
Hanting has declined.

However, the disciples and former officials of the Yuan family still had strong influence in the court.

You know, Yuan Shao was the leader of the alliance against Dong Zhuo, and Yuan Wei died as a result.

In a sense, Yuan Shao is quite famous, and the Yuan family still has a strong influence.


If Han Yi doesn't open his mouth, then he will annihilate the Yuan Shao clan if he opens his mouth?

This is simply to completely uproot the Yuan family!

At that moment, the whole tent suddenly became chaotic:

"Your Majesty, we haven’t figured out the matter yet, so don’t jump to conclusions easily."

"Yes, Your Majesty, although Dong Cheng and Yang Feng attacked the camp, Yuan Shao's troops did not!"

"That's right, the Yuan family has been living in Han Dynasty for a long time and is loyal to the emperor and patriotic. How could they do such unfaithful and unjust things!"

"I hope your Majesty will be aware of this!"

Suddenly, all the ministers in the big tent held their hands and shouted in unison:

"I hope your Majesty will see clearly!"

Han Yi only saw that the tent was full of civil and military personnel, and almost half of them were interceding for Yuan Shao.

In comparison, Dong Cheng and Yang Feng were simply scum!

This also confirmed from another aspect.

They are basically scum. The influence of the chess piece in the court is really very weak!

But this guy Yuan Shao!

He is obviously very weak, but relying on the reputation of the Yuan family, he still has a strong influence in the court.

And what about Han Yi?

The foundation is too shallow.

The only reliance should be Wang Yun before and Cai Yong now.

As for Situ Yang Biao?

This man is a royalist.

Everything he does is for the emperor.

If Han Yi is loyal to the emperor and patriotic , , then he will naturally defend it.

But if Han Yi has any unreasonable thoughts, then Yang Biao will also argue with reason.

The Hongnong Yang family!

This is what it is like.

The rebellion last night is true.

Yang Biao will naturally fight for this. Clearly.

And what he knew even more clearly was that Dong Cheng and Yang Feng were indeed just pawns.

Moreover, Han Yi was right, the rebellion was to destroy the three tribes.

It was precisely because of this.

Yang Biao had never spoken out, but Quiet Hou is on the side.


Yang Biao can be very calm.

But the little emperor couldn't do it at all.

Although this was not the first time he had faced such tit-for-tat.

But I have to admit that the little emperor was more nervous than when he faced Dong Zhuo.

"I wonder what Yang Qing thinks?"

The little emperor couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly looked at Yang Biao


Yang Biao glanced at Baiguan, and then glanced at Han Yi.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

He pondered for a long time.

As if weighing the pros and cons.

There was a pause.

Yang Biao bowed his head and said softly:"Your Majesty, I think that Dong Cheng and Yang Feng have indeed invaded the camp. Many people have witnessed this with their own eyes. If Han Shijun hadn't already put up the embankment, maybe Your Majesty would have Danger!"

Tsk tsk~~~

Have to admit.

When Yang Biao speaks, he is very particular.

He admitted the fact that Dong Cheng and Yang Feng had invaded the camp.

But no evidence of his rebellion was ever given. just saying......

Your Majesty may be in danger.

Moreover, the word"maybe" is still used.

Being a complete neutral is actually the same as not taking a stance.

On the one hand, it is not to offend Han Yi; on the other hand, it is not to offend the little emperor.

After all, the young emperor was Dong Cheng's son-in-law. Yang Biao really didn't dare to speculate on the relationship between his father-in-law and his son-in-law.

Even if he really guessed it, he would not give any opinion. This has been his way of survival for many years.

"As for Yuan Shao......"

Yang Biao pondered for a moment and then said angrily:"Wei Chen did not see his troops, but there was indeed one outside the camp. Moreover, this morning, Yuan Shao retreated without warning. This is indeed suspicious!"

Look! Look!

Another ambiguous answer.

Neither agreed with Han Yi nor denied Han Yi.

Anyway, there is no offense to both sides, so you can figure it out on your own.

The implication is to tell the little emperor that you have to make the decision yourself in this matter.

The little emperor paused, and his eyes fell on Cai Yong beside him:"Cai Qing, what do you mean?......"

Cai Yong simply bowed his hands and saluted:"Your Majesty, you should know that Jiaheng is the son-in-law of the old minister. On this matter, the old minister should keep silent!"

One word!

He immediately shouted back.

The meaning is very clear, you still have to make the decision yourself.

The little emperor had no choice but to swallow his saliva and muttered for a long time:"In that case, I think it is true that Dong Cheng and Yang Feng invaded the camp, but there is insufficient evidence of rebellion. Since they are dead, they can be buried generously. No more pursue"

"in addition!"

When it came to the Yuan family, the young emperor finally hesitated for a moment:"As for whether Yuan Shao colluded with Yang Feng and Dong Cheng to cause rebellion, the evidence is slightly insufficient, but it is indeed against etiquette and law for him to leave without saying goodbye!"

"I thought......"

The little emperor drawled his voice and glanced at Han Yi.

Seeing that Han Yi was always calm and his face did not change, he continued:"I thought that it would be enough to send someone to severely reprimand him and make him confess his guilt. I wonder what Han Qing thinks?"

In fact, Han Yi was not prepared for anything.

How could he not know that he wanted to use this trick to knock Yuan Shaoqian down?

That is simply impossible!

He just wanted to use this method to temporarily classify ministers and emperors.

Look at those people who are from the Yuan Shao faction; who are from the royalist faction; and who are from his Han Yi faction; it’s obvious!

Apart from military power, Han Yi basically has no foundation in the DPRK.

Cai Yong is a person who has strict requirements on himself. It may not be that easy for him to support him at critical moments.

As for Yang Biao, if he doesn't go against him in the future, he will be in trouble!

Han Yi is really weak!

He finally understood.

Why would Cao Cao hold on to military power and not let go.

That's his only support!

Han Yi naturally understands the importance of the barrel of a gun.

Most of his legions were summoned.

Although there are indigenous people, there are relatively few who hold military power.

It is for this reason.

There is no need to consider that some dissident elements will attack from within.

Of course!

What shocked Han Yi the most.

In fact, he is still the little emperor Liu Xie.

Don't look at him. On the surface, he seems to be as timid as a mouse and shrinking like a turtle.

But Han Yi could tell from the way he dealt with things that this person was definitely not as simple as imagined.

Appease both sides without offending.

To put it simply, I am a little afraid of things.

But if you think about it carefully, this decision is already the best for now.

This proves it.

Although he has been controlled by Dong Zhuo since he ascended the throne.

But in fact, I have been studying the way of governing the country with great concentration and have never neglected it.

This is an emperor who has the desire to revitalize the Han Dynasty!

In the future, he will inevitably collide with Liu Xie.

Han Yi took a long breath and bowed his hands:"How dare I disobey His Majesty's decision!"

Take your time, don't rush!


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