I want Cao Cao to reveal his trump card.

That's simply impossible.

To know.

This old boy is known as a traitor!

The best at hiding.

Historically, during the Battle of Guandu, Xu You came to surrender sincerely, but from beginning to end, he never told the other party half the truth. It was best for Xu You to expose Cao Cao himself, and then he became sincere. cooperate.


Luo Cheng suddenly said that he had found Cao Cao's hidden troops.

And it’s very powerful!

This moment!

Han Yi immediately thought of a scene in his memory. no way!

This is only the second day.

Have you already tested out Cao Cao’s trump card?

If he only had this ability, could he still be Emperor Wu of Wei?

Let’s take a step back and say it!

Even though that is Cao Cao's real trump card.

With Cao Cao's ruthlessness, how could he let Luo Cheng leave so easily when his trump card was exposed!

Of course!

On the surface.

Luo Cheng seemed to have gone through a hellish process.

But in Han Yi's eyes, this was just Cao Cao acting.

He just wanted to use this illusion to confuse Han Yi and make Han Yi focus on him.

That’s it!

So...... on the other hand.

Luo Cheng tested the main force, it was probably just bait.

Han Yi took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and he said calmly:"Everyone, please don't be fooled by Cao Cao's appearance. He has prepared so hard for so long to deal with us, how could he be seen through so easily by us?"


Xun You on the side frowned:" This......Is it easy?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Han Yi.

The meaning is very clear!

Luo Cheng is already hanging there, can it still be considered easy?

Is it possible that in your impression, Luo Cheng can only be considered true if he is dead? Touched the core?

Of course!

Han Yi didn't mean that.

He waved his hand and said softly:"Everyone, I'm just warning you that Cao Cao is not as simple as you think. You don't know him well. He is too treacherous. , the more something is shown, the more unbelievable it is!"


Everyone was obviously confused.

After all, scholars of later generations have analyzed almost all the eighteen generations of Cao Cao's ancestors, and even his genes.

The so-called standing on the shoulders of giants and looking at apples.

Han Yi felt that together, these people , even he didn’t understand Cao Cao!

"You guys try to think about it! Han

Yi analyzed it bit by bit for them:"If that was really Cao Cao's trump card, would he let Luo Cheng leave safely at the moment it was exposed?""

"Of course!

Han Yi hurriedly added:"I don't mean to let Luo Shaobao die there, but don't you think that after he broke out, there were more than a hundred soldiers beside him?""


Han Yi took out the letterhead in his hand:"The content of this letter is not short. How could it be written if I didn't go to a safe place?"

This moment!

Everyone's suspicion started to rise.

They suddenly felt that Han Yi's analysis made sense.

If Cao Cao really exposed his trump card, he would definitely kill Luo Cheng as much as possible and would not give him a chance to pass on the information!

Now, Luo Cheng has not only sent back the information, but the content is also very detailed!

This is really doubtful!

Totally abnormal!

Guo Jia nodded with interest:"Yes, my lord is right. I suddenly remembered Xu Shao's evaluation of Cao Cao. A capable minister in a troubled world is also a traitor in troubled times!""

"Cao Cao!"

"Definitely not someone who gives up easily."

Guo Jiali pondered for a while, and his mind was frantically mobilizing everything about Cao Cao:"If he was a person who would admit defeat, he might not have rushed to Yuzhou in the first place!"

"After settling Yuzhou, he would not agree to Cao Song's plan to die in exchange for Xuzhou. All these prove that Cao Cao is an indomitable man!

Liu Ji nodded:"So, could Luo Cheng have fallen into a trap?"

Xun You said softly:"If Luo Cheng had not fallen into the trap, Cao Cao might have known the lord's intention, so he tried to use it to blind the lord's eyes so that he could launch a bigger plan!""

"That's right! Man Chong pinched a short strand of beard under his chin and said,"

It's very possible!"

Han Yi frowned:"Oh?" Boning, do you think so too?"

Man Chong has always done very little analysis of the war situation.

He is more like Guo Jia's assistant. In addition to managing lawsuits and other cases within the territory, he also has to help Guo Jia do some things that need to be done behind the scenes.

But this Once!

Man Chong rarely agreed.

This aroused Han Yi's curiosity.

Man Chong smiled awkwardly:"Lord, I just feel the same way.

Han Yi smiled and said,"Oh?" How do you feel the same way? Man

Chong answered honestly:"That's right. My lord has appointed me to be in charge of the household registration system, and also to catch the assassins who have infiltrated into Qingzhou and Yanzhou. I will naturally go all out. Judging from the current harvest, the assassins from Yuzhou is the most"

"Although they have been failing, they have never given up. They have tried every means to break into us. I am really worried about Cao Cao. He is much more difficult to deal with than Yuan Shao!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that. Man

Chong paused and said softly:"My lord, I spend most of my time competing with Cao Cao. The two clues I'm trying to catch now are all about the assassins sent by Yuzhou.""

Speaking of this.

Man Chong shrugged. His helpless look was really pitiful.

Han Yi smiled:"Bo Ning has worked hard, but he still has to work hard. As long as Cao Cao doesn't die, he will probably never You will give up and there are still many things you have to do. Man

Chong bowed his head and said,"Don't worry, my lord, I will do my best.""


"Let’s get down to business. Han

Yi sat upright and sighed:"As Boning said, and as we analyzed just now, I think Luo Cheng's message just proves that Cao Cao has a trump card, but it's not in Yuzhou!""

At this moment, no one has any objection to this analysis.

Guo Jiagululu took a sip of wine and let his mind spin rapidly:"If Cao Cao's trump card is not in Yuzhou, then will it be in Pengcheng, Xuzhou?"


Liu Ji on the side continued:"But, in Pengcheng, Xuzhou, there is only one Cao Hong and 50,000 troops. If he joins Xu Chu who is blocking Pei Yuanqing, he will only have 70,000 troops!"


It seems that Xuzhou is nothing special.

Suddenly, the hall became deathly quiet.

No one knows what Cao Cao is planning.

Han Yi pondered for a long time and fell into deep thought.


Guo Jia's eyes suddenly brightened, he turned around and bowed his head:"Master, what about Cao Cao?"......"


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