Taishan Palace.

Chongde Hall.

The little emperor took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes seemed to burst out:"Shao Ping, I will give you one last chance. Before Boning finds evidence of your crime, if you honestly admit it, I will deal with it leniently.!"

"You need to think clearly!"

The little emperor is also learning the tricks of Man Chong.

In this way, he can still appear to be more kind!

Of course!

Even if Shaoping really admits his mistake.

At best, the little emperor will only leave him with a whole body.

As for whether he can survive?

It's basically No need to think about it!

Shao Ping understood this too well.

For him, he didn’t care whether it was quartering the body with five horses or crushing the bones and scattering ashes. As long as he died, he didn’t care how he died.

Therefore, Shaoping did not hesitate and spoke loudly immediately He said:"Your Majesty, I am very loyal to you. This heart can be seen from heaven and earth, and expressed by the sun and moon. I hope your majesty will understand clearly!""



"very nice! The little emperor frowned and said three good words in succession, exaggerating the anger in his heart vividly:"I like loyal ministers the most. If you really did not collaborate with the enemy, I will personally apologize to you!"

Shaoping bowed and said,"Your Majesty, I don't dare!""

The confrontation between the two has reached this level.

Shao Ping has finally understood.

Man Chong has no ironclad evidence, and he is working hard to search for evidence.


How could Shaoping leave evidence for such a thing?

He has always been cunning and cunning. He does everything behind the scenes and never in front of the stage.

Even if something really happened, it would be a crime of not investigating, but this kind of crime is neither painful nor itchy, and Shaoping won't care at all.

"Maybe Shao Ping was really wronged?"

"Well, it's possible, even now, he's still persisting!"

"Alas, this kind of thing is inevitable. I think Shaoping should just be guilty of not investigating!"

"Yes, indeed!"


Civil and military officials were talking a lot.

They have great trust in this colleague who has been through thick and thin along the way.

It is completely impossible to say that he resold grain to Yuan Shao!

Who doesn’t know!

Now Han Yi and Yuan Shao are not dealing with each other.

The imperial edict was simply not feasible in Jizhou.

Even the imperial edict was useless. As far as the court was concerned, Yuan Shao had already rebelled.

Sell ​​grain to Yuan Shao, that is collaboration with the enemy, there is nothing to defend. at this point!

It’s impossible for Shaoping not to know!

In the eyes of civil and military officials, since Shaoping knew it, he would never do such a stupid thing!

While everyone was talking about it.


A long report sounded outside the hall:

"newspaper~~~~~" squeak~~~

The palace door opens.

Enter Tingwei Manchong from the outside.

Shaoping couldn't help but look over. Although he looked calm on the surface.

But in fact, one's heart is hanging to the extreme.

The eyes of all the civil and military officials were all focused on Man Chong. I really don’t know if he has found any evidence!

This is the key to judging whether Shaoping is collaborating with the enemy or not.

It touches the hearts of civil and military officials!

Not to mention the civil and military officials, even Zhuge Jin and the young emperor couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"His Majesty!"

Man Chong bowed his head.

He was about to say something.

The little emperor waved his hand, interrupted Man Chong, and finally reminded him:"Shaoping, do you have one last chance to plead guilty?"

Shao Ping swallowed. He was indeed a little nervous at the moment.

He tried to glance at Man Chong, but there was no expression on the other person's face and nothing in his hand.

He pondered for a moment!

Shao Ping finally maintained his original position:" Your Majesty, I am not a collaborator with the enemy!"

The little emperor suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning and couldn't help but nodded:"Okay, you really don't shed tears until you see the coffin! After saying that

, the little emperor waved his hand:"Bo Ning, have you got the evidence?" Man

Chong bowed his head and said,"Your Majesty, I have already obtained it. Cui Heng, the Grand Minister of Nongcheng, has explained everything. Since he became the Chief of Nongcheng, he has resold grain and grass thirty-two times in total, including six times in Chang'an and three times in Chang'an." Tarzan twenty-six times!"

"This is the account! After saying that

, Man Chong took out a piece of silk from his arms and said,"Your Majesty, Cui Heng is afraid of becoming a scapegoat, so he will record every transaction on it.""

"Including time, place, transaction parties, transaction method, profit amount, and how to divide the account, the above description is clear. Now Cui Heng is in the heavenly prison and can go to the palace to confront him at any time!"

The little emperor kept his eyes fixed on Shao Ping.

The moment Man Chong mentioned that there were accounts.

