After all that's said.

I couldn't help but laugh twice.

This laughter made Yi Wan'er feel a little chilled.

Never mind.

It's better to sleep alone, maybe Sister Shu Ying will play a prank or something, I'm really scared enough.

Come to think of it.

She shook her head vigorously.

said: "Then I'll live alone, if not, I'll live in a room with me!"

In order to avoid being harassed by Jiang Shuying.

She decided that it would be better to sleep with her brother.

She has nothing to shy away from about this.

After all, when they were in their hometown, the two also slept in the same bed.

She is also used to such a life.

During this time, she moved to Kyoto, and she slept without her brother by her side every day, and she was really not used to it.


Jiang Shuying naturally knew about the situation of the brother and sister.

For the intimate relationship between them, there is only more envy than envy.


The car was parked under a residential building.

After getting out of the car, the assistant drove the car away again.

Jiang Shuying waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go upstairs, let me tell you, there are a lot of celebrities living here, maybe you can meet one or two in a while, haha..."

Hear this.

Yi Wan'er immediately became excited.

She smiled and said, "Is there a princess? I'm a big fan of her, I wish I could see her, I like to listen to her songs." "

"Really, don't you like to listen to your brother's songs? I thought your little girl's favorite should be Xiaotian's songs, ha!"

As soon as these words came out.

Yi Wan'er suddenly became anxious.

She said: "No, no, of course, my favorite is my brother's La, I can basically sing his songs, what I'm talking about is except for my brother's accident, Sister Shu Ying, you are so bad, you know how to tease me!"

Looked at.

Jiang Shuying couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I won't tease you, let's hurry up, you must be hungry, but my cooking is not very delicious, and I usually eat a lot of diet meals, I'm afraid you won't like to eat!!"

Between words.

The three of them had already taken the elevator to the sixth floor.

This floor is relatively good.

Not too tall and not too short.

For the spacing of the buildings in this community, the sunlight is also very abundant.

Even though it's already five o'clock in the afternoon.

There is still sunlight coming in.

The sun is especially precious in winter.

After opening the door.

A bright, clean and warm home was presented in front of the brother and sister.

Yi Wan'er's eyes seemed to be glowing.

"Wow, Sister Shu Ying, the decoration of your home is really beautiful, isn't it?, it's so warm. "

I saw that Yi Wan'er liked it very much.

Jiang Shuying also felt a little proud in her heart.

Back in the day.

When she renovated this house, she put a lot of thought into it.

There are a lot of details in this.


In order to decorate this house, she spent millions of dollars on decoration alone.

"Do you like it? Wan'er, if you like it, you can come to live with my sister when you have time in the future, anyway, I usually live alone, and I die alone, if you can come to accompany me, then my sister I will really die happy." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In her heart, she really hopes to have someone to accompany her.

If it's Wan'er, so much the better.

Yi Wan'er smiled.

Said: "Really? I originally thought that such a home would definitely be new and empty, but I didn't expect it to be so warm, if I had time in the future, I would definitely come to live, but Sister Shuying, my brother and I are also going to buy a house, can we do the decoration problem when the time comes?"


Xiaotian is actually going to buy a house!!

Hearing this news, Jiang Shuying was really a little surprised.

Let's be honest.

She really didn't think that Xiaotian would buy a house in Kyoto so soon.

After all, it's Kyoto.

With Xiaotian's economic strength before, buying a house would be a bit fantastical.


It's different now.

He sold tens of millions of dollars for just one bottle of wine, as well as several songs.

Together, the cash flow is far more than yours.

By this time.

Jiang Shuying finally reacted, Xiaotian was no longer the Xiaotian he used to be.

He's not the poor boy anymore.


He even has the strength to buy a house in Kyoto.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh a little in her heart.

"Have you really decided to buy a house in Kyoto?

Jiang Shuying suppressed the shock in her heart.

Took two cups from the table.

Then they made a cup of tea for each of them.

"Oh, this is the tea that someone else gave me, I usually don't have the habit of drinking tea, it is said to be of better quality, I don't understand, you can taste it!"

After all that's said.

I made myself a cup.

Then sat in the middle of Yi Xiaotian and Yi Wan'er.

This scene made her feel very warm.


Yi Wan'er nodded.

Said: "Well, brother said that we will buy a set in Kyoto for the time being, if there is a change in the future, it is a big deal to sell the house, and then go to other places, of course, I think we may go back to Lao (Wang Qianzhao) at most, otherwise we should stay in Kyoto, brother, don't you?"

Talking about the intestines.

Yi Wan'er's eyes looked at Yi Xiaotian.

Yi Xiaotian smiled.

Nodding his head, he said: "It should be, but this kind of thing is always bad, in fact, I don't like to stay in this kind of big city very much, I prefer a small city, a place with a slow pace of life." "

Hear this.

Jiang Shuying's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Said: "Xiaotian, do you know, your ideas and mine really coincide alas, I also like to live in a small place, if it weren't for the needs of work, I really wouldn't settle in the magic capital, and I just don't want to rent a house for a long time to buy a house here, I think I may really sell the property here in the future, and then go to find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live the next life, when the time comes, you can come and be with me?"

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