"It's okay, it's really okay, it's almost healed, it's a waste of money to stay in the hospital now!"

Su Cheng waved his hand and insisted on being discharged from the hospital. To be honest, he even jumped out of bed to let Su Hang see if he was okay.

He had been having an extremely hard time these past few days, lying with a useless person all day long. In bed, at night, the three treasures would come over to talk to him and tell stories, or the other treasures would come over to pester him.

But during the day, the other treasures had to go to class, and there was almost no time. This period of time was very important to him. It’s like living like a year

"Why don't you go check it out again!"

Su Hang's brows were still furrowed. He couldn't afford to neglect his health.

He still remembered that Su Cheng didn't take care of things well before, and then he messed around with it, which led to him being seriously ill and being admitted to the hospital.

"It's okay. I don't know about my own body. The hospital just lets you spend money randomly.……"

Su Cheng felt nervous, fearing that his body would not fully recover and he would not be allowed to be discharged from the hospital.

But under Su Hang's strong insistence, Su Cheng had no choice but to finally undergo a full set of examinations.

Fortunately, Su Cheng did not mess around in the past two days, recovered well, and has reached the standards for discharge.

On the same day, the two went through the discharge procedures together and returned home.

He didn't know whether it was for psychological reasons or because he had been bored in the hospital for too long. When he came home, he felt that the air around him was much fresher. night


Su Hang, who was reading in the study, saw all the treasures running over and ran over.

"What's wrong? Did you come to see me for anything?"

Seeing this, Su Hang couldn't help but be confused.

Normally, all the treasures would be playing around at this point, but today suddenly they all came running to look for him. Something must have happened.

"We want to buy new clothes!"

In the end, Dabao suddenly stood up and spoke.

"Um? Didn’t I just buy it for you two days ago? Why buy it again?"

Su Hang raised his eyebrows slightly, neither refusing nor agreeing. You have to ask clearly why you want to buy. If there is no special reason, Su Hang will not just spoil them like this.

"Dad, there is a cultural performance held in our school this time. Several of us have signed up to participate. Parents also need to accompany us, so we want to buy clothes!"

Dabao explained, and Su Hang understood immediately.

"That's it! Okay, it's still early now, go call your mother, and we'll go shopping in a while!"

Immediately, Su Hang agreed. Since it is to participate in the art performance, there is no need to buy a new set of clothes.

"How good!"

"whee! I said dad would agree!"

"What kind of clothes should we buy later?……"

Hearing this, Zhongbao cheered happily, and Wubao was even thinking about what kind of clothes to buy.

Afterwards, all the treasures came to Lin Jia and Su Hang's bedroom.

Lin Jia had just finished clearing the dishes and was about to lie on the bed and watch videos for a while, but was interrupted by Zhongbao who came into the bed.

"Mother! Come on, daddy is taking us to the mall!"

"I want to buy new clothes!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Don't wait for a while. Dad left and left us behind.……"

As soon as he entered the door, Zhongbao was chattering non-stop, but he also made it clear why he came to see Lin Jia.

"Go shopping! Just let your dad take you there. Mom, take a rest!"

When she heard that she was going to the mall, Lin Jia said directly, and then leaned on the bed again.

She had learned how tiring it was to accompany several children to the mall many times before. Lin Jia was now I just want to lie in bed and rest

"no! no! He wants to buy clothes for us together!"

"Yep! Mom has to go and we buy clothes together as a family!"

"The clothes I bought this time are for my parents to accompany me to attend the school art performance.……"

Seeing this, all the treasures expressed their opinions.

Immediately afterwards, Dabao and Erbao were seen grabbing one of Lin Jia's arms, while the other four pushed Lin Jia, and finally dragged Lin Jia out..

In desperation, Lin Jia's rest plan was ruined and she could only go out with him.

"Let's go! Wife, don’t look so gloomy. Come back later and have a good rest. If you continue to be a homebody like this, you will become a homebody!"

Seeing Lin Jia's appearance when she came out, Su Hang couldn't help but tease her.

"how? Don't you like home girls?"

Hearing this, Lin Jia's eyes narrowed slightly, especially the word"home girl" was bitten hard.

In an instant, Zhongbao only felt a cold murderous aura floating around.

"No no no! Of course I like it, as long as it’s you I like it!"

Su Hang, who noticed something was wrong, quickly changed his words, and then added another sentence. He was really full of desire for survival!

"What do you say in front of your children?!!"

Hearing what Su Hang said, Lin Jia's face turned red, and her previous aura instantly dissipated.

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