
A quick report interrupted the conversation between mother and son in the ancestral hall.

Zhang Ying looked around and saw Zhen Gui, the young servant of the Zhen family, running in with a slightly flustered expression. He didn't even have time to salute. He stared, raised his hand and pointed out of the hall, full of shock:"Madam, something has happened.""

"Zhen Gui, don't be impatient, speak slowly!"

Zhang Ying hurriedly waved her hand to signal him not to panic.



Zhen Gui breathed heavily.

After a long time, he managed to calm down, bowed his head and said:"Madam, the Yue family's army has attacked the city. Now Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, Gao Lan and others are all heading to the south gate."


Zhang Ying was shocked!

Zhen Yan was shocked!

Everyone in the ancestral hall was shocked!

At this moment, there was total silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

Zhang Ying blinked and said curiously:"Zhen Gui, you are not wrong, are you? The Yue Family Army was here some time ago. , can't even climb up the city wall, and now it has reached this level?"


Zhen Gui said with great certainty:"Madam, I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw it near the south gate, the city was heavily beaten, and there were corpses everywhere. I was scared to death!"


Zhen Yan frowned:"Is it because of the siege equipment?""

Zhang Ying was slightly startled. Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed possible.

After all, things that were impossible to do before are now suddenly possible.

If there is no external help, Zhang Ying really can't believe it.

Zhen Gui also said from the side:"Yes Yes, it seems to be because of some siege equipment. The villain also listened to the brother who carried the bow and arrow."


Zhang Ying suddenly felt curious:"What did they say?""

Zhen Gui hurriedly explained:"Madam, they said that the Yue Family Army built a siege equipment that was higher than the city wall. Their soldiers jumped directly into the city from inside to fight us."

"Oh, right!"

Speaking of this, Zhen Gui deliberately emphasized:"I heard that among their siege equipment, there is an extremely powerful crossbow machine. Even General Yan Liang cannot stop that kind of crossbow arrows!"

"This kind of thing is so powerful, it seems that it can penetrate the city wall and be nailed directly to the city wall. If it hits a person, it can directly penetrate five or six soldiers, which is not a problem at all!"

"Our soldiers are no match for the Yue Family Army!"


Zhen Gui said while gesturing with his hands.

His description may be a bit exaggerated, but the victory of the Yue Army against the Yuan Army is an unearned fact.

This moment.

Zhang Ying's expression suddenly changed.

She suddenly realized an extremely embarrassing question:"Yan'er, Yu'er, hurry up, hurry up and prepare now, be sure to distinguish the boundaries with the Yuan family in the shortest possible time, otherwise our Zhen family will be completely over."

Zhen Yan and Zhen Yu both raised their hands and said,"No!"

Knowing that something was wrong, they immediately turned around and left the ancestral hall.

Zhen Yu even called the attendants:"Now, immediately, gather all the servants in the house to the front yard, and get all the things we prepared in advance, do you understand?" The attendant:"No!"

Inside the ancestral hall.

Zhen Tuo frowned, took a deep breath and said:"Mother, is Han Yi really that powerful? Mr. Yuan has more than 100,000 soldiers and horses under his command. Even if he has more than 100,000 pigs, can he kill them all in less than half a month? ?"

"Take it off! Zhang

Ying turned her head and glanced at her:"If it were someone else, maybe it wouldn't work, but if it were Han Yi, I guess it's really possible. Their strength is too strong. They have never been defeated since they started their army!""

You know.

When Han Yi was just a small prefect, Yuan Shao already owned Jizhou.

When Han Yi was just a small shepherd of Yanzhou, Yuan Shao had already controlled Bingzhou and Jizhou!

If it weren't for Zhang Ying's fancy, Given Yuan Shao's reputation, she would never put her treasure on Yuan Shao.


After she finished pressing the treasure, the situation immediately changed.

Han Yi quickly occupied Qingzhou, and at this time, Yuan Shao was fighting Gongsun Zan with all his strength.

After all, at that time, Han Yi's opponent was mainly the Yellow Turban Army, while Yuan Shao's opponent was Gongsun Zan. The two were completely different.

Zhang Ying still felt that Han Yi took advantage. but......

She believed that Yuan Shao would soon turn the situation around, defeat Gongsun Zan, and occupy Youzhou.

However, this battle dragged on for too long.

As a result, Han Yi had conquered Xuzhou and defeated Cao Cao in Yuzhou.

But what about this time?

