"

"I thought......"

Before he finished speaking, another voice suddenly remembered:

"His Majesty! Just then ,

Han Yi took a step forward, bowed and raised his hands and said:"Since ancient times, the elders have been established instead of the young. Once the young are established, disaster will happen. This is nature. Your Majesty must not go against heaven!""

"Master! Han

Yi turned to look at Yang Biao, frowned and said,"When you received this report, didn't you think carefully about why it was like this?""

"According to my understanding of Jingzhou, Liu Qi is not the dandy Cai Mao calls him, but a handsome young man who is well-known in Jingzhou. Liu Biao has always trained him as his successor!"

"Grand Tutor, are you being a little thoughtless by reporting this to His Majesty like this?

Yang Biao frowned:" This......" indeed!

He has not investigated.

However, it also arrived with Cao Cao's letter.

Back then, he had a friendship with Cao Cao, and he always felt that Cao Cao's words would never lie.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Biao chose to believe Cao Cao without too much consideration. only......

What he didn't expect was even more.

Han Yi actually raised objections.

Moreover, Yang Biao was directly put at the forefront of the storm.

"Taifu, you are Taifu!"

"You have such a big responsibility, shouldn't you investigate it in advance?"

"Believing others at will has become a tool to mislead His Majesty!"


Having said this, Han Yi snorted:"You are not very qualified as a tutor!"

Yang Biao was shocked!

Han Yi's ability to go online is really awesome.

Just a simple matter can actually involve his official position.

If Han Yi is proven to be correct, wouldn't it also prove that Yang Biao, the tutor, is incompetent.

In other words

Yang Biao should resign from His Majesty


The little emperor also felt that something was inappropriate and hurriedly stopped him:"Does Sikong have any evidence?""

"Of course!"

Han Yi did not hesitate, took over the conversation directly, and said in a low voice:"Your Majesty, according to what I know, although Liu Biao's health has been a little bad recently, he is not at risk of dying suddenly."

"His sudden death was a bit strange!"


The little emperor was curious:"What do you mean?" Han

Yi explained:"It's very simple. Liu Biao was not killed suddenly, but was murdered. And the murderer was none other than Cai Mao, the governor of Jingzhou!""


The little emperor was stunned for a moment:" This......How can this be?"

The civil and military officials in the palace were also extremely confused and immediately fell into discussion:

"Impossible, would Cai Mao murder Liu Biao?"

"I remember that Cai Mao was the hero who welcomed Liu Biao. How could he murder Liu Biao?"

"Moreover, I have heard that Liu Biao's wife Cai is Cai Mao's sister. In other words, Liu Biao is Cai Mao's brother-in-law. They are a family. Could Cai Mao murder Liu Biao?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I won't believe it even to death!"

"Yes, I don’t believe it anyway!"

"If this is really the case, then Cai Mao will be struck by thunder!"


There was a lot of discussion among civil and military officials.

But the vast majority of voices are negative.

They simply didn't believe that based on the relationship between Liu Biao and Cai Mao, how could Cai Mao be the murderer! impossible!

This is absolutely impossible!

Yang Biao waved his hand and said softly:"Jiaheng, did you hear that? Liu Biao is Cai Mao's brother-in-law. They are related by marriage. How could Cai Mao murder Liu Biao? This is pure nonsense!" The little emperor followed suit. He nodded:"Yes, I don't believe that Cai Mao would murder Liu Biao!"

"snort! Han

Yi snorted softly and exhaled a breath:"What you are saying here are all taken for granted. They are just wild guesses based on superficial phenomena. There is no evidence at all!""

"If you have paid attention to the situation in Jingzhou, you should know that Liu Biao has begun to distrust Cai in recent years. He promoted a large number of famous people in Jingzhou to check and balance Cai's power."

"For example, Han Song, Liu Xian, Liu Pan, Huang Zu and others are all forces that check and balance the Cai family, especially Liu Pan and Huang Zu. One occupies Jiangxia and the other occupies Jiangling. They all have heavy troops!"

"You know, Cai Hao is the chief governor of Jingzhou. In the past, all the troops and horses in Jingzhou were managed by Cai Hao. At that time, Cai Hao was a real genius."

"but now! When Han

Yi said this, his eyes fell on Yang Biao:"Cai Mao has fewer troops, the area he is responsible for is smaller, and the strength of his men has been almost divided."

"Taifu, do you think Cai Hao would sit back and wait for death in this situation?"

"Although he is Liu Biao's in-law, Liu Biao checks and balances him first. Isn't it easy for Cai Mao to counterattack behind?"

"Now, Liu Biao cultivates Liu Qi as his successor, so all the power he has newly promoted is in the hands of Liu Qi. Naturally, Cai Mao wants to support Liu Cong to take over. Will he let Liu Qi take over?"

Yang Biao wilted immediately.

To be honest!

He really didn't pay attention to the situation in Jingzhou.

He didn't know that there was such deep water hidden under the calm and peaceful appearance of Jingzhou.

If what Han Yi said is true , then in a sense, he has been used by Cao Cao.


Why did Cao Cao use him?

Although Yang Biao didn't know whether Han Yi was right or not.

But if he followed his train of thought, Yang Biao felt suddenly enlightened.

Because he knew that when Cao Cao was the Northern Lieutenant of Luoyang, it was Cai Mao who went with him to seek the position!

They were childhood friends. more importantly.

Now Cao Cao is attached to Liu Biao and has a close relationship with Cai Mao.

Moreover, Cao Cao was a poor man. He really needed to occupy a state as soon as possible before he could compete with Han Yi. After all, Cao Cao had been defeated by Han Yi many times. perhaps......

Han Yi investigated the truth of the incident because of his investigation into Cao Cao. hiss~~~

Think of this.

Yang Biao couldn't help but gasped, his scalp suddenly numbed and his back a chill.

Somehow, he had a feeling!

This time!

Indeed he was wrong.

And it was so wrong! a long time!

Yang Biao remained silent.

The little emperor at the head couldn't hold it in anymore, and he said something out of curiosity:

"However, they are relatives after all! How could Cai Mao do such a thing!"

"When Liu Biao died, his sister became a widow. What good would this do to him?"


Han Yi could only say that the little emperor was mentally retarded.

He was not polite and turned around and said:

"Your Majesty, in the struggle for power, who is not close to the other by flesh and blood?"

『Han Yi bites these four words very hard.

It was like a sharp steel knife, piercing the little emperor's heart hard.


The little emperor recalled the scene that year.

The palace is bloody and murderous! indeed!

Who is not close to whom by flesh and blood?

For that position, they are willing to kill their own relatives.

Some people can even kill their biological father, biological mother, and biological brothers for the sake of power!

All of a sudden!

The little emperor also fell silent.

Han Yi's words really hurt him deeply.

Of course, Han Yi was only talking about Liu Cong. It was just the little emperor himself who brought himself into the scene of that year.

"His Majesty! Han

Yi clasped his hands and said sincerely:"Wei Chen believes that this matter should not be acted out of emotion. Your Majesty cannot become Cai Hao's accomplice and put the people of Jingzhou under the control of that devil.""

"So what do you think it should be?"

The little emperor exhaled a breath, raised his eyes and looked at Han Yi

"If your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can send someone to Jingzhou to have a look!"

Han Yi said something directly, and then added:"However, I know this matter very well. If Your Majesty believes Wei Chen, Wei Chen thinks it would be better to reject the request and appoint Liu Qi as Jingzhou Mu!"


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