After Man Chong came out of the morgue, he let out a long breath.

Yang Ye hurriedly caught up and raised his hand:"Bo Ning, is this deceased Cao Cao?"

Originally, Cao Cao's self-immolation was a matter of concern to Yang Ye.

But who would have thought that the superiors would have great doubts about Cao Cao's death.

Therefore, Man Chong was sent down to do a careful inspection.

Yang Ye was too concerned about this matter.

If it was a fluke that Cao Cao ran away the first time, then he ran away again the second time!

This just makes him feel sick!

The Yang family generals all gathered around:"Military advisor, this deceased should be Cao Cao, right?"

Yang Yanzhao, in particular, added:"We have done a careful inspection, and Cao Cao's height and body shape are completely verified. Yes, there should be no problem."

Never thought!

Man Chong said sternly:"Unfortunately, this person is not Cao Cao! And none of these dead people were Cao Cao's advisers and generals, especially that Xu Chu, it's so fake!"


Yang Yanzhao was stunned:"This is impossible!"

Yang Ye couldn't help but be curious:"Military advisor, you can't say this nonsense!""

Man Chong naturally understood.

If he came to such a conclusion, to put it bluntly, it would be equivalent to slapping Yang Ye and Qin Qiong in the face.

Their two armies had been fighting Cao Cao for almost three months, and now they were actually escaped. ?

Do you believe it?

Manchong took a deep breath and bowed his head:"Everyone, come with me!"

The group of people entered the morgue again.

Man Chong walked to the body of"Cao Cao" and said softly:"On the surface, Cao Cao's body is indeed very similar to him in terms of body shape, but I have carefully inspected his body. Face"

"The cheekbones are too high and the browbones are too low!"

"This is obviously inconsistent with Cao Cao's appearance!"

"Of course!"

"This is just one of them! Man

Chong turned to the other side and slowly raised"Cao Cao's" chin:"Look carefully, this man was obviously strangled to death, not burned to death at all!""

"Or, should I say so!"

"This person was first strangled to death, then transported to the prefect's mansion, and then faked to appear burned to death. The purpose was obviously to cover up the truth about their escape."

Yang Ye couldn't help being stunned.

He stared at the strangulation mark carefully.

Because it was on the lower jaw, he needed to burn his entire body to cover it up.

But unfortunately, the flames were not so powerful after the building collapsed, so As a result, the strangulation marks could not be covered up. Of course

, Yang Ye and others could not discover such details.

But it does not mean that they can hide it from Man Chong. He is responsible for Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and in the future, California and Xuzhou. Criminal investigation case.. This person's eyes are like a poisonous snake! - He can easily discover secrets that others cannot discover!

Just like now!.

Just Cao Cao made Yang Ye and others wake up!

This time!

Sure enough! Cao Cao escaped again!

"And this Xu Chu! Man

Chong turned to Xu Chu again:"On the surface, this man may be as strong as Xu Chu. The weapon in his hand is also a long sword with a golden back, but he is obviously different from Xu Chu!""

"To put it simply, this person is fat, but Xu Chu is really strong!"

"You failed to see through Cao Cao, but you should have seen through Xu Chu, right? This man's frame is obviously too small, and he simply cannot support such a strong body!"

This may be a bit difficult to understand.

But think about it carefully.

In real life, have you ever discovered that many years ago, you were still a thin boy, but once you gain weight, you look fatter than those who were fat before!

This is the reason for the skeleton!

A thin person has a small frame and cannot hold much meat at all. Once he gets fat, it will be very obvious; but a person with an already strong body has a large frame. Even if he is really fat, he will look very fat for a while. It's hard to find.

There's no way!

People's skeletons can hide meat.

Of course!

This is just a detail, and it doesn't mean that all people are like this.

It just happens that this kind of example can be placed on this fake corpse.

This person is obviously A fat man with a thin body came to pretend to be the real thick Xu Chu!

Man Chong saw through it at a glance.

The Yang family generals also realized it later.

"Come and see this again......", before he finished speaking, Yang Ye waved his hand:"Military advisor, stop talking!"

Man Chong closed his mouth calmly. He walked up to Yang Ye and said softly:"General Yang, my lord has said, I know Be brave after being shamed. If you want to avenge your shame, please don't be sad, just turn it into motivation and train your troops hard!"

"One day sooner or later!

At this point, Man Chong sighed:"We and Cao Cao will meet again!" Yang

Ye stared at his steel teeth and said,"Don't worry, military advisor, the general will remember it!""


Just at this moment, a long report sounded outside the morgue.

A soldier broke in from outside, leaned over and said with his hands in hand:"Strategic advisor, general, and generals are three feet away. They found a secret passage under the prefect's mansion. I came here to report it!""

"There really is!"

Yang Ye was completely convinced this time.

Although none of the people above were on the battlefield, just by looking at the battle reports, we can deduce that Cao Cao did not play with fire and burn himself. This was just a cicada's escape from his shell that he directed and performed!

"Damn it! Yang

Ye cursed secretly and clenched his fists subconsciously.

Man Chong said softly:"Well, I understand. Have you sent someone down to take a look?" The messenger nodded:"I've sent someone down. I think I'll get a reply soon. Please ask the military advisor to wait a moment!""

Man Chong hummed, then turned to Yang Ye and bowed his head:"General Yang, I'm going to the prefect's mansion. There are still many things that I haven't figured out yet, so I won't spend more time with you! Yang

Ye cupped his hands and clasped his fists:"Military advisor, please help yourself. It's the last general who begs for mercy!""

Man Chong nodded and walked out of the morgue.

Yang Ye let out a long sigh, and his whole person seemed to be much more decadent all of a sudden.

"snort! He snorted softly.

Then, he shook his head in embarrassment:"We went through all the hard work, but in the end, Cao Cao escaped. This is simply a shame for our general Yang family!""

"I want each of you to remember it!"

Yang Ye's eyes swept across the crowd, and his voice was low, but sonorous and powerful:"Cao Cao! He is the lifelong enemy of my son, the son of the Yang family. If he does not die, the Yang family will have no face to face the master!"

All the men raised their hands in unison:"No! Yang

Yanzhao followed and bowed:"Father, let's go and write to the lord quickly, asking to be stationed in Runan. I feel that Cao Cao must have fled to Jingzhou. Runan is adjacent to Huainan and Jingzhou, and is closest to Cao Cao!"

Yang Ye nodded affirmatively:"Well, that's it, let's go!""


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