"You know how to talk big, how about a competition?"

Dabao didn't give in at all. Now it's better. The two of them started to fight directly.

"What are you guys doing chattering there? Xiaoran is drawing lines, so don’t disturb me!"

The voices of Dabao and Sibao were so loud that Su Hang couldn't stand it any longer.

Designing a very important part of the early stage cannot be disturbed by Zhongbao.

What's interesting is that Dabao and Sibao are still determined by who can carve them. Well, we started fighting. Is this the so-called noobs pecking each other?

Hmm... The works carved by Dabao and Sibao are just noobs in Su Hang's eyes. In some respects, they are better than those carved by Dabao and Sibao. There are so many Liubao, but he is also a novice.

If Liubao wants to become more and more proficient in carving skills, he still has a long way to go.

"dad! Xiao Chenfei said that he can carve better than me. Who of us can carve better?"

Dabao responded, and immediately walked to Su Hang's side in a few leaps.

"I'm obviously good at this, right, dad?

Immediately afterwards, the Four Treasures also came up. Su Hang didn't ask whether it was okay. Once he asked, the two of them went from fighting in pairs to turning towards Su Hang to judge.

"You guys……"

Su Hang gently stroked his forehead, and his head felt twice as big for a moment.

He didn't know who to favor, but Su Hang knew that no matter who he favored, the courtyard would probably not be very peaceful by then.

"dad! Tell me, am I a better carver than Xiao Zhuo?"

"It's obviously me!"

The two of them are still arguing non-stop. Now they are still just shouting, but according to this development, if they continue like this, they will probably start fighting directly later!

Su Hang was a little embarrassed and looked at the four treasures. Although the four treasures Bao didn't say anything. He was still painting the wood in his hand, but it was obvious that Si Bao was still affected by it.

"How about this! Since both of you say you are good at it, why don't you go and compete in person this time? I'll see who of you is better at carving later!"

After a pause, Su Hang finally came up with a way for the two to divert the dispute.

"Live comparison?"

"How to compare?"

Dabao and Sibao were confused. Su Hang's strategy was very successful and his attention was diverted.

"I will provide you with the same wood and carving knives and other tools, and you two will carve in the yard on the spot, and then I will evaluate the finished product after you bring it out!"

After a pause, Su Hang announced the rules of the competition, as long as these two people can be honest.

"dad? And me, I want to participate too!"

"Count me in!"

"Don't leave me behind!"

But before Su Hang could secretly be happy, the Second Treasure, the Third Treasure, and the Fifth Treasure all came together again, wanting to join Dabao and the others.


Seeing this, the corner of Su Hang's mouth couldn't help but twitch. He doubted whether these little guys had discussed it in advance, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't say anything.

"Fine! There is wood there, go get it yourselves, and I'll get two sets of carving tools over here!"

Su Hang expressed his voice, and finally agreed to the request of Erbao and the others. Since they were happy, Su Hang let them do whatever they wanted.

On the other hand, this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it can improve things. The children have both aesthetic and practical abilities, so why not do it?

After a short pause, Su Hang had already started to help the children clean up the venue for our competition.

When Su Hang returned to the yard again, everyone Bao Ze is holding a piece of wood, lined up in a row, and is already waiting.

"alright! This is for you, this is Erbao'er's, this is Sambo's... you remember to be careful when using carving tools, don't scratch your hands!"

Then, Su Hang handed out the carving tools in his hand one by one, and gave instructions while returning them. The next moment, the competition officially began, and he led the treasures to the Six Treasures Carving Next to the stage, if it were smaller, I might not be able to fit a few people inside.

"Now that everything is ready, I announce: Let’s try the competition. The total time is one hour. After one hour, I will come back to check your results!"

Then, after finishing speaking! Su Hang took out a chair and ran to rest under the big tree in the corner.

After coaxing all the treasures, for him, Jane was like going to a battlefield, especially Now as the children grow up, the situation becomes more and more difficult to coax.

Now a"carving competition" is held for everyone. Su Hang himself has to admire his own intelligence. If he takes the IQ test, He didn't believe anyone with an IQ below 200!

But not long after, Lin Jia walked in from outside the hospital.

"Why are you still sitting here leisurely drinking tea, where is Xiaoran? How's your practice going?"

Seeing Su Hang hiding in the corner humming a tune and drinking tea, Lin Jia said angrily.

Although she had been comforting Su Hang not to worry about Liu Bao's participation in the carving competition, as a mother, she didn't worry about it. possible.

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