Have to admit.

Now in Chang'an City, the power of the Wang family is overwhelming.

In just two days, Wang Gai contacted the jailer and established a good relationship.

Wang Yun rushed to Tianlao when he had time. In this kind of place, he was considered a familiar visitor and he didn't know how to live there at all.


When he stepped into the prison.

Still greatly surprised!

The Tianlao in Chang'an was far from comparable to Luoyang. It was extremely dark and smelly.

Wang Yun had to cover his mouth and nose to avoid the rotten smell. a long time.

He finally adapted here

"How is Xun You?"

Wang Yun tried to ask

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

The jailer hurriedly nodded and bowed.

How are you?

Only a ghost can believe it!

It's not like he has never been to a place like this.

It's strange that ordinary people can eat and sleep here.

When he was framed by Zhang Rang and imprisoned, He is also very uncomfortable. If he hadn't accepted it forcefully, he would probably no longer exist.

The Heavenly Prison is no better than other places.

There are too many dignitaries imprisoned here, and they are all respectable people.

The jailer has seen too many people, and he simply I won't be afraid of you!

Instead, I will treat you like a golden pimple and keep frying oil and water from your body until you are completely fried.

As long as you get here!

No matter if you are a dragon, you have to be coiled up; if you are a tiger, you have to lie down!

Can you be there? Wang Yun had never met a single person among the dignitaries who could get along here.

The further inside, the more Wang Yun felt disgusted.

The people here were no different from the walking dead.

"Don’t be surprised, Situ!"

"Heavenly prison, that’s it!"

The jailer also explained hypocritically.

People like them always nodded and bowed to people outside.

But once they entered, they immediately became fierce. Wang

Yun didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

Damn it! Pretend that no one has experienced this before.

Keep moving forward..

Turned a corner, walked through the alley, and came to the cell door.


The scene in front of him almost scared Wang Yun out of fear.

All he saw was that in the sky prison, a man had hanged himself from the beam.

That was nothing. Those bright eyes were staring straight at Wang Yun!



Murderous intent!......

Wang Yun's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Damn it!

Wang Yun's heart almost jumped out of fear.

This scene!

It's absolutely terrifying. but......

Even more terrifying.

It seems to be coming back.

I saw a man wearing prison uniform.

He was sitting upright on the straw mat, his hair was neatly tied up in a bald pen, and he was holding a piece of wheat cake in his hand, swallowing it in big mouthfuls, as if the dead person in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Wang Yun saw it clearly!

This person is none other than Huangmen Shilang Xun You. hiss~~~

Wang Yun couldn't help but gasp, and suddenly felt that Xun You was extraordinary.

Able to maintain oneself and eat freely under such circumstances.

If you are not a fool, you are a genius!


Xun You must belong to the latter

"Xun You, Wang Situ came to see you."

The jailer opened the door of the prison and glanced at the hanging body:"Since He Yong hanged to death, why didn't you inform us and just let him hang like this?"

"he is my friend! Xun

You responded extremely calmly:"This is the last time I can spend with him. Besides, he has only been dead for two days, so he doesn't stink, so what's the harm!""


The jailer shook his head:"What a weirdo!"

Xun You was still eating the wheat cake, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Wang Yun came to Xun You, waved his hand, and signaled the jailer to step back:"No one is allowed to come near without my order!"

The jailer leaned over and handed over his hands:"Don't worry, Situ, I will guard the prison for you!"

After that, he left the prison for you! He Yong was put down on the beam, carried on his shoulders, and left the prison.

"Are you Xun Gongda?"

Wang Yun and Xun You have a relationship, but I'm not sure.

"That's right! Xun

You nodded and said with a smile:"I didn't expect that I would be able to see the current Situ in Tianlao. There seems to be no intersection between us, right?" If you have any questions, just say it!"

"snort! Wang

Yun snorted softly and said with a long breath:"Before that, can you tell me why you are so calm in the prison?" Aren't you afraid that Dong Zhuo will order you to be executed in the spring? Xun

You raised the corners of his lips slightly and stared at Wang Yun:"Master Situ, will you let Dong Zhuo live until then?""


This rhetorical question directly confused Wang Yungan:"You......What do you mean? Xun

You remained calm and exhaled:"It's a pity that I knew it too late. Otherwise, how could I have blindly manipulated Dong Zhuo's heart? With you, Wang Situ, how could Dong Zhuo live long?""


Having said this, Xun You shook his head:"Compared to you, Wang Situ, I, Xun You, am really too young! What a series of clever tricks, it is really eye-opening for the younger generation!"



Wang Yun's plan was to gain power.

It surprised me that.

A prisoner would actually find out!

He hurriedly looked around, it was pretty good, there was no one else around. Wang Yun lowered his voice and asked,"How did you know?" The meaning is clear. Dong Zhuo's concubine is your goddaughter. They knew this news from the day Dong Zhuo entered your house. only


What Xun You didn't know was.

This woman was also promised to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu is what they ignored, which is why they failed to see through your plan.

"With just this clue, you can get a glimpse of my whole plan!"

Wang Yun was deeply shocked and horrified.

After a long time, he slowly uttered a sentence:"Jiaheng's vision is really good!"


Xun You frowned slightly:"But Yanzhou Mu Han Jiaheng?" Wang

Yun nodded:"Yes, it's him. He is also my son-in-law!" To be honest, the person who asked me to come to you is my son-in-law Han Yi!"


Xun You was puzzled:"I don't know him."

Wang Yun smiled sinisterly:"So what, he just knows you." Xun

You stared at Wang Yun's slight expression and said calmly:"Don't bother, I have already decided that if Dong Zhuo dies, the court will grant amnesty to the world. After he is released, I will take my wife and children to Yizhou to avoid disaster!""


"You won't accept this. Wang

Yun said with great certainty:"I have lived for most of my life. I have no other abilities, but I am still a good judge of people. You are a man with great ambitions. How can you live a leisurely life in an empty valley!""

"My son-in-law is eager for talents and has admired Gongda for a long time. He once told me that your talent is comparable to that of Zhang Liang in the early Han Dynasty. You are a real mastermind. If you meet a wise master, you will definitely be able to establish a great career."

"And him! It’s the Ming Lord!"

At this point, Wang Yun stretched out his hand and said calmly:"Gongda, go ahead and take a look at Mount Tai. I believe that Jiaheng will never let you down!"

"Give him a chance, and give yourself a chance at the same time!"


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