Yuan Shao was really divided internally.

Those who supported his surrender were basically the Jizhou faction.

Because all their forces are in Jizhou, once Jizhou suffers from war, they will be the ones who suffer the most losses.

They will not ruthlessly destroy the foundation they have accumulated over the years just because of Yuan Shao.

After all, no matter from which aspect, Yuan Shao basically has no chance of winning!

Even if there is a slight possibility.

It's not worth risking their lives just for this possibility!

Therefore, neither Jushu nor Tian Feng would support Yuan Shao's war.

But Guo Tu, Xu You and others are different.

They had been following Yuan Shao since they came from Luoyang.

Having arrived in Jizhou alone, he had built this foundation, so how could he just give it away like this?

They are not afraid of failure.

Because, in a sense, Jizhou was originally earned by them.

Even if they take ten thousand steps back, the worst they can do is start all over again, and they can afford to pay.

Because of this, they appear casual.

You can fight!

You can fight!

The fundamental reason is that there is nothing to lose.

This is the same as Soochow in history.

When Cao Cao launched a large-scale attack, the literati in Jiangdong basically advocated surrender, especially the local gentry in Jiangdong, who had the highest voice.

Next was Zhang Zhao, who had fled from Jiangbei, and he also shouted fiercely! the reason is simple!

They have a foundation in Jiangdong.

It cannot withstand the baptism of war. Once it fails, wealth may be redistributed.

The foundation we finally built will be completely shattered.

But the generals are different!

Especially the three veterans Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and Han Dang.

Firstly, they watched Soochow rise little by little and had deep feelings for Soochow; secondly, none of them were natives of Soochow. Cheng Pu and Han Dang were from Liaodong, and Huang Gai was from Lingling, Jingzhou. people.

They have been fighting with Sun Jian all their lives and basically have no property in Jiangdong.

At least!

There is no comparison with the four major Soochow families.

Therefore, for them, they are not afraid of losing at all!

Anyway, starting from Sun Jian, they have experienced too many failures, including this one!

Therefore, they will spare no effort to make the main site, at least not too frustrated.

The principles are all the same.

Although Yuan Shao was very angry, he could not do anything to Ju Sue and Tian Feng.

After all, at this moment, he was not strong enough to ignore the power of Ju Shou and Tian Feng in Jizhou.

This point is different from Yuan Shao in history.

Before the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao was already very powerful and occupied the four states.

It is entirely possible to stand at an absolute height, despise the local nobles in Jizhou, and even treat them as cannon fodder.

But not now!

Yuan Shao failed to capture Youzhou, and Qingzhou was still in Han Yi's hands.

As for the other Bingzhou in his hands, it was a barren land with not many resources at all.

Therefore, Yuan Shao still needs to rely on the power of Ju Shou and Tian Feng in Jizhou.

No matter how angry he is, he can only swallow his anger! no way!

He doesn’t allow it due to his strength!

"I'm furious!"

"It really pisses me off!"

Yuan Shao was so angry that he squinted his eyes and mouth, and his body trembled slightly.

"Don't be upset, my lord!"

Guo Tu bowed his head and said calmly:"Actually, this is to be expected. When the lord was so popular, they all wanted to curry favor with him, but now that his lord has declined, they will naturally look for another lord. Got it"

"Gongze, what about you?"

Yuan Shao turned to look at Guo Tu

"Lord! Guo

Tu bowed his head very solemnly:"I have followed my lord from Luoyang, and I will naturally follow you all the time. If my lord fights, I will make plans by my side. If my lord surrenders, I am willing to surrender with him.""


Guo Tu emphasized:"Wherever the lord is, I will be there!""

In fact,

Guo Tu has given up hope.

Anyway, it will cost him nothing.

Even if the court wants to punish Yuan Shao, it will only kill Yuan Shao, and will not implicate a small person like him.

But if Yuan Shao is lucky enough to win against the court once, Then the situation suddenly changes, and the situation changes.

His status will also rise with today's conversation.

This bitch! It is simply a sure-fire deal.

Guo Tu is not stupid, so he naturally understands. What should I do?

But Yuan Shaoming doesn't understand, so that's not necessarily the case!

I saw Yuan Shao exhale a long breath, and felt a little relieved:"Gongze, I can hear what you said, and I feel a little better. Some comfort, don't worry, if I defeat Han Yi in the future, I will never forget you!"


