thought of Brother Xiaoyang's sudden disappearance.

A bad feeling suddenly surged in her heart.

Someone must have deliberately asked him to have an accident.

And this person is definitely from within the family, otherwise he wouldn't have such an unaware ability.

It's just that.

Who could this man be?

Didn't he ever doubt it?

Think of these.

Qin Xiaoqin couldn't help but panic in her heart.

"Sister Xiaoqiu, do you mean that if his identity is exposed, will anyone still harm him? But these people are too bold, aren't they afraid of being exposed? Grandpa won't care about these things. "

Hear her words.

Li Yanqiu smiled noncommittally.

The reason why the old man sent himself to learn the skills of a bodyguard.

I guess there was something special in mind.

Maybe he just wants to protect this grandson of his.

It's just that.

Not only did he not seem to have done it, but he also made Xiaotian hurt himself.

Come to think of it.

She couldn't help but feel a trace of shame in her heart again.

"Xiaoqin, you must remember that you can't tell anyone about this matter, not even the old man 520, once he knows, it will definitely bring a lot of mood swings, which is not good for his condition. "

There was a pause.

She continued: "When I thoroughly investigate this matter, then we will be able to take your little brother Yang back openly." "

On the phone.

Qin Xiaoqin nodded heavily.


She then said: "Sister Xiaoqiu, but I still want to get to know this Yi Xiaotian in person, even if you can't recognize each other, you can get along with each other in advance, I think I may have a common language with him, and maybe I can help him get back his memory as soon as possible, if he is really Brother Xiaoyang." "

Hear this.

Li Yanqiu nodded noncommittally.

On the phone, he said: "Okay, I can't interfere with your decision, but you must pay attention to safety if you come by yourself, I will be going out of the country recently, so I can't protect you here." "

Hear the words.

Qin Xiaoqin chuckled.

said: "Sister Xiaoqiu, don't worry, there are not as many bad people in this world as you think, and I just went to participate in the Chinese food (abbd) hall as the Qin family this time, so I just went to have fun, hehe..."

Hear this.

Li Yanqiu was also a little relieved.

"Remember," she instructed, "Don't let anyone know about it!"


The two of them said something considerate and hung up the phone.


At this time.

Yi Xiaotian was sitting on the sofa looking at the black bag in front of him.

He hasn't taken it apart since he got it.

looked at Yi Wan'er, who was already asleep on the bed.

He doesn't dwell on it anymore.

Tear and pull.

The zipper had been gently unzipped by him.


The contents of the bag were clearly presented in front of his eyes.

The upper floor was full of books.

Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand and picked it up and looked at it.

I didn't expect that the fields involved are still very wide, what cooking, music, art, history, etc., almost every book is a tome.

No wonder this bag is quite heavy.

There are also some toys under the books.

Did you play with all these things when you were a child?

After Yi Xiaotian saw these things, he didn't touch any memory.

It seems that Li Yanqiu should have admitted her mistake, she may not be her so-called younger brother.

Come to think of it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He put everything back in his bag.

I'm going to give it back to someone when I have the next chance.


What he didn't notice was.

When he rummaged through his bag, he accidentally took out a handful of golden hairpins and dropped them on the ground. []

At this time, Yi Xiaotian had already gone into the bathroom to wash.



Everyone got up early.

Because today is the day when Wan'er will make achievements.

Everyone wants to make up for Wan'er's last celebration.

When Yi Xiaotian took Wan'er to the Chinese restaurant, he found that everyone was there.

I couldn't help but be a little curious: "Brother Xiaoming, is today a special day? Why did you come so early?"

Normally, they are still sleeping at this time.

And Yi Xiaotian will come here to prepare them all early.

Hear his words.

Huang Xiaoming smiled: "Well, didn't you come back yesterday, so we were all very excited, and I couldn't sleep with excitement when I was excited, and then I was ready to get up and prepare some breakfast for you, but when I got here, I found that everyone was the same as me, don't you say strange?"


Yi Xiaotian glanced at everyone suspiciously.

I found that everyone nodded frantically.

Zhao Liying said: "Xiaotian, I'm also going to make breakfast for everyone, although I'm not good at cooking, but it's still good to boil rice porridge, hehe..."

Re Bao blushed and said, "That... I learned how to cook before, but I haven't practiced it yet, so you can't laugh at me if it doesn't taste good for a while. "

Everyone else has also said that they want to show their hands.

See everyone's moves.

Yi Xiaotian's brother and sister couldn't help but be moved and felt a little funny.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience found it even more interesting.

"Haha... It's so hard to find this reason. "

"In the face of Xiaotian, everyone doesn't seem to be very good at lying. "

"It's really Xiaotian's eyes are so clean, anyone who sees it will feel amazing. "

"Doesn't Xiaotian know that today is the day when Wan'er will make achievements?"

"I must know, it should be Wan'er's good grades, so there is no need to worry. "



Zhang Liang said: "Master, don't do it today, leave all these tasks to us, you can rest well, and by the way, see if my cooking skills have improved?"

Yi Xiaotian smiled and nodded.

And Lin Shuwei couldn't help but complain: "Measure that you are really a chicken thief, you actually want Xiaotian to guide you hand-in-hand, there are so many people here who want to learn his cooking skills." "


After he finished speaking.

Yang Mi immediately raised his hand and said, "I... I also want to learn, Xiaotian you teach me. "

Zhang Tianai also blushed and said shyly: "I also want to learn, I can only cook instant noodles until now, in the future... Well... I'm going to make it for you to eat in the future!!"

As soon as I heard this.

Jiang Shuying suddenly couldn't help it.

"I said Tian Ai, we all know that you like Xiaotian, but you are too sweet, you always sprinkle dog food on us, besides, Xiaotian is not yours yet, all of them are your competitors here. "。

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