
Cao Cao stood up, his eyes wide with anger, and said viciously:"Gongsun Zan actually surrendered, damn it, I am afraid no one can stop Han Yi from sweeping Youzhou this time!"


Below, Xun Yu took a step forward and said:"Maybe things are not that bad. Even if Gongsun Zan doesn't surrender, he can't stop Han Yi's troops. All his troops were taken away by Liu Bei!"

"But before Liu Bei could get out of the Bohai Sea, he was stopped by Qin Qiong's troops and all were wiped out. No one was left. Gongsun Zan of Yi Jing had no way to survive unless he surrendered!"


Xun Yu's voice suddenly changed, and he took a deep breath and said:"According to the information sent back from Youzhou, the cavalry of the Yue family army under Han Yi actually wiped out all the Wuhuan cavalry, a team of 500 people."

"This proves that Han Yi's cavalry strength has even surpassed that of Wuhuan's cavalry. According to the current situation, the situation in Youzhou is not optimistic. It may not take two years before Han Yi can unify Northern Xinjiang. Chen

Qun took a step aside and said,"Wen Ruo, don't be too pessimistic. I heard that Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi, went to Wuhuan alone, and presumably formed an alliance with them, preparing to fight against Han together. Yi"

"Bingzhou has steep mountains and numerous passes, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack. Yuan Xi also has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. If Wuhuan's sudden cavalry can attack and attack from both sides, the situation may not be so bad!

Cao Hong also echoed:"The long article makes sense. Besides, Qin Qiong's troops have been transferred to Xuzhou for garrison. There is only one Yue family army left in Youzhou, with a total strength of less than 100,000. It is not that easy to win!""

"Yes, we don't need to worry too much"

"I also think so"

"That's right, Han Yi is careless and underestimates the enemy this time, and he will definitely lose!"

"I thought we still had a chance!"


All the soldiers became optimistic.

After all, Han Yi is really a little too confident this time. To be extremely confident is to be arrogant. Those who are arrogant will inevitably lead to a big defeat!

Xun Yu had a cold face. He silently glanced at the crowd with a look of disdain on his face.

Of course, he remained silent, not because he acquiesced, but because he did not want to undermine their confidence. After all, it is important to have a little confidence in the adverse situation, otherwise how could he survive. if only......

Xun Yu silently turned his head to look at Cao Cao and found that Cao Cao was still stern.

This proves that Cao Cao has not been fooled by this optimistic mood. He knows deeply that Han Yi's move is definitely not out of underestimation of the enemy, but out of true self-confidence!


That's the Wuhuan Tuqi!

Although it is the watchdog of the big man, if the cavalry is not powerful, how can it be qualified as a watchdog?

The cavalry of the Han Dynasty had never been able to fight against the border commanders, but Han Yi unexpectedly went out of his way and easily wiped out hundreds of the opponent's elite cavalry, and all of them were wiped out, not a single one was left!

What does this prove?

It proved that the strength of the cavalry under Han Yi was completely superior to the Wuhuan cavalry.

Although this has something to do with quantity, it has nothing to do with it!

More importantly, the Wuhuan cavalry were more or less composed of Wuhuan people. In other words, they were soldiers when they picked up their weapons, and they were citizens when they put down their weapons. This was an extremely embarrassing state.

And what about the soldiers and horses under Han Yi?

To put it bluntly, they are all professional warriors and do not need to work in agriculture. When they are free, they train soldiers and horses and improve their quality. How can such an army be comparable to the half-soldier and half-civilian cavalry of Wuhuan?

Xun Yu is not optimistic about this.

Cao Cao understood this truth even more.

In fact, Cao Cao is even more pessimistic than Xun Yu. After all, he has been defeated by Han Yi many times. Han Yi is even a terrifying opponent. What can be seen on the surface is usually all fake!

In other words!

The underestimation of the enemy shown by Han Yi now is what he wants you to see, not what he really is.

As for what he really looks like, you can only see clearly when he really shows his fangs. Unfortunately, by then, it will be too late!

Seeing that Cao Cao and Xun Yu remained silent, the entire hall fell into an extreme silence.

This kind of silence is very strange, so strange that you dare not breathe.

Everyone was silent subconsciously. You looked at me, I looked at you. They could only convey their emotions through their eyes, but no one dared to say a word!

It's so......Weird!


Just at this moment, a rapid report sounded outside the hall.