The little emperor clearly saw Shao Ping's body visibly shaken, and big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. His body couldn't help but tremble. Trembling wildly, his eyes were wandering, and he was filled with confusion in capital letters!

It’s real!

It must be real!

The little emperor waved his hand:"Send it up!"

Zhang Xu turned into the palace, took the silk cloth, and brought it to the little emperor.

The little emperor opened his eyes and rolled his eyes up and down. Anger rushed from the bottom of his heart to his throat.

Damn it!

I'm in Chang'an. The poor guy can't even eat enough.

You kid actually has to take food from my mouth to eat!

And it's not just once!

It's actually six times, a full six times!


The silk cloth was thrown directly to the ground. The little emperor was so angry that he stood up:"Shaoping, take a look for yourself. What else is there to say?" How could

Shaoping dare to look? He knelt on the ground with a thud, his whole body was like It was as if his bones were broken and he was completely paralyzed:"Your Majesty, I would like to express my gratitude to you, Your Majesty........you......you......"

"What are you?

The little emperor was furious and shouted hysterically:"Are you loyal to me?" Shaoping, are you worthy of the word loyalty? I was so blind that I actually promoted you to the position of Chief Nongcheng!"

"Thirty-two times!"

"Exactly thirty-two times!"

"Is this your loyalty to me? Is this your clear conscience?"

The little emperor was so angry that his eyes were splitting, and the anger wanted to burst out of his eyes:"Just now, you swore that you would be loyal to me, which really made me feel sick!"

"It is precisely because of ministers like you that the imperial court becomes what it is now. Shaoping, you have let me down so much. I am so disappointed!"

The civil and military officials in the palace were simply stunned. They all stared at Shaoping:

"Is he really a traitor to the enemy? Damn, isn't he usually pretty?......"

"You really know people, faces, but not hearts! I was really blind, and I would still speak for him before!"

"Now think about it, when he first built the Taishan Palace, he kept saying that he had no money. Indeed, the court had no money, because the money went into their own pockets!"

"How abominable! Absolutely abominable! If Bonin hadn't caught Wang San, how could such an answer be involved? Almost all officials from Da Sinong were involved!"

"Shaoping is such a capable person!"




This moment!

All civil and military officials immediately turned against each other.

They couldn't wait to draw a clear line with Shaoping immediately.

Because next, the imperial court will definitely sanction Shaoping, and there is no guarantee that it will implicate himself!

"His Majesty~~~"

Shaoping fell to his knees with a thud.

The huge head hit the ground with a loud thud.

Just this time!

A trace of blood oozed from Shaoping's head.

"I beg Your Majesty to show mercy beyond the law!"

"Extrajudicial mercy?

The little emperor snorted coldly:"You still have the nerve to ask me to show mercy outside the law?" Before the evidence was obtained, I have given you several opportunities. Now that the evidence is irrefutable, you want me to show you extra mercy?"


"Do you think that's possible?"

The little emperor's voice was low, but sonorous and powerful.

This time!

He was really angry, and his anger reached the extreme.

Without any hesitation, he immediately said:"Boning, according to the law, it is a serious crime to collaborate with the enemy. , how should it be dealt with? Man

Chong leaned forward and cupped his hands and said:"Those who collaborate with the enemy will be executed in Ling Chi and the three tribes will be wiped out!"

The little emperor waved his hand:"Follow the law!""

Man Chong:"No!

Shaoping's eyes widened:"Your Majesty!" His Majesty! For so many years, Wei Chen has no merit but hard work. I beg Your Majesty to show mercy and don’t bring any harm to Wei Chen’s family. I beg Your Majesty to show mercy!"


The little emperor snorted angrily:"It's too late!""

At that moment, two guards flashed out from the left and right and dragged Shaoping out of the hall.

The little emperor pondered for a long time and then said:"Grand Agricultural Officer, if anyone is involved in the case, all of them will be dismissed from their posts and investigated. Boning, you Come up with a plan as soon as possible!"


Man Chong responded, and then said:"Your Majesty, the Chief Minister Cui Heng took the initiative to confess, and the minister thought that it would reduce the crime. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

"Um! The little emperor nodded:"

You handled the case, and I believe in your fairness!" Man

Chong took a deep breath, bowed his hands and said,"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty!""

At that moment, Yang Biao took a step forward and bowed his head:"Your Majesty, the Great Sinong Shaoping was dismissed from his post, and his subordinates were widely implicated. This may very well lead to the paralysis of the Great Sinong!"

