I've never seen a man with eyes as clean and thorough.

It's like a star in the sky.

At first glance, I was deeply attracted to the past.

Of course.

Yi Xiaotian was also a little surprised by the deep-eyed high-value woman in the audience.

Although the women around him are beautiful enough.

But Bündchen's beauty is obviously different from theirs.

In terms of temperament, it seems to be very different.


It should be a celebrity.

Yi Xiaotian restrained his thoughts, and maintained his professional expression as a model on his face.

And offstage.

Bündchen is still in a stupor.

Why has I never seen this model before? Is it a newcomer? But even if a newcomer can be on such a stage, he has a lot of experience before.

It can't be so nameless.

And he turned out to be a complete stranger to him.

How could such a top-notch model miss his confidence.

As soon as she thought of this, she was full of opinions about the group of colleagues in the company who did research and collected.

It's really a matter of taking the money and not doing anything.

Looking at Yi Xiaotian's mature steps on the stage, his confident face.

Bündchen had a hunch that he would be the protagonist of today.

Well. 470

Including the countless cheers coming from around now, they all explain all this.

"I'll go, this is too handsome, isn't this the one who?"

"Does this outfit look good, or do I have a crush on the model in front of me?"

"Oh, listening to this movement, I feel that everyone is very surprised by this outfit, maybe it is this man?"

"It's so handsome, especially in this outfit, it's so handsome. "

"Wow, this is the most heartwarming I've seen so far, great love!"


The audience at the scene let out bursts of amazement.

And at the moment to say the most exciting.

It is none other than Jiang Juan.

At this point, she was sitting in the first row.

Looking at Yi Xiaotian, who walked confidently on the stage, his typhoon was better than before, and he was more confident.

The light completely overshadowed anyone who had come before.

There were all kinds of exclamations in my ears.

Her hands that had been trembling with excitement finally stopped shaking at this moment, but there was liquid flowing down her eyes.

I don't know when.

She burst into tears.

It's really worth it this time, with Xiaotian's performance, it doesn't matter if I still lose this time.

She thought to herself.

A few rows behind her.

Jiang Shuying held Yi Wan'er's hand tightly.

"Great, great, I feel that Xiaotian has no stage fright at all today, he is still as stable as ever, it's not easy, haha, Xiaojuan should be satisfied this time!!"

She couldn't help but say.

Yi Wan'er listened and nodded repeatedly.

I thought to myself, Sister Xiaojuan is really not easy, but this time my brother's performance can be said to be perfect.

I can have such an appearance effect.

The result this time is definitely not bad.


I knew that my brother would not let himself and others down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He's still as good as ever!!

"Sister Shu Ying, I suddenly think that if my brother goes to the modeling industry in the future, it may be very good, well, it is a top performance, and there will definitely be no shortage of opportunities in the future. "

Hear the words.

Jiang Shuying smiled.

Yes, it's the top catwalk, I'm afraid no one else can do it. []


She immediately thought about it, as if Xiaotian could do his best no matter what he did, and the catwalk in front of him might be too small for him.

He couldn't play his talents at all.

"Wan (accb), if your brother really devotes himself to this industry in the future, I'm afraid that those fans will be the first to not agree, do you think, who doesn't know that your brother's musical talent is amazing now, everyone is still waiting for him to release a few good songs, if Xiaojuan really does this, I'm afraid it will be unpeaceful in the future!!"

She is deeply aware of the energy of netizens now.

If only he would never hear Yi Xiaotian's song again in the future.

Those netizens will definitely go to the human flesh Jiang Juan's private confidence, and the Internet explosion is a terrible thing.

Yi Wan'er stuck out her tongue.

I really didn't think about this layer in my heart.

However, Sister Shu Ying seems to be thinking too much.

If this is the case, it can be regarded as a choice of personal aspirations, and I believe netizens will definitely understand.


She didn't say it.

Instead, he continued to look at Yi Xiaotian on the stage.

Not far away.

Nina had already recognized Yi Xiaotian at this moment.

Her mouth was wide open, as if she could fit an egg in.

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak.


Encore didn't have much to say on her face.

I was even more shocked in my heart.

The look in his eyes was shocked, confused, puzzled, amazed, and so on.

Of the three.

At the moment, only Anne's expression was calm.


There was also a flash of surprise in her eyes.

Is this why Xiaotian wants to participate in the catwalk? This man is really born to fit the stage.

This works so well, isn't it?

Before, she might have felt that Yi Xiaotian seemed to be a little unprofessional, or too much waste of time on other work.

After all, a person's energy is limited.

When he spends too much time on the catwalk, he definitely doesn't have time to write songs.


His musical talent was so brilliant that yesterday Anne thought to herself if he had spent more time writing songs.

I guess it's already famous.

However, when she saw Yi Xiaotian on the stage at this moment, she had no thoughts in her heart at all.

This man.

He was born to stand on stage.

If he is missing today, this stage will definitely lose a lot of color.

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