Chapter 978 It’s really not a human thing. At this point, the matter of Five Treasures has finally come to an end.

At night.

Before the treasures went home from school, Su Hang went to the seafood market and picked out some of the largest hairy crabs.

"If you want to eat braised hairy crabs today, that’s enough!"

Before the meal was about to begin, Su Hang expressed extremely domineeringly.

"Long live dad!"

"Can I reserve a few for myself first?"

"Can I finally experience the feeling of being satiated by hairy crabs?……"

Upon hearing Su Hang's guarantee, the treasures cheered excitedly.

Night, at the dinner table.

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! The treasures were all squeaking when they ate, especially the three treasures. Their mouths were full of oil when they ate, and they didn't look like a lady at all. Lin Jia couldn't help but frown slightly.

Moreover, this is very different from Sanbao's usual appearance. It's really because the braised hairy crabs made by Suhang are so delicious. I can't get enough of Sanbao every time. This time, there is no limit. Sanbao also completely let himself go.

"Husband, I feel like Xiaoxiao has gained a little weight recently?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia turned around and asked Su Hang


After Sanbao vaguely heard what Lin Jia said, his ears perked up. Even the speed of eating braised hairy crabs slowed down a lot, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

"Have it?"

Hearing this, Su Hang turned to look at Sanbao and asked. His heart was bigger and he didn't see anything different from before.

"There's none?!! Lin

Jia gritted her teeth and asked back, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hmm... Indeed, it does seem to be a little fatter!"

After Su Hang noticed a dangerous aura, he quickly changed his words.

"So what to do? I think we can no longer let Xiaoxiao gain weight like this, it’s not good for our health!"

Hearing this, Lin Jia returned to her gentle demeanor, and then asked Su Hang for his opinion.

"Wife, what do you think?"

Su Hang asked tentatively. He didn't know what they were planning at the moment, so it would be better not to speak rashly.

"As for me, I want to get a fitness card for Xiaoxiao and take her to the gym. I also want to get one for myself. I don’t worry about letting her go to the gym alone, and I can supervise her if I go there! Lin

Jia said directly. She had already thought of her words and now she just came to inform Su Hang.

"I won’t go, I protest, I don’t want to go to the gym!"

Hearing this, Sanmao protested directly. He couldn't eat the half-eaten braised hairy crab in his hand, and it immediately felt unpalatable.

"The protest is invalid! How can a girl like you keep letting you be so fat? If you want to lose weight by then, it will be too late. Before you gain a few pounds, go to the gym with me and exercise. Only in this way will you become beautiful! Lin

Jia said directly and domineeringly, turning a blind eye to Sanbao's protest.

"Will going to the gym make you look more beautiful?"

Originally, Sanbao was a little unhappy when he was kicked to the front, but after hearing Lin Jia's words behind him, he was obviously tempted, and he raised his head and asked

"Of course it’s true. When did your mother lie to you? And she went to the gym with you!"

Following this, Lin Jia said directly, basically the matter has been finalized.

"Husband, what do you mean?"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia asked Su Hang again

"Ah... go ahead, go ahead, but normally, it would be best if you go there with a smile on the weekend and don't delay her schooling!"

Su Hang was stunned for a moment and didn't think much about it. Fitness is a good thing, and he should support it.

However, he always had a feeling that Lin Jia wanted to go to the gym, and then took Liu Bao as a companion.

And the fact is that It was not much different from what Su Hang had guessed. When she and Sanbao weighed themselves on the scale yesterday, they found that both she and Sanbao had gained several kilograms at the same time.

This was not a good sign, especially for every woman who loves beauty. Said, this was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and she made up her mind. Lin Jia was determined to lose weight.

As for the three treasures, she brought them with her, and it was also a good excuse to go to the gym and apply for a fitness card.

And in the next ten days In the past half month, Sanbao felt better. Lin Jia even controlled his diet in order to quickly return the weight of Sanbao and himself to normal.

The situation was probably like this. Su Hang gave other Bao what they thought about every day. For food, Lin Jia planned reasonable meals for herself and Sanbao.

In this way, in the past ten days, Sanbao has not seen even a drop of oil or water.

"This is really not how people live!"

Every time he saw the other Jibao enjoying the food and the spicy food, and then looked at the white and green vegetables and fruits in his own bowl, Sanbao couldn't help but sigh.

During this period, Sanbao thought about giving up, but he couldn't resist Lin Jia and was forced to eat it. She dragged her to the gym, and she had to go there for two days every weekend!

Sometimes Sanbao finished her homework early, and Lin Jia would not let go of this time and drag her to the gym.

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