There's this kind of thing like strategizing.

For Guo Jia, Liu Ji, and Xun You, it was too simple.

Based on the conditions of the Zhen family, they worked out a rough plan in less than a day.

Zhen Mansion.

In the ancestral hall.

Zhen Yu finished reporting the plan, but before Zhang Ying could express his opinion, Zhen Yan immediately became angry:"Brother, what kind of action plan did you make? They are clearly avenging private revenge!"

"I disagree!"

Zhen Yan waved his hand and frowned suddenly. Zhen Tuo also said:"Yes, this action plan is too unfair for our third brother. If anything happens, third brother, he Maybe I won’t be able to come back!"

"Fourth sister!"

Zhen Yan turned to look at her sister, and said bitterly:"It's not that the third child may not come back, it's that if something unexpected happens, it's impossible to come back!"


Speaking of this, he emphasized again:"There is no need for any accidents. As long as the imperial court sends a large army to fight with the Wuhuan aliens, the secret will definitely be exposed. What do you want the third brother to do then?"

"With his three-legged cat skills, how could he escape from the hands of Yuan Xi and the Xianbei people? Isn't this asking the third brother to die?"

"I disagree!"

"Strongly disagree! Zhen

Yan's words were excited, and he was so angry that he frowned and cursed in a low voice:"These are a group of despicable guys. Isn't it just because we are merchants that they have to teach us a lesson?" Damn it! Zhen

Tuo also exhaled a breath and shook his head:"Brother, this set of action plans you have formulated is indeed not very good. The dangers all belong to our Zhen family, but they only pick up what is ready. How can this be done?""

Businessmen have a habit.

Before every business action, they must evaluate the possible profits and the risks they will encounter.

If the risks are too great or the profits are too small, they are likely to give up the action..but


As the eldest brother and the real pillar of the Zhen family, doesn’t Zhen Yu know this?

However, he still came back with this action plan. What does this prove?

"Do you think I want this? Zhen

Yu also began to share his bitterness with them:"Don't forget, the lives of hundreds of members of our Zhen family are all in the hands of others. If it were you, would you dare to say anything?""


"Do you think I haven’t fought for it? Let's ignore Guo Jia and Xun You, but Liu Ji, who came from a poor family, is it so easy to deal with?"

"Although I tried my best to fight for it, they could always think of various reasons to push me back, but I didn’t have the ability to refute at all. Do you think I am unwilling to reduce risks?"

Speaking of this,

Zhen Yu simply picked up the tea on the table, tilted his neck and drank it directly, regardless of the scalding temperature:"Second brother, fourth sister, I tell you, I feel more distressed than any of you!"


"I really have no choice!"

"If possible, I would even be willing to replace my third brother. He is still young and smart. He is the hope of our Zhen family. Don’t I know this?"



Zhen Yuyue's breasts were rising and falling, and she was breathing heavily.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the ancestral hall seemed rather awkward.

We are all members of the Zhen family, so naturally we have to think about the Zhen family, that's for sure. only......

The fire in my heart would be really depressing if I didn't let it out.


At this time, Zhang Ying waved her hand to signal everyone to stop talking.

After she pondered for a long time, she slowly said:"Now, you are a swordsman and I am a fish. As long as the Zhen family can have a chance of survival, even if it means killing me, Zhang Ying, Don’t miss it!"


Zhen Yan was about to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Ying with a wave of her hand:"Stop talking, I believe Yao'er can do it. He has been smart since he was a child, and he will definitely be able to think of a way to escape."



Zhang Ying said softly:"Without further delay, take my autographed letter and rush to Zhongshan, Jizhou immediately. Yao'er is a descendant of the Zhen family, and he will definitely not refuse." Zhen

Yu leaned over and cupped his hands and said,"Don't worry, mother, I'll set off today!""

Zhang Ying hummed, picked up the wolf hair on the desk, and started to write a letter.

"Yao'er loved his son Rubu"


Not a moment later.

Zhang Ying finished writing the letter, stuffed it into her brocade bag, and handed it to Zhen Yu:"Let's go, hurry up, don't delay things."

Zhen Yu nodded:"Don't worry, mother, I will definitely do it."