Yuan Shao was still fighting Gongsun Zan endlessly.

At this time, Zhang Ying felt a little disappointed.

She originally wanted to rely on her youngest daughter to get closer to Yuan Shao.

But just because his strength remained stagnant, she never made up her mind. as expected!

Yuan Shao encountered the most difficult battle in history.

The Yue family's army, nearly 100,000 strong, marched north to attack Yecheng. He had to retract his fists and prepare for the attack!


As a supporter of Yuan Shao, Zhang Ying feels ashamed!


However, she was always grateful for the room she had reserved for herself.

After all, if she had made a mistake and put all the treasure on Yuan Shao, the Zhen family might have been completely destroyed in her hands.

This ending is something Zhang Ying absolutely does not want to see. call~~~~

Let out a long breath.

Zhang Ying said softly:"Now I just hope that before Han Yi gets angry, we can use your majesty to preserve our Zhen family lineage as much as possible, so that even if we are under Jiuquan, I can still account for your father.""

"Mother! Zhen

Tuo'e frowned:"What are you talking about? We still hope to work with you to revitalize the Zhen family."

Zhang Ying smiled calmly:"Revitalize the Zhen family?" It’s too difficult. I think I have little talent and little knowledge, and I don’t have a mind like Han Yi. We have lost the trend."


Zhang Ying's voice was long and she looked leisurely outside the ancestral hall.

"Unless what? Zhen

Tuo frowned and asked curiously.

Zhang Ying laughed scornfully:"Unless your sister can marry Han Yi and give birth to a son for Han Yi, in this case, our Zhen family may still be saved!""


Zhen Tuo was stunned for a moment:"No way?" Is this possible?"

Zhang Ying said softly:"Maybe you don't know yet. The reason why the Mi family of Donghai has achieved its current achievements is entirely because of Han Yi. At the beginning, Han Yi almost destroyed the foundation of the Mi family by relying on salt. Got it"

"If Mi Zhu hadn't begged for mercy in time and sacrificed his own sister, it is estimated that the Mi family of Donghai would have been able to survive now, and why should they compete with my Zhen family!

Zhentuo was shocked:"Mother, what did you say?"......is that true?"

"of course it's true!

Zhang Ying exhaled a long breath, her face full of admiration in capital letters:"Because of the help of Han Yi, the Mi family defeated many salt merchants in Jiangdong by relying on the low cost and high quality of sun-dried salt.""

"Some time ago, news came back from Jiangdong that many salt merchants have gone bankrupt. Their salt cannot compete with the Mi family's salt. Some people even cooperate with the Mi family specifically, hoping to buy it at a low price, and then sell it to the people and make a profit. Take a certain price difference." hiss~~~

Zhen Tuo couldn't help but gasped:"Is this happening? Did the Mi family agree?"

Zhang Ying was full of admiration:"Yes, Mi Zhu agreed! Although he had the advantage, he still chose to cooperate with the local nobles and work together. Earning this profit is really smart."

"This person has a degree of progress and retreat. Although he is young, he will become a great person in the future!"

Out of the blue, Zhang Ying suddenly said this, and then whispered:"This is your father's evaluation of Mi Zhu when he was still alive!"

"My dad?"

Zhen Tuo's face was full of disbelief.

In his memory, his father was already dead before Mi Zhu reached his current achievements. Could it be possible that he could predict!

"Didn't you expect that?"


Zhen Tuo nodded.

Zhang Ying sighed:"To be honest, I didn't believe it before, but now, facts have proven that your father's vision is right. Mi Zhu is indeed more difficult to deal with than we thought."


At this point, Zhang Ying suddenly changed the subject:"If he hadn't relied on Han Yi's power, he might not have reached the level he is now, so the key lies in Han Yi's"

"Um! Zhen

Tuo nodded:"Han Yi is indeed a genius through the ages. His real estate business and bank business developed in Yanzhou are indeed very shocking. We even have their money orders in our hands!""

"That's right! Zhang

Ying held up a bowl of tea and took a sip:"Han Yi is the most proficient business person I have ever seen, but this is the thing he disdains to do the most!""


He is now the Sikong of the dynasty. He is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Even the little emperor's brother has to give him three points.

At the beginning, if it were not for Han Yi, the Han Dynasty might have perished.

This kind of person is simply an all-rounder!

Zhen Tuo didn't know why, but there was a firmness in her eyes:"Don't worry, mother, my sister will definitely not disappoint you! Zhang

Ying smiled:"Oh, placing the Zhen family's hopes on Mi'er is really too much for her!"