A soldier broke in from outside, leaned forward and said,"My lord, Cai Mao, the governor of Jingzhou, sent someone over. He said he had important matters to discuss. I hope my lord will go there today."

Cai Mao?

Cao Cao took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Ever since he did something foolish that time, Cao Cao no longer dared to go to Xiangyang.

This is not because he is afraid of Cai Mao, but the key is that he is afraid of Liu Biao.

After all, people under the eaves have to bow their heads!

If Liu Biao found out about that kind of thing, he might lose his head!

Perhaps, to avoid suspicion, Cai Mao did not let him go to Xiangyang for a party.

I thought that he had completely lost hope.

But who would have thought that today news suddenly came, asking him to come to Xiangyang to get together. Judging from his tone, the other party seemed to be very anxious. Could it be that something happened?

Cao Cao turned his head and glanced at Chen Qun.

However, Chen Qun shook his head. Apparently, no news about Xiangyang's detailed work had been conveyed.

This further proves the confidentiality of the matter.

Cao Cao did not dare to neglect, took a deep breath and said:"Go and tell that person that I will definitely go there today."

No matter what, he had to go there!

Xun Yu bowed his head and said,"My lord, please be careful."

Cao Cao nodded:"Don't worry, Wen Ruo, if Degui wanted to harm me, I wouldn't be alive until now. I guess something important must have happened. Don't worry.""

"Know! Xun

Yu responded and reminded:"My lord, you'd better take Zhong Kang with you. Zi Lian is here in Wan County, which is enough to handle it. Besides, Han Yi is devoted to Youzhou and can't take care of us at this time.""


Since he was embarrassed last time, Xun Yu asked Xu Chu to follow him wherever Cao Cao went.

In the past, Xu Chu was a general who trained soldiers and horses, but now he has almost become Cao Cao's personal bodyguard.

After handling government affairs,

Cao Cao casually After eating some food, he took Xu Chu and went straight to Xiangyang.

When he arrived at the Governor's Mansion,

Cao Cao took a deep breath and said softly:"Zhongkang, you are waiting outside.

Xu Chu nodded:"Okay!""

Cao Cao straightened his clothes, raised the corners of his lips, and broke out into a faint smile.

He walked to the side hall of the inner courtyard.

Squeak! He opened the door and stepped forward with a smile on his face:"Brother Degui, you are all right!"

Cai Mao frowned, stared at Cao Cao fiercely, and said nothing for a long time.

Cao Cao was a little frightened by this scene, and couldn't help but frowned, took a deep breath and said,"Pogui, what do you mean? Is there anything we brothers can't say directly?"

"Cao Aha!"

Who would have thought that as soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Cai Mao stood up in front of him, grabbed the inkstone on the table, and threw it at Cao Cao:"You did a good job!"


The inkstone hit the ground with a bang.

Cao Cao moved quickly and dodged.

He was also stunned and couldn't help but look at Cai Mao:"Degui, what do you mean? Cai

Mao pointed at Cao Cao's nose and cursed:"Cao Ah Ma, you are simply not a human being. I wish I could eat your flesh, sleep on your skin, and tear you into pieces, but it won't relieve the hatred in my heart!""


"So vicious? Cao

Cao's heart skipped a beat and his eyes rolled:"Degui, if you want me to die, you must at least let me die clearly, right?" What happened, why can't you tell me?"


When the words came to his lips, Cai Hao swallowed them back:"I can't say it!"

Cao Cao was a little confused, but he was not stupid. This kind of unspeakable thing was obviously something that made Cai Hao embarrassed.

He suddenly understood, maybe it had something to do with the ridiculous scene that day:"Degui, is it possible that it has something to do with your sister? Is it possible that Liu Biao knew about our affairs? Are you going to take me?""

"snort! Cai

Mao glared at Cao Cao fiercely:"Cao Ah Man, do you think it would be so troublesome if I wanted to take you?" Although you have 20,000 to 30,000 troops in Wan County, in my eyes, Cai Mao, they are not worth mentioning at all!"

"Isn't this convenient?"

Cao Cao took a deep breath and exhaled slowly:"I'll come here alone, you won't kill me, and then you can recruit my subordinates, killing two birds with one stone, why not?"

"You! Cai Mao was so angry that he was about to smoke:"

What a traitor!" Since it was not his own life, Cao Cao felt relieved, took the initiative to lean in, and said softly:"Degui, what else can't be said between you and me?""

