Chen Dao is truly a warrior!

He was stunned and struggling to deal with the fierce offensive of the two men.

Although he was kept being beaten and had no strength to fight back, at least he was not dead yet.

Moreover, Chen Dao clearly realized that as long as he persisted long enough, he could give his soldiers a chance to attack the opponent and eliminate them bit by bit! puff! puff! puff!

The Taishan Army has long become a tired division.

Being killed bit by bit by the opponent. one! two!......



Their forces are getting smaller and smaller.

However, Cao's army's strength increased.

"Don't worry when your uncle arrives, Qiao County Shi Huan is here!"

At the same time, a group of soldiers and horses came not far away.

It was Cao Cao's general Shi Huan.

He was ordered to support Cao Hong, but he secretly led some soldiers and horses to support Wu Yuan, just in case.

Sure enough!

Before he arrived at Wuyuan County, he heard the sound of Chen's arrow calling for help.

At that moment, he worked non-stop and led troops to help.

There was a huge crowd of people!

Shan Xiongxin raised his eyes and took a long breath.

If before, he wanted to gain a chance of survival by killing Chen Dao, then now......

He has completely lost hope of survival

"Bodang, it’s great that I, Shan Xiongxin, can be your brother in this life!"

For some reason, Shan Xiongxin suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Bodang and broke into a faint smile.


An arrow shot across the sky.

The thieves behind Shan Xiongxin fell down immediately.

Wang Bodang reached for the arrow pot!

But he found that there were no arrows in the arrow pot under his saddle.

After exhaling a breath, Wang Bodang looked around at the thieves and realized.

They have already been surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside!

"brother! Wang

Bodang threw away the precious eagle bow and replaced it with a gold-backed machete:"If there is an afterlife, I, Wang Bodang, will still be your brother. As for this life, let us live and die together!""

"With the total death!"

All the soldiers in Wagang shouted in unison.

For a moment!

Even Chen Dao couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He has always admired heroes, and even more determined to become a famous hero.

In his eyes, a real hero should be like what he sees in front of him. These two people are the same, even if they face death, they have absolutely no fear at all. They truly regard death as home and return wrapped in horse leather!

What a joy in life; what a pain in death!

Real warriors!

Dare to face the bleak life; dare to face the dripping blood; on the battlefield, is his final destination!

Involuntarily, Chen Dao actually developed a hint of respect for Shan Xiongxin and Wang Bodang.

But the more this happened, the more he couldn't let these two people go!

After all, each is his own master, and the enemy Kindness means being cruel to oneself!

Chen Dao stared at his steel teeth as if he had made an extremely difficult decision:"Brothers, kill~~~"


A roar.

Like a bell exploding, it shocked the world.

Shan Xiongxin, Wang Bodang and other soldiers in Wagang.

In an instant, they were entangled with Cao Jun.

The sword flashes, the blood flows like a river!

All of a sudden!

They were killed until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon lost their light.

It was as if even the heaven and earth changed color in an instant!

Just when the Wagang army was about to be wiped out.


There was a rumble of horse hooves outside.

"Botang, listen!"

Shan Xiongxin gasped heavily:"Thieves Cao really spent a lot of money. For the sake of our troops, they actually sent troops to help us three times!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Wang Bodang suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because, he felt a trace of doubt on the face of the other general.

"Brother, something doesn't seem right! Wang

Bodang held a gold-backed machete in front of him and said,"Look at them one by one. Does it look like reinforcements are coming?" And if you listen carefully, the sound of horse hooves is coming from the northeast!"


Shan Xiongxin suddenly realized something.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked around, and suddenly found that in the billowing smoke, there was a large banner flying. The four characters"White Robe Army·Chen" in capital letters and bold on the flag were sonorous. powerful!

"White robe army?"

Shan Xiongxin was a little disappointed.

He originally thought it was the soldiers sent by Qin Qiong.

But who would have thought that it was the White Robes Army, a name he had never heard of at all.

Since they are not his friendly forces, they must be their opponents!


With a slight snort, Shan Xiongxin smiled awkwardly:"Bodang, even if we have all the abilities this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to fly. I'm afraid this white-robed army will not be able to fly......."

The words have not yet been spoken!

Shan Xiongxin clearly heard a voice:

"My lord has an order, if you encounter Cao's army, kill them all!"

"I am Chen Qingzhi of the white-robed army under the Yanzhou pastoral tent. I dare to ask if there are any heroes from Wagang in the formation?"

Poof! Poof! Poof!

When the sound fell, Shan Xiongxin saw it clearly.

Outside Cao Jun's encirclement, people shouting and horses neighing could be heard, a cloud of smoke and dust arose, and bodies kept flying out!


"This is......"

Shan Xiongxin was completely stunned.

He really couldn't believe that a troop of soldiers appeared at such a moment.

Moreover, they are the soldiers and horses under his own lord's account!

"General Chen!

Wang Bodang shouted excitedly:"I am Wang Bodang, and General Shan Xiongxin is also here!" We can hold on for a while longer, thank you general for coming to our aid from thousands of miles away!"

"It's reinforcements! It turned out to be reinforcements!"

"Ha ha! I never expected that my lord would send reinforcements!"

"It's so good, so good!"

"Brothers, the Lord has sent reinforcements!"


The Wagang soldiers became excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood and resurrected with full blood on the spot.

In their eyes, there is no longer pain or death!

But the hope of survival!

As long as there is hope, everything is possible!

"not good!"

"There are reinforcements!"

Chen Dao suddenly realized that something was wrong and shouted:"General Shi, you go to defend the enemy. I will deal with these defeated generals. We have tens of thousands of people, and the opponent's cavalry is less than three thousand at best!"

It is worth mentioning that although Chen Qingzhi's White Robe Army has 7,000 troops, according to the normal establishment, there are only 3,000 cavalry, and the remaining 4,000 are infantry.

Because of the tense war, Chen Qingzhi could only lead Wang Yun and Zhang Long Er General, leading three thousand elite cavalry, galloping day and night!

"promise! Shi

Huan responded, immediately reined in his horse and turned around:"Brothers, come with me and stop the bandits!""

As soon as the battle changed, Cao Jun's soldiers abandoned Shan Xiongxin and Wang Bodang and went straight to Chen Qingzhi:"Kill~~~~"

In an instant!

The pressure on the two dropped sharply.

Although there are only a hundred elites left.

But now, supported by the hope of life.

All the soldiers seemed to be reborn from Nirvana, with high morale and murderous intent!

Shan Xiongxin held up the golden-topped jujube sunglasses, raised his steel teeth, and let out a roar of thunder:"Common man, where are you going? Eat a straw from me!"

Wang Bodang was even more fierce, swinging his golden-backed mountain knife and pointing at Chen When he arrived at his pocket, he was struck with a blow:"I'm here to accept my fate."~~~"


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