Lone Ranger!

Lone Ranger!

Lone Ranger!......

It lingers in Hua Tuo's mind like a curse.

For a moment, Hua Tuo was confused.

It was as if all of a sudden, the ideas he pursued suddenly collapsed.

More importantly.

Ying Bao is absolutely right.

What a loner I am!

I want to rely on my meager medical skills to help everyone as much as possible.

This is his dream!

But in Yingbao's eyes, it is worthless!

Hua Tuo knew.

The other person is not looking down upon you.

It’s just that their realm is higher.

If you care about your family, country and the world, you should have a way of dealing with your family, country and the world!

And what about Hua Tuo?

Although he has his own ambitions.

But in a sense, my own means are not worthy of my ambition!

That's all!

Han Yi remained calm, even after Ying Bao finished speaking.

He just added lightly:

"Mr. Yuanhua, don’t refuse in a hurry, think carefully."

"Now not only do I need you, but Mount Tai needs you, and people all over the world need you!"

"I hope you don't limit yourself to your own world. It's too narrow and it's a waste of all your abilities!"

After saying that, Han Yi hugged Ying Bao and turned to leave.

Looking at the backs of the father and daughter leaving,

Hua Tuo was filled with emotion.

For a moment, he was stunned on the spot.

Zheng Xuan also let out a long breath and added:" Yuanhua, to tell you the truth, I am actually a bit like you. I hate officialdom and have refused to be called up by the imperial court no less than a hundred times!"


Speaking of this, Zheng Xuan's eyes also focused on Han Yi and his daughter:"When I first came to Mount Tai, I decided that Jiaheng was different from others. He was the only one who was expected to realize the prosperity of Confucianism."


"This was just before"

"Now I feel that in Jiaheng’s eyes, Confucianism is just one of them. His pattern is larger, his vision is broader, and his academic requirements are more refined. His real goal is for a hundred flowers to bloom and a hundred schools of thought to contend!"

At this point,

Zheng Xuan turned to look at Hua Tuo:"Yuanhua, there is something I don't know whether Zheng should say or not!

Hua Tuo bowed his head and said,"Brother Kang Cheng, it's okay to say so." Zheng Xuan's expression suddenly changed:"

Don't be so shameless!""

After saying that, Zheng Xuan rolled up his sleeves and left!

At this moment, the evil bird was like a sharp sword, stinging Hua Tuo severely.

How could he not know that Zheng Xuan had the honor of being the leader among scholars!

Such a person A gentle man actually made Han Yi angry because he rejected him!

Hua Tuo was completely confused!

If Ying Bao just made him suspect that he was wrong.


Zheng Xuan's words completely let him know.

My ideas are really wrong!


The teacher who follows him.

One by one, all leave.

The smiles on their faces disappeared and were replaced by anger.

As angry as Zheng Xuan!

Some people are even more angry than Zheng Xuan!

Hua Tuo couldn't help but swallowed his saliva!

He couldn't help but wonder.

Han Yi!

What kind of person is he?

He can actually enjoy such an honor in Mount Tai!

The reaction from the people on the street.

Hua Tuo then knew that Han Yi was a respected state pastor.

Then in the academy, all the great scholars were angry.

Hua Tuo confirmed!

I really don’t understand Han Yi.

What kind of person is he and why is he so respected?

Hua Tuo didn't understand.

He walked out of school alone.

Walking down the street, thinking hard.

But it takes a long time.

Not a clue.

Suddenly, a popsicle was handed to him by the roadside:"Mr. Hua Tuo, come and eat some popsicles!"

Hua Tuo turned around and saw the vendor he met yesterday:"It's you!"

The vendor hummed:" Yes, it's me. How's it going? Have you found a place to live?"

Hua Tuo smiled bitterly:"I'm currently in the post house!"


The peddler nodded:"It's convenient to have a place to live."

Hua Tuo bowed his head and said,"Thank you for your concern." The peddler always smiled:"Where! Foreigners should help each other, as our envoy said."

Hua Tuo frowned. The word"Shijun" stung him:"Brother, can I ask you a question?""

"Um! The vendor nodded,"Okay.""


Hua Tuo finally couldn't hold it in anymore and said,"Why do you trust Han Yi so much? Join them and let you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. It is a battle to the death. Will you sacrifice your lives for him?"

At this moment!

The vendor's hand holding the popsicle suddenly dropped it.

There was no smile on his face anymore.

Instead, he stared at Hua Tuo blankly and said nothing for a long time.

Hua Tuo was also confused, and hurriedly waved his hands and said:"Sorry, I was rude."

The merchant did not pay attention, but added:"Sir, I want to correct you, we are not working for you, but for you. Fight by myself, if one day comes, I will definitely go to the battlefield!"


Hua Tuo didn't understand very much.

"No reason!"

The vendor let out a long breath:"I am originally from Jizhou, and I wandered around when I was in the Yellow Turbans. I believe what the great sage said, everyone has a field and clothes to wear."

"But finally!"

"Not only do you have nothing, but you also have to go to the battlefield to fight against the officers and soldiers! My parents are both dead, and of the five brothers in the family, only two are left!"

"snort! The vendor became sad and shook his head:"In the end, we were no longer human beings. Wherever there was food, we would rob, steal, and even kill!""

"You must have never lived such a life, and you can't understand the sadness at all. In order to survive, I once ate a mouthful of bran porridge and killed a family of three. The youngest was just that big!"

Hua Tuo was suddenly surprised.

He didn't expect that the small vendor had such an experience.

He could clearly see that the other person was trembling when he recalled this history.

In fact!

He should also be very scared..

Hua Tuo swallowed his saliva, and his heart was trembling.

It took a long time for the vendor to recover from his sadness. He waved his hand:"Oh, I won't talk anymore. I've talked too much, and it's all tears!" I was the Yellow Turban that was recruited back then!"

"After arriving in Fenggao, I really had fields, clothes, and even built a house, married a wife, and gave birth to children. I feel that I am really happy!"

"But the more this happens, the more scared I am!"

"I was afraid that someone would take away all this, so I tried several times to sign up to join the army, but Shi Jun said, you must believe in the government, believe in him, and believe in the Taishan Army, he has the ability to protect all of this!"

Waving his sleeves, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The vendor frowned and said,"Back then, Zhangjiao's million-strong army was defeated, but do you know how many troops Mount Tai only had? My brother is on duty in the government office and he told me!"

"Mount Tai has less than 10,000 defenders!"

"There are at least one hundred thousand people who are willing to join the army at any time to guard Mount Tai!"

"I don’t understand the big truth, but I feel like this is what makes you different from Zhang Jiao, right?"


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