Su Cheng didn't say anything for a long time. He now regretted why he came into troubled waters just now. Couldn't he just leave this century-old problem to Su Hang to solve?

After Su Hang finished solving the problem, he could just come out and play with the children, but now he was in a dilemma.

If Su Hang knew Su Cheng's inner thoughts at this time, he would definitely shout that he was indeed his biological child, and it was so natural to trick him.

"grandfather! grandfather! how is everything?"

Just when Su Cheng was having trouble making a decision, Dabao urged again, and San Bao and Si Bao also looked at Su Cheng expectantly.

"This... hmm! Judging from the fineness of the carvings, Xiaoxiao is obviously better than the two of you!"

In the end, Su Cheng said helplessly after lingering for a while.

"yeah! yeah!"

Hearing this, the Three Treasures instantly jumped up with joy.

As for the Dabao and the Fourth Treasure, they lowered their heads. The things they had just carved in their hands no longer smelled good.

"However, Xiaoxiao, don’t be proud. The carving idea you just gave me was provided to you. This is considered opportunistic. If not, you may not be able to carve better than your brother and Didi!"

After a pause, Su Cheng added another sentence, asking Dabao and Sibao to raise their heads again.

"right! That's for sure!"

"Our carving is not bad either!"

Following that, Dabao and Sibao expressed their gratitude one after another and got excited again.

As for Sanbao, after being mentioned by Su Cheng again, she also restrained herself and acknowledged, but she still couldn't hide her happiness.

"dad! Mine is also carved! Can you help me find out what's wrong?"

At this moment, Liu Bao suddenly put down the carving knife in his hand and walked towards Su Hang with his work.

Different from the playful nature of other Liu Bao, Liu Bao was sincerely learning from Su Hang.

So Liu Bao Bao is also indifferent to the"carving competition" of other babies. At this time, she just wants Su Hang to point out her problem so that she can correct it in time.

"Wow! The one carved by Xiaoran looks so complicated!"

"It seems like a landscape ornament!"

"This is too awesome, right?……"

Seeing this, Zhongbao looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but let out a sound of exclamation.

"It’s over, why does it feel like the rhythm of being abused!"

"I don't want to be abused by Xiaoran, I'll run away first, you guys are holding on!"

"Alas! Wait, I still have homework. Mom, I’m going to do my homework first.……"

Immediately, Zhongbao informed Lin Jia at a flying speed, and then left quickly.

They don't want to take out what they just carved and compare it with Liubao's. This is not a heavyweight at all, okay?!!

If we say that the things carved by Dabao are somewhat comparable to those of the Four and Three Treasures, but after Liu Bao came up with their own works, they were completely faced with a crushing situation, and even the desire to compare was gone. No

"Xiaoran’s sculpting talent is really good!"

Before Su Hang could comment, Su Cheng was the first to say something.

He could still tell the difference between good and bad. Although Liu Bao was still young, the works he carved were already very vivid.

"That is, it doesn’t matter who taught it!"

Hearing this, Su Hang naturally took all the credit for himself without feeling anything wrong at all, which made Su Cheng and Lin Jia roll their eyes.

"Hmm... It has improved a lot compared to last time, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. You can see it like here. The color is darker here. You need to pay attention to the layering. And here, if you make a hollow, the effect will be better.……"

Afterwards, Su Hang took over Liubao's carvings and pointed them out carefully.

"Oh oh! Dad, should we change it again here?……"

Hearing this, Liu Bao also stood aside and humbly asked Su Hang for advice.

"Um! right……"

"Su Hang, Xiaoxiao is still young, don’t be so strict with her, don’t put pressure on her!"

At this moment, Su Cheng suddenly stopped Su Hang and said hurriedly.

He couldn't stand it any longer. He felt sorry for Liu Bao and said that Liu Bao's carving skills were far beyond those of his peers in this field. , what else do you want her to do?

Does she have to be like Su Hang? Su Cheng really wants to give other treasures, including the six treasures, a beautiful and happy childhood, instead of going there every day Face these!

"dad! I am just pointing out her problem now. In the future, my carving skills will gradually become more proficient with time!"

Hearing this, Su Hang had no choice but to explain.

He didn't mean to put pressure on Liu Bao. It's just that the carving competition is coming soon, so he will be a little stricter on Liu Bao's requirements, which are usually very loose..

Regarding the education of children, Suhang and Sucheng have similar ideas. They both want to give children happiness and then let them learn.


Su Cheng wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Su Hang's words.

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