It was late summer.

It's a little cool in the morning.

Langya country.

Cao Mansion.

Zhang Kai and more than a hundred elites were waiting outside the mansion.

On Tao Qian's order, he came to escort Cao Song to Qiao County, Pei State.

A full hour and a half has passed.


Cao Song's family hasn't cleaned up yet.

Zhang Kai sat in the teahouse opposite, looking at the servants who were moving boxes, his eyes gleaming

"General, they all say that Cao Song is a corrupt official."

"I didn’t believe it before! The deputy general beside him frowned and sighed:" But look, there are such big boxes. Four boxes need to be placed on a carriage. There are more than 150 boxes. I have never seen such a price in my life."! Zhang

Kai glanced at the deputy general and let out a scornful laugh:"How do you know it's all money?" Perhaps, it might just be some ordinary salutes!"

"Ordinary salute? The deputy general then pointed to a large car:"

General, do you think that is an ordinary salute?"

Zhang Kai nodded:"Do you know what's inside?" The deputy general raised his lips slightly and said confidently:"General, although I haven't seen what's inside, I can guess pretty much!""

"oh? Zhang Kai was curious,"How do you say that?""

"Lo and behold! The deputy general's eyes fell on the servant not far away, and he lowered his voice and said:"Although that box is very big, if it is just a normal salute, will it take four people to carry it?""

"And look carefully!"

At this moment, four strong men carrying boxes were putting luggage on the carriage.


The carriage shuddered!

A creaking sound sounded, as if the carriage was about to collapse.

The deputy general shook his head and couldn't help but gasp. Air Conditioner:"Does this movement sound like a normal salute?"

"Um? Zhang Kai also felt a little curious,"What do you think?""

"snort!"The deputy general snorted coldly,"If my guess is correct, it's either a box of money or a box of horseshoe gold!"


Suddenly, Zhang Kai's eyes widened.

Involuntarily looking to the other side.

At this moment, the carriage moved forward slowly, with great difficulty.

Although Zhang Kai's mind is not flexible enough.

But after all, he was born in the army, and he was responsible for escorting grain and grass before.

Very familiar with pulling cars.

If the carriage was very light, the war horse would never be in this state.

Moreover, Zhang Kai could recognize that the horse being pulled was definitely not an ordinary horse, but a war horse that could go on the battlefield!

This kind of horse should have stronger endurance.

But that's the case.

Pulling such a carriage is not much better than an ordinary horse.

This shows what?

It means that the items in the box on the car must be very heavy!

"It seems that the Cao Mansion is very rich!"

Zhang Kai couldn't help but sigh.

"More than just being rich!"

"That’s quite rich! The deputy general's eyes widened, and he said softly:"The general may not know that Cao Song was a lieutenant before. Do you know how he got this position?""

"how come?"

Zhang Kai glanced at the deputy general.

"Bought with money!"

The deputy general lowered his voice and said:"I spent a full ten million yuan to buy the official position of Taiwei, but after serving for less than a few years, I was deposed by Emperor Ling!"

"Is this happening?"

Zhang Kai was shocked.

"That is! The deputy general exhaled with envy on his face:"Do you know how Cao Cao in Yuzhou started his business?"

Zhang Kai was confused:"Isn't it funded by the local wealthy businessman Wei Zi?""

"whispering sound!

The deputy general shook his head nonchalantly:"Then how much money does Wei Zi have?" What he gave to Cao Cao was not enough for Cao Song to dig out from between his teeth!"

"Let me tell you! The deputy general came closer and lowered his voice:"When Cao Cao raised his army, because he had no money, he tore down the beams of his father's house and made them of pure gold!""


Zhang Kai was stunned:"Roof beams made of pure gold?""


The deputy general made a hurried gesture of silence.


Zhang Kai's voice still shocked the servant not far away.

At that time, a servant slipped and the box in his hand fell down.


A crisp sound.

The box exploded immediately.


A box full of money suddenly rolled out

"Damn it, do you want to die?"

Cao De's voice sounded from behind:"Hurry and pick it up!"

At this moment!

Zhang Kai's eyes turned green.

Although he was still sitting in the teahouse drinking tea, his thoughts had long gone.

"Ade, don't waste your time and leave quickly."

Behind him, a thin man walked out.

This man was none other than Cao Song.

Beside Cao Song, there were fat and thin people surrounded by seven or eight women.

"Tsk tsk~~~"

In the teahouse, the deputy general looked envious and jealous.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion:"General, do you see that you are so old that you can hardly walk, and you can still support so many women? If you don't have money, can you do this?"

Zhang Kai was indifferent and silent.

But in his heart, murderous intent was already revealed.

Cao Song glanced at the teahouse.

Even if it's just for a moment.

But he could feel it clearly.

There is a sharp steel knife hidden in Zhang Kai's eyes!

It smells like murder!

Cao Song was secretly happy.

The fish is finally taking the bait.

Slowly walking to the carriage, Cao Song ordered:

"Ade, you've been delayed for a long time. Let's go quickly!"

Cao De nodded:

"Got it, father."

Zhi Ni Ni Nu"~~~

The carriage moved forward slowly.

Not a moment later.

Then he left the city and headed west.

Zhang Kai rode his horse slowly and observed carefully.

If it was not noticeable in the city before, it was because of the bluestone pavement.


When the convoy drove out of the city and came to the official dirt road.

This feeling is so obvious.

The road the carriage traveled left two deep ruts.

How can this be done if it is a normal salute in the car?

Zhang Kai raised the corners of his lips slightly, looked around, and then looked up at the sky!

God helps me!

Due to the long delay.

Plus delays on the road.

Zhang Kai is sure that if the current progress is followed.

They would definitely not be able to reach the next village and would have to camp in the wilderness. this opportunity......

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Zhang Kai was extremely excited and waited patiently. a long time.

It's getting dark.

As expected, the convoy did not rush to the next village as planned.

As a last resort, they could only sleep in the wilderness and set up camp. at the same time.

His anxious confidant came over and lowered his voice:

"Everyone! We are originally from the Yellow Turbans, but under Tao Gongzu, we have never been able to be reused. If this continues, we will never be able to get ahead in this life!"

"Instead of wasting time here, it is better to work with brothers and let's do something big. When the time comes, we will turn into bandits and gather in the mountains and forests to eat popular food and drink spicy food. How delicious it will be! Zhang

Kai looked around at the brothers and said,"I wonder, brothers, what do you think?""

Brothers, you look at me, and I look at you:"General, we listen to you!"


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