That afternoon, Zhen Yu Then he left Mount Tai on a fast horse and rushed north to the ferry.

Perhaps Zhen Yu didn't know that when he left Mount Tai, he had already been seen by Han Yi and others.

Han Yi smiled calmly:"It seems that the Zhen family is relatively cooperative."

Guo Jiagululu took a sip of wine:"I hope he won't cooperate, so that the lord will not stop me from waiting."

"Filial piety. Han

Yi turned to look at Guo Jia:"I know what you are thinking, but in fact, you should think about it carefully. Everything has two sides. Since border trade cannot be stopped, then it proves that its existence is reasonable!""

"I admit it's reasonable."

Guo Jia didn't hide anything, and nodded affirmatively:"But my lord is not of my race, so his heart must be different. Trading with Wuhuan and others is like raising tigers!"

"I admit this too."

Han Yi smiled and said softly

"Um? Guo Jia suddenly felt puzzled:"

Then why, lord?"......"

Han Yi let out a long sigh and looked into the distance:"But Fengxiao, do you think the aliens can be killed cleanly and completely?"


Guo Jiali pondered for a moment, then shook his head:"No!"

It wasn't"should not" or"maybe not", but just two words"can't".

It seems that Guo Jia also knows very well that the aliens have existed for more than a hundred years. Even Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not kill all the aliens, let alone the weak Han today!

"Since it can't be done, why don't we think differently?"

"Change your mind?"

Guo Jia heard something different from Han Yi's words.

He thought hard for a long time, but he was still confused:"Then it depends on what the lord wants......."

Han Yi stretched out his palm, then slowly clenched it into a fist:"Control him!"


It sounds simple, but it is really difficult to do.

In fact, the Han Dynasty had tried to master the methods of foreign races before, but with little success and the process was extremely complicated.

The most successful example is that of the Southern Xiongnu.

But when this big man starts causing chaos, they will still follow him.


They only chose to surrender due to the absolute strength of the big man.

If the strength of the Han Dynasty weakens, and they gradually become weak while dormant, they may even reverse at any time, and in turn become enemies of the Han Dynasty.

Guo Jia shook his head and directly denied:"My lord, this is not impossible, it is just too difficult. At that time, General Huangfu hoped that the big man could control the foreign races, but in the end, little effect was achieved."

"According to the Lord, this will be a huge project that will take at least decades or even hundreds of years to digest, but even so, it may not truly make the aliens surrender."

"My personal opinion."

Guo Jia paused for a moment and said softly:"I still agree with Duan Qiao's approach. In these troubled times, we should use strong force to suppress the Wuhuan aliens. This can at least gain peace for Youzhou for more than ten years."

"And what about us?"

"We can completely use these more than ten years to sweep the world and dominate all directions. By then, even if Wuhuan recovers, he may not dare to compete with us! Han Yi shook his head:"

Fengxiao, I didn't mean that.""

Guo Jia couldn't help but be curious and frowned:"Then my lord, you......What does it mean?"


Han Yi briefly organized his speech:"The biggest difference between us and the foreigners is the difference between intensive farming and nomadic culture. For the Han people, the land in Mobei is just tasteless, tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to abandon it."

"Therefore, we have never thought about attacking Mobei, occupying the other party's land, and incorporating it into the rule of our Han Dynasty! Hearing this, Guo

Jia chewed carefully for a while and nodded:"That's right!" The land in Mobei cannot grow crops. For us, it is indeed useless."

"As long as you agree."

Han Yi smiled. As long as Guo Jia agrees to this, then the rest will be natural:"Then what if we can grow crops in Mobei?"

"Growing crops in Mobei?"

When Guo Jia was about to laugh subconsciously, he suddenly realized something

"do not forget. Han

Yi stared at Guo Jia's confused face:"We have corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes. These things can grow on dry land, and the yield is no less than that of corn!""

"Mobei has a vast territory, thousands of miles in length and breadth. If we can combine corn and potatoesIsn't it a natural granary where sweet potatoes are introduced?"

At this moment!

Guo Jiamao suddenly became enlightened, and his thoughts were flying.

As long as there are crops, the common people of the Han Dynasty can survive.