Cai Mao exhaled a breath and sat down slowly.

But even so, he still didn't speak.

Cao Cao was a little waiting.He got impatient:"Degui, if you don't speak again, I have to leave!"

After saying that, he made a gesture to get up and leave.

"you dare!"

Cai Mao glared and shouted sternly.

"Then you say it! Cao

Cao was also helpless:"Is it the sky that has collapsed or the earth that has collapsed? Why can't I say that?" I, Cao Cao, have never seen any big storms, so what worries do you have?"

"All right! Cai

Hao knew it was impossible to hide it, so he said angrily:"My sister is pregnant!""

"Your sister is happy, please leave me alone......"

Cao Cao was a little disdainful at first, but then he immediately froze there, his eyes widened like two bells, and his mouth suddenly opened so wide that it could even fit his fist!


"What are you?"


"What am I!"

Cao Cao's mind went blank. It took a long time before he calmed down slightly:"Don't tell me, that child is mine! Cai

Mao glared at Cao Cao:"My sister and Liu Biao have not had children for so many years. How come she became pregnant the day after I met you?" Don't you want to admit it? Believe it or not, I will arrest you now!"



"Let me take a moment!"

Cao Cao took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Thinking about it carefully, it would be better for Mrs. Cai to be pregnant. This would be more conducive for him to win over Cai Mao. In this way, he and the Cai family would have an in-law relationship. In this way, , it is possible to join forces to overthrow Liu Biao. Thinking of this,

Cao Cao suddenly felt relieved.

Of course, such despicable thoughts cannot be expressed so quickly.

Cao Cao pondered for a moment, but began to ask:"Then......How is your sister? Does Liu Biao know about this? Cai Mao glanced at Cao Cao:"

Do you think Liu Biao can know about this?" He must not know, otherwise would your head still be hanging around your neck?"

"That's good."Cao Cao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"As for my sister! Cai Mao paused and said softly,"She is very confused now and doesn't know what to do. I can see that she is still very happy about the pregnancy.""

Very happy?

Cao Cao was stunned at first, then overjoyed. It should have been right at first. After all, the other party was a woman and already married, so she needed to have a child.

If she couldn't have a child, it would definitely arouse discussion among the people around her.

Even if, Everyone said it was Liu Biao's fault, but damn, Mrs. Cai wouldn't be happy either.

Although she was not in the palace, so she didn't have the embarrassment of a mother being more valuable than a child, but after all, it was her own child, and a woman who had never given birth to a child was not considered a child. It's a woman!

This has always been a regret in her heart, but she didn't expect Cao Cao to help him realize it!


Cao Cao swallowed his saliva and turned to ask,"What are you going to do with Degui?"

Cai Hao exhaled a breath:"I don't know either. It still depends on my sister and how things develop. If it is really a matter of control, If you can't help it, you can only wrong Liu Biao."

Cao Cao naturally understood what Cai Mao meant.

However, he did not want to be too explosive and said hurriedly:"Degui, this matter must be decided as soon as possible. We must not wait until things are out of control, otherwise we will be at the bottom of public opinion and may even cause a civil war."


Cao Cao suggested:"You go do your sister's work. If she wants a child, she must be ruthless and kill Liu Biao, and take Jingzhou into her own hands as much as possible.""

"you mean......"

Cai Mao frowned and said softly

"Degui! Cao

Cao had been planning this for a long time, so he naturally blurted out:"Liu Biao's health is not good now. If your sister agrees, you can add some poison to Liu Biao's food every day. Over time, you can slowly boil it down." Kill him!"

"ah? Cai

Mao was startled:"Cao Ah Ma, you are so cruel.""

Cao Cao took a deep breath and lowered his voice:"If a man is not ruthless, his status will be unstable! You have to think about this matter as soon as possible. Your sister's belly won't wait for anyone. Once it can't be concealed, we will be passive."

"Um. Cai Mao reluctantly agreed:"

I understand. I will communicate this matter with my sister as soon as possible, but you must also be prepared in advance. If my sister disagrees, you should leave Jingzhou as soon as possible. Don't blame me for not reminding you!""

"Degui! Cao

Cao pretended to be pitiful:"Where else do you think I can go now?" If your sister doesn't agree, just let me die with my son. I, Cao Cao, can be considered worthy of her!"


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