
"marvelous! After a while, grandpa and dad can eat the food we cooked!"

"I remember my grandpa loved to eat braised lion head……"

Hearing that Lin Jia had agreed, Zhongbao had already started cheering before he started doing it.

"How about we cook a love meal for grandpa and dad?"

At this moment, Dabao suddenly stood up and suggested

"ah? What is a love meal?"

Wubao couldn't help but wonder. This term was still unfamiliar to her.

"A love meal is a lunch that is delicious, and like paper cranes, it can send blessings to grandpa!"

Dabao paused and gave such an explanation.

In fact, he didn't know what it meant. He just saw his classmates showing off the love meals her parents made for them every morning.


Lin Jia couldn't help but chuckled when she heard that the children were going to make love meals. The joy that the treasures could bring her was so much.

"But how to make a love meal? Sanbao pouted and asked. Knowing is one thing, but doing it is another thing.

"This, ah this……"

Dabao was questioned at this time. He was only responsible for providing attention just now. No one told him before he said that he was also responsible for doing it!

"You can ask mom! Mom will definitely do it, won’t you use your brain?"

Er Bao interrupted at the right time, pointing at his head, looking extremely arrogant.

"yes! Mom, can you make love meals?"

"Mother! Can you teach us how to make love meals for grandpa and dad?

Sanbao and Wubao asked each other. After Dabao mentioned the word"love meal", the two of them have been particularly interested in it.

"Of course, no problem!"

Hearing this, Lin Jia agreed wholeheartedly.

This can not only solve the food problem of Su Hang and Su Cheng, but also cultivate the children's consciousness and practical ability. Why not?

Under Lin Jia's guidance, all the treasures came together. They began to prepare a love meal. Although they were all still children, with Lin Jia watching from the side, nothing unexpected would happen.

Then, with the help of Zhongbao, plus the amount for two people, it was already Not much, the love meal will be ready soon

"Is this a love meal? It looks like the food you usually eat is pretty much the same?"

Si Bao watched them prepare the love meal and packed it in a lunch box. He couldn't help but scratch his head and wondered, this child really tells the truth.

"This should be it. I saw that the love meal that my classmate’s mother made for her was similar to what she usually eats!"

Dabao was a little embarrassed when he was asked, so he could only say this perfunctorily.

"A love meal is a lunch that you make with your heart. No matter what you eat, it can send blessings to Grandpa Fan like a paper crane!"

At this moment, fortunately, Lin Jia suddenly stepped in and said something, helping Dabao out of the siege.

"right! That's it!"

Dabao nodded firmly and said

"Well, let’s go see grandpa together later! Lin

Jia gathered the treasures in front of her, and then said that she knew that the treasures would definitely not be willing to leave the children at home, so it would be better not to say anything.

"Let's go! I can go see grandpa again.……"

Soon after, at the hospital.

Lin Jia and Zhong Bao came to the hospital together carrying big lunch boxes.

"Are you here?"

Su Hang frowned. Lin Jia, who was walking slowly with six children, happened to bump into Su Hang who had just walked out of the door.

He focused on Zhongbao. Didn't he say that he would take the children back to rest? Why? Brought to the hospital again

"If you let them rest now, they will definitely not be able to sleep!"

As if she saw Su Hang's doubts, Lin Jia couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After she took Liu Bao back, they didn't even go to bed, let alone rest. After that, they followed Lin Jia. Jia is busy making love meals without stopping at all!

"All right! Dad is inside, please take a closer look first!"

Hearing this, Su Hang nodded, almost understood, and immediately left after telling him

"Where are you going? Let’s eat something first!"

Lin Jia shook the lunch box in her hand and expressed to Su Hang

"I'm going to get dad's inspection report. Please put the food on the table first. I'll be right back!"

After saying that, Su Hang didn't stop, turned around and walked around the corner, disappearing.

"Let's go in first, grandpa may be hungry!"


Immediately afterwards, Lin Jia pushed the treasures, then opened the door and walked in




Seeing Su Cheng, Zhong Bao came up to him kindly. If Su Cheng hadn't been quick at this moment, they would have pounced on him.

"dad! I brought the children to deliver food to you and Su Hang! Lin

Jia said lightly, then took out the bowls and chopsticks in the lunch box and helped Su Cheng fill the meal.

"grandfather! grandfather! Today’s meal is a meal made with love by my brothers, sisters, brothers and I!"

Seeing this, Sanbao quickly expressed his pride as if he were taking credit.

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