Chapter 850: Ruthless Card Swiping Machine

Hearing this, Lin Jia looked at the children. Her nature as a woman has been playing its role since she entered this shopping mall.

When buying carving tools, Su Hang could still speak a few words, but when it came time to buy a small apron, Su Hang couldn't even get a word in. Lin Jia was completely leading the way.

Su Hang estimated that Lin Jia had tried on all the aprons that Liu Bao had fitted in the entire shopping mall, and they were not tiring. It was already noon.


It's okay if I don't say this, but when I mention it, Dabao's stomach screams unsatisfactorily.

"Ouch! Darlings, you are so hungry. You can eat whatever you want for lunch today!"

Seeing this, Lin Jia couldn't help but feel distressed. Only then did she realize that she had been shopping for so long.

"How good! I want to eat KFC!"

"I'm starving! Mom, can I order a dessert?"

"I want to drink ice cream……"

Hearing this, all the treasures cheered together.

Not only cheering for finally being able to eat, but also cheering for finally being freed from the fear of going shopping with Lin Jia

"It’s ready to eat! You can drink, but you can only order one serving per person for smoothies and the like! Otherwise, if you eat too much, you may have a stomachache in the afternoon!"

Lin Jia agreed to the request of the treasures, and then gave another warning. She will also select materials for carving for the six treasures in a while. If she eats it, it will be bad.


"I don’t eat ice!"

"I just want a glass of ice.……"

Hearing this, all the treasures agreed that they had only eaten a few mouthfuls of food in the morning for the big meal today.


Seeing that Lin Jia and the children agreed so simply and basically excluded him, Su Hang felt helpless for a while.

Between Zhongbao and Lin Jia, he basically just acted as a ruthless credit card machine..

Afterwards, Suhang took Lin Jia and Zhongbao to find a pretty good KFC store in the mall, where they settled their lunch plans today.

The whole store is very big and the business is very popular.

However, although people in the store were queuing up to get their food, fortunately the waiter served the food very quickly and did not keep Su Hang waiting for too long.

"Mmm~Mom, this chicken drumstick is delicious!"

"My ice is falling, hee hee!"

"Xiaozhuo, give me the two chicken wings you ordered.……"

As soon as all the food was put on the table, it was divided up by the treasures. They were like hungry little tigers, sweeping up the food on the table.

"Eat slowly! Be careful not to choke, Xiaoyu! Girls should eat more like a lady……"

Seeing this, Lin Jia quickly said, if she had known earlier, she would have let them eat more in the morning to cushion their stomachs.

Look at the way she is eating now, and other guests can see it. Could it be that she has given the children nothing to eat and drink for a whole day. half an hour later


"So full!"

"I can't eat anymore……"

After the food was swept away on the table, all the treasures put their hands on their bellies, their bellies bulging with food.

"alright! Don't lie down, go out for a walk to digest, we will go to the rough stone market later!"

Seeing the treasures lying like Ge You, Su Hang called them all up. Lying like this just after eating was a heavy burden on the stomach and intestines.

"dad! I really can't walk anymore, please let me sit for a while!"

Hearing this, Dabao said with a bitter look on his face, pretending to be pitiful.

He had eaten the most just now, and now he was so exhausted that he didn't even have the strength to walk.

"Then we need to go around a little bit more, digest it quickly, we will set off right away, otherwise we will leave you here!"

Su Hang directly picked up Dabao this time and sent him to get up and walk around.

It should be noted that the old saying of our ancestors that if you walk a hundred steps after a meal and you will live to ninety-nine is not a lie!

After Dabao left, Su Hang will Looking at the other treasures

"that! Mom, let me go see big brother!"

"I'm also a little bit brave, so I'll go shopping in the mall for a while!"

"Wait for me……"

After seeing Su Hang's gaze, the other treasures became very conscious and followed Dabao out of their seats.

Half an hour later.

Dabao and the other treasures came back. It seemed that they were almost digested. In fact, within half an hour, Zhongbao found a corner with no one but an air conditioner and blew on the air conditioner for half an hour.

"Let's go! Go directly to the rough stone market and see if you can come across any good materials today!"

Su Hang said hello. As a master sculptor, he is still very interested in this aspect.

Especially with the accumulation in the past few years, this interest has become even more intense. Then, Su Hang took Lin Jia and Zhongbao came all the way to the jade raw stone market?

There were all kinds of people here, ranging from elderly people in their decades to children in their teens playing around. But like Su Hang, who came with his whole family, he was still six years old. It is very rare for people to have twins.

No, it can be said that there is no such thing. This is probably the first case in decades!

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