Why is cod so valuable?

Han Yi knew it, but the people of Beihai did not.

However, they will also be curious and try to taste it. What is the difference between this fish and other fish?

Why can it get a higher price!

Taste this!

It really seems like a reasonable conclusion.

There are very few spines in the body of cod, almost zero, and it tastes great!

Good guy! this time!

The North Sea fishermen were even more explosive.

They affectionately call it the spineless fish!

"Selling fish~~~"

"Boneless fish are on sale for cheap!"

"It’s a boneless fish that’s easy to eat and doesn’t require fussing!"

"We are selling fish, boneless fish for cheap!"


Batch after batch of cod was shipped to Mount Tai.

But the vast majority of them will be in a half-dead state, with their mouths moving at best.

As for the liveliness that Han Yi asked for?

It is completely unreachable!

If it fails to meet the requirements, it can only be disposed of cheaply to the local people.

So! during this time.

There are so many fish vendors on Taishan Street.

Although every household in Taishan is now quite wealthy, everyone comes from a poor background and will not spend money carelessly. no way!

The price of cod has dropped again and again!

It has reached a price similar to that of Beihai fishermen.

"Dad, Yinger wants to eat boneless fish!"

Ying Bao pointed to the boneless fish in the vendor's hand.


Han Yi smiled, as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

He walked to a vendor and pointed to the two baskets of cod on the ground:"I want all these fish, and I will pick ten fresher ones and send them to the Prefectural Mufu. , and the rest will be sent to Taishan Kindergarten!"

"you are......"

The fish seller's eyes widened:"Han Shijun?"

Han Yi nodded:"Yes! Don't worry, you will not be short of money.""


"Thank you for taking care of me!"

"Thank you for taking care of me!

With a smile on his face, the young man personally selected the plump cod, then picked up the fish and sent it to the state shepherd's office:"Brothers, I have to take a step forward, you have to stay a little longer!""

All the fishermen were envious, and they all cast envious, jealous and hateful looks.

"Xiao Lizi is so lucky that he actually met Han Shijun to buy fish!"

"Alas, why don’t I have this life? I’ve only bought more than twenty of them until now!"

"Stop talking, I only sold ten pieces, only ten pieces!"

"Oh, it really pisses me off!"

"......" kindergarten.

When the sound of reading aloud fell.

Guan Ning walked out of the house and suddenly saw Han Yi coming.

He hurriedly stepped forward and saluted:"Han Shijun, why are you here free?"

Han Yi hugged Ying Bao and said,"Oh, it's nothing. From today on, we will improve the food for the children. Let the chef pack these fish. At noon Add some fish soup to that meal and let them all eat some"

"Envoy, this......"

Guan Ning knew that Han Yi was good to the children.

But little did he know that it could be so good!

To know!

Give the children fish every day.

This expense is extremely large.

The kindergarten is not profitable, and all expenses are borne by the state pastoral government.

Such a pattern!

It is unprecedented in any state or county in the world.

Han Yi attaches great importance to children’s education!

Guan Ning admires him from the bottom of his heart!

"Eh! Han

Yi knew what he was going to say and waved his hand:"Don't worry, it's okay. I'll explain it to Ziyu. Education should start from childhood. This is the philosophy I have always implemented.""

"Then......Thank you very much, envoy."

Guan Ning bowed his head solemnly and bowed.

"Oh, right! Han

Yi suddenly remembered something:"You'an, you must not let the children waste this fish. It is beneficial to children's brain development!""


Guan Ning was curious:"How can this fish have such an effect?"

Han Yi nodded:"That's right!" I tried every possible means to send fish from the North Sea to Mount Tai, just hoping that the children could eat this kind of fish. They must be nutritious when they are growing up!"


Han Yi added:"This matter is not known to outsiders. Once the fishermen know about it, they will definitely raise the price. I'm afraid it won't be so easy for ordinary people's children to eat this kind of fish."

"Put your mind at ease."

At this moment, Guan Ning handed over his hand again and promised


Ying Bao frowned:"Can they also eat cod every day?"

"certainly! Han

Yi nodded affirmatively:"Don't think that just because you are the daughter of Zhou Mu, you can have special privileges. In fact, everyone is the same. No one is more noble or less!""

"Look at us, we can live in houses that are warm in winter and cool in summer, so we must think about allowing people all over the world to live in houses that are warm in winter and cool in summer. This is progress!"

"Like now!"

"If you can eat cod, which is good for brain development, you should think about making it possible for children all over the world to eat this kind of fish. That is progress!"

"What is this called?"

Han Yi deliberately tested his daughter

"This is called......"

Ying Bao pondered for a moment, then blurted out immediately:"Ying'er knows, this is called the old and the old and the old, the young and the young and the young, right? Dad!"

"Yinger is so good! Han

Yi smiled and touched Ying Bao's head:"Remember, once you have learned the knowledge, you must use it!" Ying

Bao nodded affirmatively:"I know, Dad!" Ying'er will remember that Ying'er is her father's daughter and has nothing to do with the state pastoral government. She can't do anything special!"


Guan Ning has always been curious.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of children from rich families.

But none of them are as well-behaved, sensible, and considerate as Ying Bao.

Before, he thought it was Ying Bao who was self-conscious.

But looking at it now!

It’s obvious!

It has a lot to do with Han Yi’s family education.

He always takes advantage of the available points and educates his daughter from time to time!

Although he dotes on her, he will never give up on education!

Lao Wu The old and the old!

The young and the young and the young!

These two sentences!

He is naturally familiar with them.

But he is more familiar with the latter sentence:

The world can be controlled by the palm of the hand!

Han Yi integrated his ambition into every aspect of life Bit by bit.

He finally understood!

Why Zheng Xuan made such a choice in the first place!


Very wise!

Han Yi is an extraordinary person.

His future prospects are bound to be limitless!

"You'an, let's go"

"Well, let me go slowly!"

"Yinger, be good, see you teacher again!"

"goodbye teacher!"

"Well, goodbye Yinger!"

Looking at the backs of Han Yi and his daughter leaving.

Guan Ning suddenly felt that he had material to educate the children during today's lunch time.

He exhaled a long breath, raised the corners of his lips, and broke into a faint smile.

"Youan, what are you doing here?"

"Brother Genju, it turns out to be you, I was shocked!"

"Was the person just now the envoy?"

"Um! Guan Ning nodded,"Come and deliver the fish, and teach me a lesson by the way!""

"Um? Bing Yuan was confused,"What's going on!" Guan

Ning turned back and stared at Bing Yuan:"Old and old, I am as old as others, and young as I am young, as well as others, the world can be controlled by the palm of my hand!""

"Ouch! What do I think! Bing

Yuan didn't take it seriously and smiled:"Isn't this a sentence from"Mencius: King Hui of Liang"!

Guan Ning snorted:"That's right!" But this is the first time in my life that someone can actually do it!"


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