When netizens saw this shabby scene in front of the camera, they instantly burst into tears.

Everyone knew that Xiaotian and Wan'er's conditions were very bad, and they were both sick, and Xiaotian was even terminally ill.

However, many netizens feel that this is an actor specially arranged by the director team.

The purpose is to attract traffic to Chinese restaurants and create such a selling point.

Otherwise, how can you explain that a poor rural boy is so versatile, and he was dragged to make a TV series.

What's even more amazing is that his acting skills are even more skilled than some old actors.

How is this possible?

Even if you are a genius, you will definitely not be able to learn so many skills at this age.

As the show airs for a longer time, the more doubts netizens have in their hearts, and everyone looks forward to seeing the truth.

I heard that today's live broadcast location is going to move to Xiaotian's house.

The expectations in everyone's hearts are even stronger.

I want to see what their living environment was like before, and if it wasn't as hard as they imagined, then they could spray to their heart's content.

There are also many netizens who think they are 'Sherlock Holmes', and they are even thinking about finding out the truth.

It's also a good thing for everyone.

Now, everyone has finally seen the so-called truth.

It's just that this scene in front of them made everyone dumbfounded.

This is where people live? That's an exaggeration, isn't it? Although I've seen a lot of poor families live in the past.

But compared to the one in front of me, it's completely insignificant.

In this kind of life, if you were yourself, I'm afraid I wouldn't want to stay even a minute.


Now no one suspects that this is an abandoned residence deliberately found by the program team.

Because in front of the camera.

Yi Xiaotian's life movements in the courtyard are so natural that even a fool can feel it, this is what he looked like when he was at home.

"Could it be that there are still people who suspect that this is not Xiaotian's home?"

"If you want me to say, those people are just full of food, and doubt this or that. "

"When I think that Xiaotian has lived here for so many years before, and I have to live a life every day, I feel distressed. "

"Alas, I'm really speechless, Xiaotian is such a poor child who has to question, what kind of heart does Du An have. "

"I really want to donate some money to Xiaotian, I don't want to see him living in such a bad environment. "

"Xiaotian must have made some money now, I think they should change their home first. "

"No wonder Xiaotian is so obsessed with making Wan'er's small mountain village in the examination room, if it were me, I would probably go crazy after living in such an environment for a long time. "


The same scene appeared in the courtyard at this time.

Because the room was too small, only Huang Xiaoming and two or three others went in.

And Zhang Liang, Lin Shuwei and others stood in the courtyard.

It is said to be a yard, but in fact, the area is pitiful.

Tensor and the others can see it all at a glance.

"I didn't expect Master's living environment to be so bad, it's really worse than I imagined, they have lived here for so many years, it's really embarrassing for them. "

After Tensor looked around, his eyes couldn't help but redden.

Lin Shuwei sighed deeply.

said: "Yes, I'm afraid that this kind of living environment is about to disappear in the whole **, if Xiaotian doesn't have some craftsmanship, maybe he won't even be able to keep such a residence." "

Li Fei nodded seriously.

sighed: "I now know, compared to them, it turns out that my living conditions are so good, I used to complain about my parents, I think my conditions are not as good as my classmates, now look back, I am living in heaven compared to Xiaotian and them!!"

"Yes, compared to their brothers and sisters, we are all people living in heaven, so ah, everyone must know contentment, even people like Xiaotian who have grown up are more optimistic than us, that's why he has such a great charm and can attract so many fans in a short period of time, isn't it?"

Lin Shuwei rarely said something meaningful.

Tensor agrees.

"Brother Xiaolin, I want to praise you for what you said, what you said is so right, we must think more about my master when we encounter things in the future, his optimism and strength are really charming, I think this is much more precious than the cooking skills he taught me." "

After all that's said.

Li Fei looked at Zhang Liang and Lin Shuwei with admiration.

I thought to myself, really only when I come here can I feel what life is grinding for Xiaotian's brothers and sisters.

Even if it is described as muddy but not stained, clear ripples but not demons, it is not an exaggeration to describe him.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience heard the discussion of several people, and they couldn't wait to brush up the barrage.

"Kudos to what Brother Liang and Brother Xiaolin said, what I want to say is that our Xiaotian is so good!!"

"I think if it had been another child, I would have been tempted to commit suicide or starve to death. "

"Xiaotian not only supported herself, but also raised her sister so well, which is simply better than some parents. "

"Jue's Xiaotian is really too many disasters and difficulties, so he was thrown by the family at such a young age, and he has to bear the burden of the family before he is too old. "

"This is the day will descend on Xiao Tianye, he is so versatile, and his future achievements are absolutely limitless. "

"I hope that Xiaotian can become an international superstar one day, and I think his talent will definitely hold up. "

"Wait, even Liu Tianwang asked him to write songs, I think as long as Xiaotian is willing, he can become a superstar on his own. "


in the room.

At this time, Yi Xiaotian didn't know what everyone outside was talking about him.

And Yang Mi and Rebao are facing the 'difficult' situation of Jiang Shuying and a few people stepping forward to grab tea and drink.

Re Bao finally couldn't bear Jiang Shuying's straight eyes.

Defeated, he said: "Sister Shu Ying, can't I recruit it!!!This tea is indeed specially brewed for us by Xiaotian, and the taste is simply superb, better than any tea I have drunk before, so I don't want to share it with you, because I don't think it's enough to drink!!"


I see.

Jiang Shuying, Zhao Liying, and Zhang Tianai immediately understood what was going on.

Everyone's eyes suddenly shifted to Yi Xiaotian's body in unison.

Zhao Liying: "Xiaotian, why do these two make tea, isn't our relationship with you as good as these two?"

Jiang Shuying: "I'm really angry!!!Xiaotian, you're too partial, not only carry them back, but also make them such delicious tea, we didn't have this treatment before." "

Zhang Tianai said faintly: "Alas, it should be that a few of us are not as good-looking as Re Bao and Yang Mi, I really didn't expect it, Xiaotian, you are also a heavy person!!"

When he said this, his tone was resentful, which made Yi Xiaotian's head several times bigger when he heard it.

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