Zhuge Jin couldn't imagine it.

Han Yi really went back.

As soon as it was over, I went back without stopping.

Sometimes, he is really curious about how people are different.

He also has a family, but he can't do what Han Yi did, almost sticking himself at home! well!

No matter so much.

Although fishery and salt administration have taken shape.

But it still takes time to get on the right track.

Han Yi has done everything he can do, and he has done it very well.

Then the rest!

You can only leave it to yourself!

Zhuge Jin is diligent and hardworking. finally!

Two days later.

He got new purified salt.

If the small white crystals before were coarse salt.

So now, this white powder must have reached Han Yi's standards.

Zhuge Jin grabbed a handful of salt and looked in disbelief:"We did it! We finally did it! This time it's real fine salt, real fine salt!"

Wang Hai was so moved that he almost cried:"Sir, I really can't believe that we actually did it, used seawater to dry salt, and it was successful!"

"Not only was it successful!"

"The key is to refine it into real fine salt!"

At this moment, Wang Hai could no longer hold back, and tears burst out of his eyes:"Sir, our lord is so great. It is my blessing, Wang Hai, to be able to work under him in this life!"

For a while, the salt workers around shouted:

"It is also my blessing!"

"It is a blessing for all of us!"

"We are lucky to be able to follow our lord!"


You know, they are all experienced salt workers.

After the successful trial of the salt field method, they were highly praised.

As long as everyone is willing to work hard, each person can be responsible for a few salt fields.

Relying solely on production, the monthly net income would be at least eight coins!

Moreover, this is still under unfamiliar circumstances. Once practice makes perfect, you may be able to reach ten big coins!

That’s ten big bucks!

If it was privately owned in the past, they wouldn't be able to make ten big bucks a year.

But now!

As long as you work hard, you can make ten big bucks a month!

For ordinary people, this is a blessing!

Zhuge Jin was also very happy. He waved his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet:"I want to tell you some good news. My lord told me before he left. As long as the salt field method is successful and can be popularized within a month, each person will be rewarded ten A lot of money!"

"this......is this real?"

"The Lord actually wants to give us a reward?"

"Ha ha! Don't worry, adults, we will work hard!"

"It's great that the Lord is targeting us salt workers!"


Looking at the excited salt workers.

Zhuge Jin finally understood what Han Yi had said in"The Wine Will Come in":"

You will come back after all your money is gone!"

Han Yi only spent ten big coins to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for work.

Perhaps, it will not take more than a month to complete the popularization.

To know!

Every morning. for salt production.

That's more than just ten big coins!

Zhuge Jin really admired Han Yi so much that he fell into admiration!

"Wang Hai!"


"Starting tomorrow, we will lead the salt workers and build the salt fields according to the plan."

"Don't worry, adults, just leave it to us!"


"Building salt fields! Ten big coins!"


The salt workers were happy, and so was Zhuge Jin.

Although he is the supervisor, he believes that even if he is not present, these salt workers can complete the construction of the salt field within the specified time. All this is thanks to the lord Han Yi!


Just when Zhuge Jin was excited.

Suddenly a quick report sounded from the outside.

Zhuge Jin raised his eyes and saw a fast horse galloping not far away.

"what happened?"

Zhuge Jin knew at a glance that he was the messenger from the county government.

The messenger flew off his horse, leaned forward and held his hands in his hands:"Sir, General Qi has information that pirates are attacking. I order you to return to the county government as soon as possible!"


Zhuge Jin was surprised.

You know, Han Yi has only been away for two days, and the opponent actually came to attack?

If Dian Wei could be here, he would naturally not be worried at all.

But it happened......

It's the navy that was just established.

And there is only a navy of three hundred small battleships!

Once they fail to stop the pirates, they are likely to destroy the salt fields and the fishing nets they just set!

"Damn it! Zhuge Jin cursed secretly.

He hurriedly ordered:"Wang Hai, take the salt workers and return to the city quickly!"

Wang Hai responded without hesitation:"No!" Sir, we must fight against the pirates to the end and protect the salt fields!"

All the salt workers agreed:

"right! We must fight against the pirates to the end!"

"Whoever dares to touch our salt fields, we will fight to the death!"

"Damn pirates, I finally saw some hope, but he dared to sneak attack!"

"Let's go, brothers, fuck you guys, fight the pirates to the end!"

"Fight to the end to protect the salt fields!"

"Protect the salt fields!"


Zhuge Jin was extremely moved.

You know, they are all ordinary salt workers.

If it were before, they would definitely run away, after all, it was for private individuals.

But now, they have regarded the salt fields as their own lives!

Look at this fierce posture.

Not to mention pirates, even the Lord of Hell is here.

These salt workers also have to hold him down a few times.

Destroying people's wealth is equivalent to killing lives!

Salt worker!

Never agree!


Zhuge Jin still shouted out without hesitation:"You all stop!"

He stood in front of the salt workers and shouted sternly:"To deal with the pirates, we have the navy! You must believe in the navy and the lord, they will definitely be able to deal with them. The pirates were beaten away!"

"Even if you take ten thousand steps back!"

"As long as you are still there, even if the pirates destroy all the salt fields, I will not feel bad. We can build ten more, one hundred more, even one thousand or ten thousand!"

"Everyone, be obedient and come back to me!"

Although Zhuge Jin is young, his momentum is really impressive.

What's more!

His identity is here.

These salt workers have to obey.

Zhuge Jin glanced at Wang Hai:"Wang Hai, take the brothers and hurry up. Walk!

Wang Hai frowned:"Sir, but......"

Zhuge Jin's eyes widened:"It's nothing, this is an order! Leave quickly!"

As a last resort, Wang Hai could only wave his hands:"Brothers, let's go! Go back to the county seat!"

Looking at the salt workers who were gradually leaving.

Zhuge Jin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He frowned and turned to look at the messenger:"Is General Qi going to fight?"

The messenger nodded:"That's right! General Qi led two hundred battleships and took the initiative to fight, leaving only General Chen Lu. , leading a hundred battleships to protect the salt fields and fishing grounds!"

"What a Qi Jiguang! Zhuge

Jin's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was worried:"How dare you take the initiative to attack!" I really underestimated you. Come on, take me to the beach. I want to personally supervise the formation!"

The messenger:"No!"


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