Zhen Tuo gritted his teeth and shook his head:"No!" She is the daughter of the Zhen family, this is her responsibility!"

Zhang Ying didn't say another word. She just held up a bowl of tea and took a sip.

The war was raging.

It was far more terrifying than Zhen Yan imagined.

He took some people out of Zhen's mansion to find out some information. At that time

, I saw the Yue Family Army already appearing on the street.

They were almost united in units, and launched a massacre against the defeated Yuan Army in the city.

This was obviously the end of the war.

Zhen Yan secretly thought in his heart He heard a bad sound and hurriedly ordered:"Quickly, go back, close the Zhen Mansion tightly, and be ready!"

The nursing home in the mansion nodded, followed hurriedly, and retreated.

Just as Zhen Yan left the alley, there was a cry of killing at the entrance of the alley:

"Yuan thief should stop leaving. Whoever kills Yuan thief will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins and be promoted to the third level!"

"Brothers, chase, don’t let anyone go!"

"Yuan Shao must die!"


All they saw was a rough man holding two golden maces, and a group of young men rushing over.

This person is none other than Niu Gao.

They were like locusts crossing the border. As soon as they encountered Yuan Jun, they would be killed immediately without any hesitation.

"General, look, that seems to be the State Shepherd's Mansion!"

Suddenly, a soldier pointed to a tall building not far away.

Niu Gao raised his eyes and waved his hand:"Let's go, we must not run away from Yuan Shao. If he runs away, our battle will be in vain. If anyone can find Yuan Shao, I will reward him with two kilograms of Taishan wine!"

"Walk! Don't let Yuan Shao go."

The officers and soldiers of the Yue Family Army rushed over.

They couldn't go far.

It turned out to be the Zhou Mu Mansion.

They were the first Yue Family Army to kill the Zhou Mu Mansion. When they arrived at the county, many of them were separated.

"Ha ha ha ha! Niu

Gao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, glaring with his eyes as big as cow eggs:"God is really helping me, brothers, rush for me, that old boy Yuan Shao must be inside!""


A group of soldiers rushed forward.

More than ten strong men rushed towards the vermilion door, banging hard against it.

What's more, those hundred and ten men were actually preparing to climb over the wall.

The crossbowmen fired arrows directly into the yard, suppressing their opponents with firepower and buying them time. With their skillful cooperation, Niu Gao didn't need to waste any more words!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

More than a dozen rough guys knocked on the door for a long time, but they didn't open it.

Niu Gao's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at the huge stone Xuanwu next to him, and waved his hand:"Mom, all of you, get out of the way and let me come!"

He threw a pair of gold maces directly to the soldiers next to him. He walked straight to Shi Xuanwu, steadied his horse, put his hands down, and all his divine power was immediately poured into his arms.

"Wow ya ya~~~"

Niu Gao's face turned red from suppressing his emotions.

He exerted a sudden force, and Shi Xuanwu immediately left the ground and was lifted up little by little by him.

The soldiers around were all stunned, staring at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and even stopped unconsciously from banging on the door.

To know!

This Shi Xuanwu must be at least one hundred and twenty stones.

For ordinary people to move such a stone basalt, they would have to rely on seven or eight people to move it little by little using rolling logs.

But what about Niu Gao?

This guy actually hugged him like this.

And, little by little, it’s raised above your head!

This moment!

Everyone got out of the way without any instructions.

They only thought that Niu Gao was a god-like figure, otherwise how could he lift such a big stone Xuanwu over his head. fear!

It’s so scary!

Niu Gao glared at his steel teeth, eyes as wide as bells, and slammed forward towards the door.

"Break it for me~~~"


There was a loud bang.

The door to the State Shepherd's Mansion was immediately smashed open.

Niu Gao jumped up, broke into the door, picked up two soldiers who were scared to death, started working from left to right, and beat them violently!

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

Suddenly, smoke and dust surged, and corpses flew everywhere.

Niu Gao struck a bloody path three times, divided five by two, and shouted loudly:"Brothers, come with me to kill Yuan Shao, and let's eat wine and meat in big bowls together!"


The Yue Family Army suddenly became excited, holding weapons one by one, like wild wolves, howling and rushing in:

"Pursuing the order to suppress thieves and kill Yuan Shao!"

"Pursuing the order to suppress thieves and kill Yuan Shao!"



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