"Your Majesty, isn’t it?......"

Yang Biao hasn't spoken yet.

The little emperor waved his hand and said softly:"Yang Qing, I know what you are going to say. I have already considered the candidate for Da Sinong, so I might as well let him......"

Having said this, the little emperor turned to look at Zhuge Jin and smiled calmly:"Zhuge Jin will take charge!"

Zhuge Jin pretended to be stunned:"Your Majesty......Your Majesty, what do you mean?......Will I be the chief agricultural officer?"

The civil and military officials in the palace were even more stunned, turning to look at Zhuge Jin one by one.

Zhuge Jin is even younger than Man Chong now. Let him be the chief agricultural officer?

This is a joke!


Don't wait for the civil and military officials to raise objections.

The little emperor immediately explained:"Zhuge Ziyu is proficient in financial matters. Jiaheng is now in charge of the important affairs of the four states, and Zhuge Ziyu is also responsible for them all. No one is more suitable to be the chief agricultural officer than him.""


At this point, the little emperor glanced at all the civil and military officials:"You must have seen Zhuge Ziyu's ability just now. You can point out some extremely small problems in the accounts."

"It is precisely because of this!"

"Only then will I believe that Shaoping has collaborated with the enemy, resold grain and grass, and eroded the foundation of the Han Dynasty!"

"And I also believe that if Ziyu can be this great minister, things like Shaoping will never happen in the court in the future!"

Of course!

This is for sure.

Zhuge Jin has Han Yi's background.

Then Han Yi and Yuan Shao are mortal enemies!

Even if Zhuge Jin is not for the emperor, but for Han Yi, he will never do anything to collude with the enemy and betray the country.

Besides, Today, Taishan, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou are in a stage of rapid development. All of this is due to Zhuge Jin and others.

If he is allowed to serve as the chief agricultural officer!

In a sense, he is poaching Han Yi's corner.

At least, that's what the little emperor thought. How could he not be grateful for the emperor's kindness to Zhuge Jin?

"His Majesty!

However, Zhuge Jin had almost no hesitation and immediately refused:"Wei Chen is too young and cannot take on the important responsibilities. Besides, Da Si Nong's organizational structure is already broken. Wei Chen alone is really powerless.""


The little emperor took a deep breath and said calmly:"You also know that Da Si Nong's organizational system is in dire straits, and you are an absolute talent in finance. I believe you can definitely make Da Si Nong in a short time. Reply to run!"


Zhuge Jin pretends to do something difficult

"Nothing but!"

The little emperor likes to see Zhuge Jin in trouble.

This proves that the other party did not expect that he would suddenly extend an olive branch to recruit him.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

"As for Jiaheng, I will tell him personally."

The little emperor patted Yue's breasts and assured:"Jiaheng is loyal and pure. I believe he will never refuse. What's more, there is already a precedent of Boning, so I think you should be fine too!"


Zhuge Jin pretended to meditate for a long time, then bowed his hands and said:"Your Majesty, a small minister cannot support the entire Great Sinong, but if Your Majesty can promote Mi Zhu to be the Chief of Great Sinong, with my two partners, maybe within ten months, Can return to normal!"

"Mi Zhu?"

Of course the little emperor doesn't know this person.

"Um! Zhuge Jin nodded, but did not hide it:"Under Sikong Zhang, this person is Wei Chen's partner. He is responsible for the finance and merchants, and I am responsible for the rest!""

Now that the little emperor is begging for help, Zhuge Jin naturally wants to make a request.

The little emperor thought that there was only one person, so it was not impossible!

At that moment, he nodded with a hum:"Okay, I will follow Jia Heng. As I said, you should make preparations first and try to move out of Sikong Mansion within two days and go to the Da Si Nong Office to handle government affairs!

Zhuge Jin took a deep breath:"No!""

At this moment, he really admired Guo Jia more and more!

This kid is really amazing. He even calculated the reaction of the little emperor.

From the beginning of this incident to the end of this incident, there was almost no escape. You have to know that things like excluding dissidents are very sensitive.

Being able to be so calm and still make the little emperor happy is simply a miracle!

But why......

This kind of miracle is simply not worth mentioning here in Guo Jia.

It’s as if you can create something with a wave of your hand.

Although Zhuge Jin had no expression on his face, in fact, he was extremely excited at this time.

Jiu Qing!

Already occupied two seats.

And it took less than a month


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