Yuan Shao was so stupid that he didn't notice it.

Guo Tu naturally wouldn't expose it. He just bowed his head and said,"I'm just being loyal. This is my duty."

What an official answer, but in fact, this answer is not as good as Tian Feng and Jushou's persuasion to surrender. At least, they have clearly analyzed the pros and cons for you.

If you lose the battle, everything is lost.

Surrender, you can still save Yuan The family’s reputation!

But what about Guo Tu and others?

It’s all nonsense!

But it’s a pity......

There is something wrong with Yuan Shao's brain, and his depth of thinking simply fails.

He is not even comparable to Sun Quan.

At least!

Sun Quan would not embarrass Zhang Zhao and other factions trying to persuade them to surrender; but he, Yuan Shao, had clearly developed murderous intentions towards Tian Feng, Ju Sue and others!

If it weren't for the two's power in Jizhou, it is very likely that Yuan Shao would have killed them long ago!

Take a deep breath.

Yuan Shao gradually calmed down.

He tried to ask:"Gongze, tell the truth, what is our winning rate in this battle?"

"this one......"

Guo Tu pondered for a long time.

He followed Yuan Shao for too long.

To use an inappropriate word to describe it, as soon as Yuan Shao sticks his butt, he knows what the other person is going to do.

On the surface, Yuan Shao is asking about the winning rate, but in fact, he must fight and will never change his heart just because you agree. This is impossible.


He's not asking about winning percentage.

But ask for support, support at all costs.

Thinking of this, Guo Tu bowed his head and said:"Lord, I think we have at least a 50% chance of winning!"

"oh? Yuan Shao was surprised,"How do you say that?""

You know, others said that he was bound to lose and had no chance of winning.

But Guo Tu was different. He actually said that he had at least a 50% chance of winning.

Guo Tu pondered for a moment and said nonsense:"This is the first! The protagonist is fighting locally, he is familiar with the terrain, and has a good network of connections. On the other hand, Han Yi is not the same. He fights across borders and has no terrain advantage."


Yuan Shao couldn't help but nodded:"It makes sense, you can continue."

Guo Tu pinched a strand of goatee under his chin and said,"Secondly! On the surface, Han Yi is a loyal minister of the Han family, but in fact, he is a traitor to the Han family. If the lord is acting in the name of the Qing monarch, he will occupy morality!

Yuan Shao nodded slowly:"That makes sense!""

Guo Tu continued:"Furthermore, the soldiers under the lord's command have been fighting all year round and are elites in hundreds of battles. On the other hand, Yue Fei in Yanzhou is only well-trained at best and is not worth mentioning at all!"

"That's right!"

Yuan Shao suddenly understood, as if he had been defeated by Guo Tu's wisdom.

He just felt that what Guo Tu said was really good.

Almost every one of them touched his heart!


Guo Tu bowed his head and said:"The only aspect where we are worse is in the fierce generals. Gao Chong, Zhang Xian, Lu Wenlong and others under Yue Fei are all brave and good at fighting."

"If we add Luo Cheng, Pei Yuanqing, Xie Yingdeng, Tai Shici and others under Qin Qiong's command, it will be even more difficult to deal with. Therefore, if we want to win, we must be smart and never act recklessly! Yuan

Shao nodded affirmatively:"Yes, that's it. Gongze, what you said is really good. I always feel that we have no chance of winning against Han Yi!""

"Now that you say this, my heart is completely relieved!"

Yuan Shao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and broke into a faint smile.

Guo Tu bowed his head and said:"As long as my lord has a proper strategy, I think there is still a chance of winning.

Yuan Shao snorted:"I thought so too!""




Sikong Mansion.

Han Yi has hardly done anything serious recently, all he does is read letters.

The letters came one after another, all flying from Jizhou.


Tian Feng!

Guo Tu!


Xu You!......

All kinds of familiar names came into view.

I have to admit, this feeling of being fawned over is really very satisfying.

Han Yi could finally imagine it.

In history, what was it like when Yuan Shao was at his most powerful?

The battle hasn't even started yet, but the opponents have already been divided, and most of them are human beings. They seem to have given up resistance and are starting to find themselves a master. but......

Yuan Shao learned from his past mistakes.

Han Yi will never let him become the second Cao Cao.

