Chapter 913 Can this be eaten?

"Harmful! Hello!"

The chef in the kitchen saw Su Hang and was the first to say hello.

"Do you need to process this fish before eating it for lunch?"

Following that, the chef asked directly. If someone like Su Hang came in with a fish, he would see it more often every day, so he would naturally know what Su Hang was thinking.

"Um! right!"

Su Hang nodded and threw it directly to the chef.

"Tsk! This fish is quite big. What do you want to cook it with?"

The chef looked at the fish weighing five kilograms in his hand and couldn't help sighing. Then he looked at Su Hang and asked.

"You can do whatever you want, I don't care!"

Hearing this, Su Hang's answer was even simpler. He waved his hand directly and let the chef make his own choice.

If he had to make a choice, then Su Hang would like to cook the fish by himself. The taste is guaranteed to be as good as that of any star-rated hotel!

Unfortunately, this is still on the ship. The ingredients and equipment in the restaurant's back kitchen can only be used by specific staff on the ship.

"Hmm... This kind of fish has delicious meat and is very suitable for sashimi. Let me make a sashimi for this gentleman. Please wait!"

Then, the chef just made a brief observation and already thought about how to cook the fish to make it more delicious.

"Um! good! in addition……"

Su Hang nodded, did not refuse, and immediately ordered more than ten dishes.

He had been sitting there fishing since morning. After a few hours, it was almost dinner time, so he simply called Lin Jia and the treasures to come out to eat together.

However, Su Hang did not dare to let the children order food this time, as what happened yesterday was still fresh in his mind.

Soon, the treasures followed Su Hang's voice to the dining place, followed closely by Lin Jia

"dad! What shall we eat today? San

Bao asked, and the other Bao Bao also looked at Su Hang eagerly, almost saying that they wanted to order food.

"Cough, cough... I have already ordered my meal and it will be served right away!"

Seeing this, Su Hang coughed and immediately sat down on his seat without changing his expression.

Although the treasures were a little disappointed that they couldn't order their own meals, they were also hungry for a while and were very much looking forward to the lunch meal. Very much. Soon, the waiter brought out dishes one after another, most of which were seafood. The aroma of the dishes instantly filled the entire table, making people's appetites whet their appetite.

"alright! Eat it quickly!"

Seeing how all the treasures were eager to take off their chopsticks, Su Hang couldn't help but chuckle.


"whee! I want to eat sushi!"

"Hmm~ This fish soup is so fresh……"

Hearing this, the treasures were not polite at all. One moment they were like well-behaved porcelain dolls, and the next moment they were as if they had not eaten for decades.

In just a minute or two, the food on the table began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"gentlemen! This is the sashimi you want!"

Just when the treasures were enjoying their meal, a waiter brought out another plate of sashimi for the treasures to add.

"oh! Leave it here!"

Su Hang was stunned for a moment, and then he agreed. If the waiter hadn't reminded him, he would have almost forgotten about sashimi.

"Come and try it! The ingredients used to make this sashimi are the fish I caught myself this morning!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang introduced Lin Jia and the treasures, quite boastfully.

"Wow! Dad, you really caught a fish this morning!"

"dad! I also want to go fishing. Can I come with you tomorrow?"

Sibao and Dabao are more playful, they both said one after another. As for the other treasures, they didn't show much interest in fishing.

"Um! OK……"

Just when Su Hang nodded in agreement, Sanbao's words drew everyone's attention.

"Wow! This fish seems to be raw. Is it edible?"

I heard Sanbao say in surprise, and the chopsticks that were originally brought to his mouth also stopped.

"It seems indeed!"

"dad! Did the chef forget to cook this for us?"

"That’s it! It's simply too much……"

All the treasures turned their attention to Su Hang, and some even said that they would go to the chef to get an explanation.

It’s not their fault. From the knowledge of the treasures growing up, there are many bacteria in raw food. How can we eat it?!!

"This is sashimi, this is different, it is eaten raw!"

Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help but chuckle. Even Lin Jia was amused by Zhongbao's words, and immediately explained. Then, in order to make Zhongbao feel at ease, Su Hang even made it himself gave a demonstration, picked up a piece, dipped it in the sauce and put it in his mouth

"It looks delicious~"

"Let me try! Do you eat like this?"

Dabao and Sibao were the more courageous ones. They were the first to pick up a piece and eat it. The action of dipping it into the sauce was imitated by Su Hang.

Although the other Baobao were still a little hesitant, they also started using their chopsticks. , that cautious look, as if fish can bite people.

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