"What? Cao

Cao was suddenly shocked and stared at Gong Du in disbelief:"He was defeated?" Gong

Du knelt down on one knee and bowed his hands:"My lord, Luo Cheng is really too powerful and his vigilance is too strong. We ambush the Horse Trap Formation and the Iron Caltrops Formation in advance, but we didn't send any troops at all." come in handy"

"no way!"

"We could only rely on fire attacks to launch the attack, but the five hundred people on the other side stayed calm in the face of danger and postponed their withdrawal. As a result, our fire attacks did not have much effect!"

Gong Du simply narrated the battle.

But Cao Cao was proficient in the art of war, so how could Gong Du be able to deceive him.

At that moment, he suddenly became suspicious and asked:"Even so, it is not necessary to lose. After all, What's going on? Don't hide it. Tell me quickly!"

Gong Du swallowed. He was really afraid of Cao Cao.

Although Cao Cao did not have a battlefield, he seemed to be able to see through the details of the battlefield at a glance:"We......us......We were a little unwilling, so......He led his troops to pursue him!"

"Damn it!"

Cao Cao was so angry that his eyes widened, and he really wanted to slap him directly:"What have I told you? Don't have direct contact with Luo Cheng. Use traps and strategies as much as possible. You are no match for him!"

"Are my words falling on deaf ears?"

At this point, Cao Cao was so angry that he almost burst out of anger:"As soon as you emerged from the forest, you immediately exposed your strength. Two or three thousand soldiers and horses, in Luo Cheng's eyes, are not worth mentioning at all.!

Gong Du simply knocked his head to the ground:"My lord, I finally realized my mistake and begged my lord to punish me!""


"snort! Cao

Cao snorted disdainfully:"Of course I have to punish you. Come on, drag Gong Du out and chop him down. If you don't succeed enough and fail more than you can do, keeping you will only bring disaster to me!"

Gong Du was stunned for a moment:"Lord!" Please, my lord, give me a chance! Please give me a chance, my lord!"

Cao Cao didn't want to pay attention to Gong Du. He simply turned his back to Gong Du and waved his hand:"Take it away!"

The two guards dragged Gong Du backwards and left without hesitation!


The next second.

There was no sound.

Xun Yu knew that he had killed Gong Du, so he bowed and said:"My lord, we are short of major generals now. Killing the general before the battle will be detrimental to the army!""

"snort! Cao

Cao snorted angrily:"Wen Ruo, generals who disobey military orders like this must be killed. Our team has expanded too fast. Some of the generals are newly surrendered generals. This time in Gongdu, we should kill them as a warning to others!""

"If you dare to disobey military orders again! Cao

Cao stared at his steel teeth and said:"I will continue to kill. I don't believe I can't stop this trend of disobedience!""






_ Guys, they have all kinds of habits.

If Cao Cao doesn't repair them, they will be a mouthful of rotten meat and ruin the rhythm of the pot of soup.

Because of this.

Xun Yu stopped talking and said:"My lord, now Gong Du and Liu Pi were defeated, and the opponent continued to penetrate deeper, causing Cao Chun and Cao Xiu to miss. We are afraid that we will have to expose ourselves to the opponent a little more."

"Um! Cao

Cao nodded:"Han Yi is not that easy to deceive. Giving him too little will only make him more and more suspicious. If this continues, it is not an option!""

There was a pause.

Cao Cao pondered for a moment and then said:"Let Xiahou De and Cao Zhen go. Don't bring too few troops and horses. With ten thousand people, as long as they block the opponent for an hour, Zihe and Zilie will definitely be able to lead their troops and form an army. Encirclement!"

"Twenty thousand soldiers and horses!

Cao Cao sighed:"I think it should be enough!""


Cao Cao nodded:"Yeah!"


Let's say that Luo Cheng killed Liu Pi and took a detour.

They were still very cautious, and while they kept moving forward, they sent people to scout around.

What a coincidence. really!

Luo Cheng really found out the situation.

Luo Cheng rode up to Xu Maogong and said:"Military advisor, the troops behind us are ten thousand, including three thousand cavalry, and the rest are all elite infantry!"

"It seems! Luo

Cheng raised the corners of his lips slightly:"We, five hundred people, are probably going to stir up a hornet's nest!" Xu

Maogong held a wisp of goatee under his chin:"Yes, judging from the layout, they were originally going to form an encirclement. But unfortunately, the other party's generals were too impulsive and were defeated by our counterattack, and the plan failed!""


Xu Maogong said calmly:"I think the other party will send troops again. If the strength this time is significantly greater than the last time, maybe we have really encountered the core of Cao's thieves."

Luo Cheng nodded:"Sure enough, my lord Ying Ming actually guessed that Cao Ah Man still had hidden strength. It seemed that he not only wanted to capture Pengcheng, but also probably wanted to seize the opportunity to capture the entire Xuzhou in one fell swoop!"

"The capture of Xuzhou is certain."

Xu Maogong nodded, there is no doubt about this:"However, with his strength, he can't even take down our five hundred elite cavalry, so why should he fight with the lord!"

"Remember this!"

"When we judge whether it is the main force of Cao's army, we must not look at the number of the opponent's soldiers and horses, but at the level of elites. If we lose more than half of our 500 elite cavalry, we may even face the possibility of the entire army being annihilated!"

"Only then can we prove that the other party is really the main force of Cao's army!"

Since it is a touchstone, Xu Maogong naturally wants to use this power to the extreme.

When sending out troops, he made it clear to the soldiers that the entire army would probably be annihilated. Those who did not want to participate did not have to participate.

But Han Yi's actions in Mount Tai Their reputation is very high, they are not afraid of life and death, and no one quits.


Xu Maogong did not want to bring them all back.

Everyone is ready to die!

Such an army has the strongest combat effectiveness.

Also The one who can best test the strength of Cao Jun!


Just at this moment, a long report came from not far away.

Luo Cheng turned his head and looked around, only to see a group of cavalry approaching:"General, about five miles ahead, we found Cao's army, numbering about 10,000, heading towards our army!"

"Ten thousand people? Luo

Cheng's eyes suddenly brightened, and he turned to look at Xu Maogong:"Military advisor, Cao Jun has sent another 10,000 troops. It seems that he wants to stop us and prevent us from moving forward!""


Xu Maogong nodded:"Thief Cao must have meant this, but whether he can stop us is another matter. Let's go and meet them and see how powerful they are! Luo

Cheng got on his horse and raised his silver spear:"I hope he won't disappoint me!""


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