He threw the letter to everyone and said with a smile:"You all should take a look at it. If you have any thoughts on this, just say so."

Guo Jiagululu took a sip of wine and raised the corners of his lips slightly:"My lord, you should You don't want to use these letters to do something, do you? Isn't this too cruel?"

"yes! Xun

You on the opposite side couldn't help but echoed:"Cruelty is very cruel. It is a blow to Yuan Shao and his think tanks!""

"Be afraid!"

After pondering for a moment, Xun You frowned:"Do you think it is possible for Yuan Shao's think tank to be tied to Yuan Shao to death under such a blow, and then unanimously speak to the outside world?"


Cheng Pu nodded slowly:"Don't say it, it is indeed possible!" Although Yuan Shao is usually stupid, he is still quite wise at certain times."

"This person has a certain overall view and can often do some unexpected things. I would like to suggest that we should not do this kind of thing."

"After all, we are already confident of victory, so there is no need to add any extraneous extraneous force. If we do this kind of thing improperly, won’t it only increase our worries?

Liu Ji nodded:"I agree!" There is absolutely no need for us to make a fuss about the letterhead!"

Han Yi thought about it carefully, but it was true that it was a battle that must be won. If Yuan Shao's men were united sincerely because of this incident, it would indeed be more than worth the gain. Maybe!

In history, Yuan Shao did not make a fuss about it, maybe for this reason!

But Han Yi always felt that it was a pity that these tangible evidences could not be used. It was really too fucked up!


He took a long breath and shook his head:"It's a pity that such a good thing can't be used!"

At this moment, Guo Jia smiled and said:"Master, we don't have to use them all, it will be counterproductive. , but if you only target some of them, or a certain person, it should have miraculous effects!"


Han Yi suddenly became interested. Sitting lazily, he straightened up and said,"Is there any way to be a filial piety? Say it, let everyone listen to it"

"Very simple!

Guo Jia blurted out:"It's just a divorce plan!""

"A divorce plan?"

Han Yi frowned, suddenly aroused curiosity.

After pondering for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something:"Fengxiao, what do you mean?......"

The corner of Guo Jia's lips raised slightly:"It seems that my lord has also thought of it. Yes, he is to reply to one of them and then be caught by Yuan Shao on purpose. Yuan Shao will not tolerate this."

Everyone here is thinking. A resounding think tank.

When Guo Jia reminded everyone, everyone suddenly realized.

Liu Ji pinched a wisp of beard under his chin:"What a brilliant plan. Fengxiao is indeed Fengxiao. This strategy is so wonderful!"

Xun You couldn't help but praise:"Hahaha! Fengxiao, you are so ruthless. , you know, you have worked under Yuan Shao for a period of time before, does it hurt to treat your regular customers like this?"

"screw you! Guo

Jia retorted half-jokingly:"I don't have any feelings for Yuan Shao, he is just a mediocre person. To be honest, I don't feel sad at all, not at all!""


Suddenly, the whole room burst into laughter.

Han Yi also laughed:"It's best if you don't feel sad, otherwise I don't know whether to adopt this opinion or not.Xiao, your heart aches, doesn’t it make me heart ached too?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At that moment, there was another burst of laughter.

Han Yi deftly resolved the embarrassment, not only showing his broad-mindedness, but also expressing his love for Guo Jia. Winning him over was a wonderful move that killed two birds with one stone.

"Okay, no more kidding. Han

Yi waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said:"Yuan Shao already hates the Jizhou faction to the core, so we might as well start with them!""

"Well, that's a good starting point. Guo

Jia pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement:"Jushou and Tian Feng are both outstanding people. We can try to fight for it and use Yuan Shao's help to eliminate his power in Jizhou. In this way, their ability to contain the lord in the future will also be reduced." Can be smaller."

After all, they are the local nobles in Jizhou.

Although Han Yi is not afraid, it is better to weaken him a little.

Otherwise, like Yuan Shao, wouldn't it be very embarrassing to throw a rat into a trap?

"Um! Can!"

Han Yi also agreed and said softly:"Let's start with the two of them. If the water in Jizhou can be completely muddied before the war begins, there will be no suspense in this battle."

"Lord, don't worry. Guo

Jia bowed his head and said:"Leave this matter to me, I guarantee that Yuan Shao will not be in peace!"

Han Yi smiled lightly:"That's great!""


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