As long as the common people survive, they can become villages, villages can become villages, and villages can become counties.

Just like when the imperial court developed the south Just like those remote areas, as long as there are enough people and a long enough time, they will naturally be included in the administrative sequence!

Once a scale is formed,

Confucianism will be popularized and gradually assimilated.

In this way, the alien races on the border will Wouldn't the problem be fundamentally solved?

More importantly, over time, perhaps the Wuhuan will no longer be a foreign race, and will become a part of our great China.

Seeing that Guo Jia had already moved, Han Yi said again Said:"In addition to growing food, Mobei also has a large number of copper and iron mineral deposits. As long as they can be developed, our country will definitely become more prosperous and stronger!"

"As far as I'm concerned!"

"Mobei is bound to win, and the problem must be solved fundamentally."

Guo Jia paused, Gulu took a sip of wine, and nodded slowly:"My lord, I admire your great ambitions. If our food can really grow on the land of Mobei, this road may be successful, but it may not be possible.!

Han Yi said with great certainty:"Don't worry, we will definitely succeed!""



Zhongshan, Zhen family.

Zhen Yao read the letter carefully, his eyes full of horror.

Zhen Yu patted his younger brother on the shoulder and said with great interest:"Third brother, I know this matter is extremely difficult, but it is related to the life and death of our Zhen family.......if......If I could take your place......"


Before the other party could finish speaking, Zhen Yao interrupted directly:"Stop talking, my brother is not that ignorant person. I also know very well what is going on in our Zhen family now."

"You know best! Zhen

Yu exhaled a breath:"To tell you the truth, I don't want to do this, but among the three of us brothers, you are the only one who is far away from Yecheng and has the opportunity to escape from Jizhou. Your second brother and I are really......"


At this point, Zhen Yu sighed again.

He is really, really unwilling to let his brother take such a risk

"Brother! Zhen

Yao smiled at him and pretended not to care:"Don't be like this, I haven't done anything yet, it seems like something will happen!""

"Maybe, your brother and I are smart and clever, and God has blessed me so that I can be fearless in the face of danger, and it is possible that I can successfully complete the task and escape from danger safely!

Zhen Yu nodded heavily:"Definitely!" That must be the case! After saying that

, he stepped forward and gave Zhen Yao a bear hug, holding Zhen Yao tightly in his arms:"You must come back safely!"

Zhen Yao burst into tears:"Don't worry, brother!""


Just at this moment, a long report sounded outside the door.

An attendant came in from outside, leaned over and said,"First Young Master, Third Young Master, something bad has happened. There are many officers and soldiers coming from outside, and they are coming towards us!""

"Well, I get it!"

Zhen Yu waved his hand and signaled the attendants to go down.

He turned to Zhen Yao and said:"General Yue's troops should have arrived. You should leave quickly. They will use real bows and arrows, but they will not shoot you. Whether you can get to Yu County or not depends entirely on you!

Zhen Yao nodded:"Well, don't worry, brother!""

After saying that, Zhen Yao picked up the package next to him, equipped it with a long sword, turned around and left the room.

Zhen Yu looked at the back of his younger brother leaving with mixed feelings in his heart.

He always had the feeling that he had forced his younger brother to do it with his own hands. He is in a desperate situation!

If his younger brother cannot come back, then he will be the sinner of the Zhen family, and he will not even be able to sleep peacefully!

"Open the door! Open the door! Open the door for me!"

"Rush in and catch me, catch them all, don’t let anyone go!"

"Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"



A strong cry of death floated from the front hall into the inner courtyard.

Zhen Yu exhaled a breath, sat down quietly, and sipped tea, taking his time.

This is just a play, performed for Yuan Xi and senior officials in Bingzhou! as expected!

Just a moment later, a strong-armed general broke in from outside.

This person walked up to him and shouted to Zhen Yu:"Hey, is he gone?"

Zhen Yu said lazily:"He's gone, you can send someone to chase him."

"good!"The general responded,"I'll go there myself."

"Don't forget your promise!"Zhen Yu reminded,"You must not shoot my brother, otherwise you will fail!"

"I know!"That personHe waved his hand and said,"If you can't trust me, you can replace me with someone else!"


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