"Why wait?"Tang Yimei was a little confused.

After hearing this, Su Hang hesitated how to answer this question.

The most important reason is that he can't hold the 1.2 million in his hand now.

Because his parents still have 1 million I need to pay back the left and right.

Now that I have money, I must help them pay back the money first.

My parents have worked hard for so long, and it’s time for them to take a break.

Once the money is paid back, I will still have about 200,000 left in my hand..

Two hundred thousand, compared with the housing prices in Shanghai, it is nothing.

After thinking about it, Su Hang decided to tell the story about his parents’ bankruptcy and debt repayment.

It would not be good to hide this matter.

Besides, Now that I have the ability to pay it back, this matter is actually nothing.

"In fact, my parents' company went bankrupt before, and now they still have about one million to pay back."

Su Hang looked at Lin Penghuai and Tang Yimei who were a little surprised, and continued:"After helping my parents pay back the money, I won't have much left here."

"So that's it……"

Lin Penghuai nodded thoughtfully.

Tang Yimei didn't say much, expressing her understanding.

Although they were a little frightened, in their opinion, as long as they were not in debt because of bad habits, it would be fine.

And when those companies go bankrupt, their liabilities are not tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Su Hang's parents only had a debt of more than one million yuan, so they had already settled it.

After thinking about it, Tang Yimei suggested:"How about this? Regarding the house, your uncle and I will help you pay the down payment first."

"For subsequent installments, Xiaosu can make money from your carvings, and Xiaojia also has a provident fund."

"In this way, the burden on you two should be lighter, right?"

Tang Yimei thought her suggestion was a good one.

But after hearing this, Su Hang shook his head.

Facing the other party's puzzled eyes, he explained:"Uncle, aunt, to tell you the truth, the carving industry is very important to me now. I mean, it's not particularly stable."

"Because I'm young now, if I didn't have good skills, I wouldn't be able to make much money at all."

"What does it mean? Tang Huiyun was a little puzzled:"If you carve a set of tea sets, wouldn't you be able to make millions?""

"This is indeed true."

Su Hang nodded and continued to explain:"But in the carving industry, age and quality are important."

"At my age now, three carvings might be worth a million. When I carve five or eight, it may only be a few hundred thousand, or even hundreds of thousands."

"Because those collectors are not fools"

"I'm young, I still have decades to carve"

"They immediately know that as long as I carve more, even if I carve well, the collection value will shrink."

"Therefore, the sculpting industry is a long-term business and requires management. There is no problem in making money to support the family, but it cannot be used to make a fortune. What a sculptor wants after all is a reputation."

"Understood."Tang Huiyun nodded.

After Lin Penghuai and Tang Yimei heard this, they thought about it thoughtfully and understood what Su Hang meant. If the carving job is like what Su Hang said, it is indeed not suitable for buying a house now. Because there are many children.

, if you want to buy a house, you must buy a big one.

Not to mention a villa, it must be at least a four- or even five-bedroom large flat.

Then the area must be more than 200 square meters.

Such a house, In Shanghai, the cost is almost 10 million and up.

Even if they, the elders, pay the down payment, Su Hang and Lin Jia will have a lot of pressure to pay the installments later. Moreover, they will also need money to take care of the children and go to school.

"Then just wait."

Lin Penghuai nodded and said nothing more.

Although they are still worried about Su Hang and Lin Jia's situation, since the current situation does not allow it, they cannot force the purchase.

Otherwise, it will be an extra burden for Su Hang and Lin Jia.

"Xiaojia, you should work harder and don’t put all the burden on Xiaosu alone."

Tang Yimei frowned and warned Lin Jia.

Lin Jia was stunned, frowned, and nodded remorsefully:"I understand.……"

Seeing this, Su Hang smiled and held her hand.

"Auntie, it's okay. Jiajia also worked hard."


Hearing this, Lin Jia raised her head and looked at Su Hang.

She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and just lowered her head again.

Tang Huiyun on the side looked at it and couldn't bear to interrupt.

"Okay, okay, don’t talk about this topic anymore."

"Take your time with the house matter. Anyway, it will still be some time before these little guys grow up. Hearing this, Tang

Yimei thought for a moment and stood up with a smile:"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I'm going to wash some fruits."

Halfway out, she suddenly stopped again, looked at Su Hang and Lin Jia, and said,"You two should have one day off, right?""

"Otherwise, let's stay here for one night and go back tomorrow."

Tang Yimei has wanted to say this for a long time, but she kept finding opportunities.

Lin Jia felt helpless after listening to her mother's suggestion.

"The two of us brought one day's worth of milk powder for the children. If we stayed for one more day, it wouldn't be enough for them to drink."

She also wants to stay, but she can't let the little ones not have food to eat.

"That's okay."Tang Yimei shook her head and chuckled disapprovingly.

"Can you two take advantage of this moment to buy some more?"

It's hard for her daughter to come back once, and her son-in-law is so popular. She really doesn't want them to go back so soon.

Seeing what her mother-in-law was thinking, Su Hang smiled and nodded before Lin Jia answered.

"Okay, we two can stay one more day."

Tang Yimei showed obvious joy when she saw Su Hang agreed.

She waved her hands to the two of them with a smile, and said with a smile:"Then you two go buy milk powder first. We'll watch the little guys."


Su Hang agreed, thought for a moment, and picked up Liu Bao again.

"Let’s take Liubao with us, otherwise when she goes to bed later, Jiajia and I will not be there, and she will easily be unable to sleep.

After glancing at Liu Bao, Tang Yimei smiled bitterly:"That's okay." She added uneasily:"You two, be careful on the way and don't expose her. After entering the supermarket, it's best to cover her ears so that she doesn't get scared.""

Speaking of the children, Tang Yimei suddenly became nagging.

Lin Penghuai glanced at her and said speechlessly:"Okay, okay, the two children are not stupid, so don't talk so much."

"Aren't I afraid that they will forget?"

Tang Yimei glared at Lin Penghuai, and then gave some instructions to Su Hang and Lin Jia.

The two looked at each other and smiled, nodding in agreement.

"Will not forget."

The older generation really loves their children as much as they do."


After leaving home, Su Hang and Lin Jia rushed to the parking lot with Liu Bao in their arms as quickly as possible.

People I knew next to him occasionally said hello to Lin Jia, while looking at Su Hang curiously.

But it's okay.

No one said anything in front of the two of them, most of them were just curious.

Lin Jia was relieved when she hugged Liu Bao and got into the car. She saw that the little guy didn't cry or fuss, but just looked around curiously.

She lovingly stretched out her hand and gently smoothed Liu Bao's forehead, leaving a few hairs that had been blown up by the wind.

"Sit tight."

Su Hang looked back with a smile and started the car.

Before he got on the road, he frowned and a question came to his mind unconsciously.

That is, he is staying at his mother-in-law's house tonight.

What will he and Teacher Lin do? sleep?

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