Chapter 983 I can’t control myself

"Xiao Zhuo, why don't you run the last leg of the relay race?"

After training for a period of time, Dabao suddenly stepped forward and asked.

He felt that with the current physique and condition of the four treasures, they were very suitable for the last baton of the relay. However, in this case, the arrangement made together might be difficult. Need to adjust

"No no no! Don't run the last leg!"

Hearing this, Si Bao shook his head and refused without even thinking about it.

After Dabao's explanation and training, Si Bao already understood the general division of labor in the relay race. According to his personal feeling, the last move was , is undoubtedly the one that requires the most pressure!

If you don't run well or lose in the end, some good people will blame it on yourself. The Four Treasures have no interest in slowly tearing up those people.

"Don't worry. It's absolutely fine for you. Others didn't run well in the end, and even if they lose, no one will blame you.……"

Dabao also understood the concerns of Si Bao and kept introducing them to Si Bao.

"Okay, then don't blame me if you can't run well!"

In the end, after some hard work, Si Bao agreed. In fact, he was really annoyed with Dabao.

"Don't worry, I'll go find Wang Xiaodong and the others to train together!"

Seeing Si Bao agree, Dabao instantly became happy, and then limped off to find other people participating in the relay race.

Now the order of candidates for the relay has been changed. If Si Bao is moved to the last leg, let He would definitely not be able to train alone. It would take a long time just to get used to it.

Soon, other staff members also arrived one by one. This was what Dabao had managed to do. After all, no one wanted to waste their afternoon playing time. , and then on this tiring thing

"Okay, since I may not be able to participate in this relay race, I need to adjust the order of the relay now. Wang Xiaodong will run first, then Zhang Shan and Li Shi, and finally Xiao Zhuo……"

Soon, Dabao made arrangements in minutes, and then started training!

"Get ready and run!"

Following that, Wang Xiaodong rushed out immediately after Dabao gave the order. At this time, Dabao really looked like a decent little referee.

Then the second person and the third person took over, but nothing happened. Unexpected and extremely fast

"Yep! That's it, come on……"

Dabao was so happy that he shouted on the spot. If his ankle hadn't been sprained, he would have jumped up happily.

But just when the third person handed the baton to Si Bao, an accident happened.


I saw Si Bao's hands shaking, one of them couldn't hold it firmly, and the baton fell directly to the ground.

Although the four treasures were finally picked up in time and rushed to the finish line, a lot of time was wasted just by picking them up. This is absolutely not allowed during the official competition.

"I was just nervous and didn't hold the baton……"

Afterwards, Sibao lowered his head and explained. Although Dabao and other classmates didn't say anything, he still couldn't help but blame himself.

"It's fine! Come again, just practice a few more times and it will be fine!"

Dabao walked up to comfort him, and then started the second training immediately.

However, the results of the second training were still the same as the first. He didn't dare to hand over again and ran fine. , only when I got to Si Bao, the baton dropped again.

Then came the third time, the fourth time... It happened several times in a row, and even Dabao couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

"I can't control myself either!"

Seeing the other people looking helpless, Si Bao expressed his grievance.

It was fine the first time, but later on he became more and more nervous because of the dropping of the stick, and then he became more and more nervous. I can't help it, which has led to the current situation.

"It doesn’t matter, let’s do it a few more times!"

In this regard, Dabao could only say with relief, and then continued to train.

Then, after a few more trainings, Li Shi suddenly ran over

"Su Chen, phew~ I can't do it anymore. Let's take a rest and continue training tomorrow. I'm too tired!"

Li Shi was breathing heavily. After running for so long, even an iron man would be tired.

Immediately afterwards, several other people also ran over one after another. Except for Si Bao, who was in better shape, the other two were breathing heavily. , indicating that you want to take a rest

"No, I have only been practicing for a long time, and I haven’t run well once. Let’s contact you two more times, no less. How about three times?"

Dabao refused directly, very harshly. The few times he ran down, he was never satisfied.

If he hadn't sprained his ankle and Su Hang asked him to rest, he would have wanted to go up and train by himself.

"But I'm so tired, I really can't run anymore!"

"It really feels like standing and talking without backache. Try running for that long!"

"Run, run, run the last three times……"

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but complain, because Dabao was too strict, which made them feel a little annoyed.

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