

In the living room, apart from the sound of the TV, there were the voices of a few little guys.

Dabao kept stretching out his little hand, trying to touch Lin Penghuai's beard.

I was quick and managed to pull out a few of them.

Lin Penghuai's body trembled, and he was obviously in terrible pain.

But he didn't say a word, and didn't stop Dabao's little hand. Instead, he smiled.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

This smile made Lin Penghuai embarrassed.

"Brother-in-law, I didn’t expect you to be deflated in the hands of a little baby? Tang

Huiyun looked at Lin Penghuai and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lin Penghuai narrowed his eyes and pretended to be dissatisfied and said in a deep voice:"Fart, I'm too lazy to argue with a little brat like him.""

With that said, he picked up Dabao and came to Tang Yimei with his armpits in his arms.

"Come on, hold me, I want to watch TV."

While speaking, Lin Penghuai looked at his hands carefully.

He was afraid that his hand would be too strong and hurt Dabao's arm. He was obviously very concerned, but he pretended to be disapproving.

But Dabao didn't care. On the contrary, he was very happy.

The little guy's little feet, wrapped in a jumpsuit, were dangling in the air. He tried his best to look down at his little feet, and his little mouth opened and he started laughing.


While laughing, Dabao tried his best to lift up his wrapped little feet.

The swollen feet, like little steamed buns, were raised up and down in the air.

Just when Lin Penghuai was also looking at it happily, Dabao But suddenly stopped.

The little guy's smiling face suddenly wrinkled up.

The little body hanging in the air also started to exert force.

Seeing him exerting so much force that his face turned red, Lin Penghuai was speechless.

"What is he doing? As for playing so hard? When Su

Hang saw this, he coughed slightly and reminded with a smile:"Dabao, he may be in the big class now.""


Lin Penghuai was stunned, and then looked at Dabao in shock.

Just at this moment...


If there was a sound that seemed like nothing, it came from the diaper.

Lin Penghuai's body trembled, and then he looked at Tang Yimei in horror.

"Hurry up, hurry up and hug him!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Dabao twice more, his eyes unbelievable.

It looked like he had a time bomb in his hand.

"The child is just a big size, so why are you so frightened?"Tang Yimei shook her head speechlessly.

Just when she was about to take Dabao, Lin Jia stood up first and took Dabao over.

"Let me do it."

As she said that, Lin Jia also took another look at Lin Penghuai.

This was the first time she had seen such a father since she was a child.

Well... although it's not a good idea to think so.

But it's really funny!

"Phew! Lin

Jia couldn't help but smile, and quickly avoided Lin Penghuai's shameful and angry gaze.

Putting Dabao on the sofa aside, she quickly walked into the bedroom and took out a new diaper, but did not rush to change it.

Seeing this, Lin Penghuai frown

"Why don't you change it for him? That butt and diaper, when I pressed down on the sofa, my butt was covered with shit!"

When I thought of the little guy who looked like an angel just now, but now his butt was covered with shit...

Lin Penghuai narrowed his eyes and took a step back, and quickly returned to his seat to sit down.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Lin Penghuai's reaction, everyone couldn't help laughing anymore.

Lin Jia laughed so much that her stomach hurt. She put her head on Su Hang's shoulder and her body trembled.

Seeing that Lin Jia was holding back her laughter, she almost felt Shrinking into a ball, Su Hang patted her back helplessly.

Then he looked at Lin Penghuai, who looked unhappy, and he kindly explained:"Uncle, cough... Dabao is not over yet."

"If I open the diaper now, it might……"

Su Hang didn't finish his words.

But Lin Penghuai already had a picture in his mind.

Looking at Dabao with complicated eyes, he turned away and focused on watching TV. really.

I am still not suitable for coaxing children


A few minutes later, Dabao stretched out his body and narrowed his eyes, it seemed that it was over.

Seeing this, Lin Jia immediately changed his diaper before he cried because of discomfort, and then cleaned his little buttocks.

DuangDuang's little butt feels dry again.

Lin Penghuai noticed the movement behind him, shook his head helplessly, and continued to stare at the TV.

On TV, the host has begun to show the collections of several old collectors.

After introducing the collection of the previous collector, the two hosts came to the other collector.

While the female host was about to ask, the male host handed over the microphone.

"Mr. Yao, what kind of collection did you bring this time?"

"You will know just by looking at it"

"What I brought this time is a good thing."

As the old man on the screen answered, he opened the collection box in front of him with a smile.

The next second, the female host exclaimed from the TV

"It’s actually a tea set?"

The female host's words instantly attracted Lin Penghuai's attention.

He loves tea. He also likes tea sets and Aiwujiwu.

When he heard that this collection was a set of tea sets, Lin Penghuai immediately became interested and his eyes were unblinking. Looking at the screen.

In the show, the female host seemed to be trying to sell off the tea set. She did not show the tea set to the audience immediately, but first praised the tea set.

"The carvings are so exquisite, especially the Yun Yue. I have never seen such a wonderful carving.……"

As she spoke, the female host's eyes became more and more envious.

"Mr. Yao was so lucky to find such a tea set."

When the old man heard this, he felt very happy, and then he laughed and said:"Speaking of it, I am lucky. I met a carver with excellent skills."

"I had a piece of Dushan jade, and I didn’t know what to carve it into. The master carver said that it would be suitable to carve a tea set, so I carved this tea set."

"So there is such a story?"

The female host smiled and continued:"Do you mind if I take out this tea set and show it to the audience in front of the TV? The old man nodded and said with a smile:"There's nothing wrong with it. Isn't it just for showing it to everyone?""

With permission, the female host immediately put on her gloves and, together with the male host, carefully took out the teapot and teacups inside.

This tea set has a total of one teapot, one teacup, five teacups, and five saucers.

From the color From the top view, it is carved from a piece of jade.

Because the colors of each utensil can be connected together.

Even the patterns carved on it can be connected together.

For example, on the teapot, there is a white moon carved on it. , around the white moon, milky green clouds are lingering, extending to the teacup and teacup.

On the last two teacups, one has a raised piece of white, which is carved into a vivid white rabbit.

On the other teacup, the raised A touch of orange has been carved into a few swaying osmanthus flowers, which means good luck and wealth.

There is an echo between the white rabbit and the osmanthus flowers. As for the saucer, it is carved with a layer of swaying water patterns.

The upward side of the teacup seems to be The calm water surface stirred up a layer of water waves, which naturally dispersed around.

Every carving was just right. The whole tea set was perfectly integrated into one.

Lin Penghuai stared at the tea set with envy in his eyes. Color.

If he could get such a good tea set...

Just thinking about it, Lin Penghuai felt satisfied.

It's a pity.

He doesn't have such a good jade.

Even if he has jade, he can't find a carving master with such good skills..

Lin Penghuai thought again and sighed with some discomfort.

Just when he was feeling very sorry...

On the side, Lin Jia, who was about to throw away her diaper, looked at the TV in surprise.

She was stunned for a second, and then turned back Look at Su Hang

"Su Hang, isn’t this Mr. Yao? What he shows here is not a tea set carved by you?"

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