Chapter 905 Don’t be a crow’s mouth.

The next day, Lin Jia, at the strong request of the treasures, planned to take the children to an amusement park, which was said to be the last trip abroad.

Lin Jia didn't want to agree to the children at first, but she couldn't stand their hard work, and there were still six children fighting together. Who could withstand this? In the end, Lin Jia had no choice but to agree to the treasures' request!

"With this weather, are you sure you want to go to the water park today?"

Before leaving, Su Hang looked at the sky with faint dark clouds and couldn't help asking.


Lin Jia simply shrugged helplessly and handed over the right to speak to the children. Did she want to go?!!

"It's okay, Dad! I looked at the weather forecast and it said it will be cloudy to overcast today and it won’t rain!"

"Yes, this is the perfect weather to go to the water park, otherwise it would still be very hot!"

"Don't worry, dad……"

Hearing this, all the treasures rushed to answer, unable to hold back their desire to go to the water park.

"Well, come early!"

In desperation, Su Hang had no choice but to agree.

The children finally made it to the summer vacation, and they should play and relax more. Su Hang did not object to this. Afterwards

, Lin Jia took the treasures and set off , but this time she did not drive, but rented a car to rush to the water park.

As for Su Hang himself, he dove into the study, he wanted to take advantage of the time before traveling to the Garden Country Here, he took care of the things at hand and the carvings promised to others one by one!

On Lin Jia's side, on the way

"Brother! Why are these dark clouds getting thicker and thicker? Will it rain soon?"

Erbao looked at the sky outside the taxi window and couldn't help but worry.

"Whisper! You don’t want a crow’s mouth! Yesterday's weather forecast made it clear that it would be sunny today, and you were there at the time!"

Dabao raised his head and said, if it starts to rain, then their plan to go to the water park will be completely ruined.

The other Baobao were having a great time playing in the car, and they can come out anyway. Breathing is enough.

As for Lin Jia, she simply closed her eyes and rested in the car. It didn't matter to her whether it rained or not. She just came out to accompany the children.

But when Lin Jia and the treasures arrived at their destination, they It was discovered that the dark clouds in the sky were thicker and the whole sky was dark.

However, it still could not resist the determination of the treasures to go to the water park.

"Wuhu! I want to ride on the water slide!"

"I want to go to the swimming pool!"

"Big brother? You run slower……"

After Lin Jia bought the tickets, all the treasures rushed into the water park. Even the management staff of the park seemed to be dazzled, as if they saw a few shadows rushing past.

After entering the amusement park, the treasures became even more crazy. They did not miss the quota for each of the amusement facilities that they usually had in mind.

When Lin Jia saw this situation, she was afraid that these children would have to try out all the rides in the water park before leaving, right?

Boom! Boom!

Just when Lin Jia was thinking wildly, thunder suddenly broke out in the sky, accompanied by an extremely dazzling lightning that pierced the sky.


Wubao and Liubao were immediately frightened and screamed. That deafening thunder suddenly came down, and anyone would be jumped up!

"Brother! Are you sure it won't rain today?!!"

Seeing this, even Si Bao couldn't help but ask.


At this time, even Dabao was speechless. Obviously the weather forecast was obviously unconvincing in this situation.

"Xiaochen! whisper, smile……"

At this moment, Lin Jia's voice suddenly came from behind.

She was originally watching from a short distance away, but she couldn't play in these more exciting rides, but she saw that the weather was getting worse and worse, and now she had to step forward to stop the children from continuing to play.

You must know that there is still a certain degree of danger if you come out to play like this in a thunderous day!

"alright! We can't continue playing! It might rain, and there might be lightning later!"

Teacher Lin ran over and solemnly expressed to the children that now is not the time to play.

"ah? It hasn’t been long since I arrived!"

"I haven’t played on the water slide yet.……"

Dabao and Sibao said with great reluctance, looking at the amusement facilities in front of them but unable to play, they felt the most painful thing in their lives at this moment.

Tick ​​tock~tick tock~

As if to fulfill Lin Jia's words, a few large raindrops suddenly fell from the sky and fell on everyone.

Wow! Wow!

The next moment, in just a few breaths, more raindrops were falling.

"Go quickly! Go quickly! Let's quickly find a place to take shelter from the rain!"

Lin Jia shouted while hugging the children to her side. At this time, Dabao and Sibao no longer cared about the amusement facilities and hurriedly followed Lin Jia to run in the rain.

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