Chapter 936 This is unscientific!

"Um! I'll call and ask!"

Su Hang thought about it and almost thought that he and Lin Jia would go together. There is a high probability that Sanbao may be at Rhodes at this moment.

But after Su Hang made the call, his face immediately darkened.

"Xiaoxiao is not with Ross, and neither is Lisa!"

Following that, Su Hang said in a deep voice. If there is no one on either side, then the problem is a bit serious.

"Where can Xiaoxiao go? These two kids are so naughty!"

Hearing this, Lin Jia also became nervous. She was about to board the plane for inspection. Missing this flight is a trivial matter. If the child is even lost because of this, then the problem will be big!

"what to do? Xiaoxiao must have been deceived by bad guys, right?……"

Afterwards, Lin Jia began to murmur to the side. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. In an instant, she thought of countless possibilities.

Su Hang was a little speechless about this, but he also knew that Lin Jia was like this because he was too worried about Sanbao. If he were Lin Jia, he would probably be even more nervous than Lin Jia.

It’s okay, let’s check the surveillance first and look around!"

Then, Su Hang said softly. This is the only way he can think of to quickly find out the whereabouts of Sanbao and Lisa.

"Walk! I will go with you!"

Hearing this, although Lin Jiaming calmed down a little on his face, he was still very anxious in his heart.

Afterwards, Su Hang and Lin Jia settled down the treasures for a while, then hurriedly went out together, and happened to bump into Ross was coming towards him.

He was about to find Lisa at this time, but he didn't seem too anxious. He also calmly said that he and Su Hang would go to the monitoring room together. Obviously, such a thing would not happen in Luo Zi. This has happened to me more than once

"I don’t know if there is an arcade or anything like that nearby, if so. I can guarantee that Lisa and Xiaoxiao will be there!"

On the way, Ross said directly and confidently, and even said that he didn't even need to check the surveillance, and just went to look for nearby video game centers.

Unfortunately, Ross's proposal was directly rejected by Su Hang. He still felt that The surveillance is more reliable, and Rhodes has just searched for it. There is no arcade or the like near the airport. When they arrived at the surveillance room, Jiangsu Airlines quickly obtained the consent of the management staff and took the lead in browsing to the place where they were temporarily staying. Through surveillance, I saw Sanbao and Lisa talking and laughing, and walking out together.

Later, Su Hang used surveillance cameras in different places to follow Sanbao and Lisa, and finally grasped the whereabouts of the two of them.

"Are you going to the airport? Why were the two of them going to the airport together this afternoon?!!"

Su Hang couldn't help but wonder. The last shot of Sanbao and Lisa disappearing clearly showed the direction to the airport.

If you want to check the whereabouts of the two of them, you have to check the surveillance at the airport. Here is a look. less than

"Walk! Let's go to the airport!"

Suhang didn't hesitate and directly said that he was going to the airport to find Lisa and Sanbao.

If he went early and found the two of them quickly, he might be able to catch today's flight!~

"This is unscientific! What is Lisa doing at the airport?……"

On the way, Ross kept mumbling to himself that he really couldn't figure out why Lisa was taking Sanbao to the airport.

Later, Su Hang, Lin Jia and Rhodes rushed to the airport. Just as they were going to the control room, Su Hang stopped them.

"No need, the rightful owner has been found!"

Su Hang pointed at the two petite figures in front of him and said, take a closer look, aren't they Sambo and Lisa?

At this time, they saw Sambo and Lisa holding a bunch of plush dolls in their hands, heading towards Su Fly in their direction, which is from the entrance of the airport.

"Huh? Dad, Mom! And Uncle Rhodes, why are you here?"

Seeing Su Hang and his group blocking the front, Sanbao couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

These words immediately made Su Hang's face darken. He also wanted to ask Sanbao and Lisa. They were about to go through the boarding security check. What were they doing? Come here for a stroll?!

However, combined with the nearly ten dolls of various sizes in the hands of Lisa and Sanbao, as well as several self-service claw machines placed inside the airport, the answer is already obvious

"dad! dad! Come and help, I can't hold it anymore!"

At this moment, Lisa suddenly shouted loudly as she was being ignored. The stuffed doll in her hand was about to fall to the ground.

After hearing this, Ross quickly went up to help Lisa carry her things. Now he finally figured out what Lisa was doing. Why did Lisa come to the airport?

Although there is no arcade arcade in the entire airport, there are self-service claw machines. Anyway, if Lisa goes to the arcade arcade, she will basically wander around the claw machines and other entertainment facilities.

"Smile! Do you know how anxious your parents were just now? How can you run around blindly at this time?"

Su Hang, after taking over the doll from Sanbao, the two of them began to teach Sanbao a lesson.

If from now on, before every departure, Sanbao or other treasures would disappear for them to play with, then what would happen? Don't you want to be stimulated to death?

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