"Mom, take the children and go back with my father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Immediately, Su Hang turned to Lin Yueqing and said, everyone is gathered here and there is nothing to do.

"Um! Then keep an eye on it, I'll come back tomorrow morning!"

Lin Yueqing nodded. He was frightened by Su Cheng today. He really feels a little tired now.

"dad! If I don’t leave, I still want to stay with grandpa!"

"dad! Can you please let me stay?"

"I want to wait until grandpa wakes up before going back……"

At this moment, all the treasures suddenly stopped and said one after another.

They were all worried about the situation in Su City, even Liubao cried because of it just now!


Su Hang was stunned, and Lin Yueqing and Tang Yimei also stopped, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Su Hang! Let the children follow you. Even if you go back now, they probably won't rest well!"

After a pause, Lin Yueqing suddenly stood up and said.

These children are used to being with Su Hang and Lin Jia, and these two people are not with them tonight. In addition, something like this happened in Su City again. Everyone If Bao just sleeps and rests, it will be called a ghost!

"Well, then, you, my father-in-law, and my mother-in-law go back first! After thinking about it

, Su Hang reluctantly agreed, and then watched the three of them leave the hospital. After several twists and turns, only Lin Penghuai, Tang Yimei and Lin Yueqing returned.

"You guys, please be good tonight. Grandpa is resting inside right now. Don’t go in and disturb Grandpa!"

After the three of them left, Su Hang told Zhongbao again, and he sat with Lin Jia in the corridor of the resources.

However, Lin Jia was a little unable to sit still because of worry. After a while, he leaned on the small window on the door to take a look at Su City.

Then, Su Hang lay on a chair in the corridor and squinted for a while. When he woke up, he found that all the treasures had been gathered together and bought. He didn't know They are plotting something.

Su Hang stepped forward to check.

"At this time……"

Looking at the pile of paper cranes placed around the treasures and the origami in the hands of the children, Su Hang understood instantly

"The children are folding paper cranes for our dad, wishing him a speedy recovery!"

Seeing Su Hang wake up, Lin Jia said softly

"Did you teach me?"

Su Hang asked, a little surprised.

He didn't know that Zhongbao could fold paper cranes before. Combined with Lin Jia's proud look of waiting for you to praise me, Su Hang had already guessed that something was close. Got it

"Of course! You just fell asleep. I saw that the children were bored just sitting there, so I taught them. They all learned very seriously! Lin

Jia rolled her eyes and said, wasn't she the one who taught her, or could it have been Su Hang who taught her in his sleep?!

Late at night, all the treasures worked together and folded a lot of paper cranes.

However , , they still need to rest at night, especially since Zhongbao is still young, Liubao has already started to doze off, and his eyelids are fighting.

"How about you send the children back first?"

Su Hang asked, we can't really let the children stay up all night, right?

"I asked, I asked just now while you were sleeping, the children are not willing, they have to stay with our dad life and death!"

Hearing this, Lin Jia smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

"Hmm...then I think there are two empty hospital beds in the room, let the children squeeze in there!"

Su Hang frowned slightly, and then suggested that it would not be an option to waste time like this. The treasures will fall asleep sooner or later.

"OK! It can only be the! Lin

Jia nodded, and then ran over to ask the treasures.

After some preaching and exhortations, the treasures all agreed, then rushed to bed and lay down obediently, for fear of disturbing Su Cheng..The next day, Su Hang and Lin Jia woke up from their chairs cuddling together.

"Haha~ I don’t know if Dad is awake yet……"

Su Cheng yawned and muttered softly,"It was really hard to sleep last night."

"I don’t know yet, I’ll wash my face and you go in and take a look!"

Lin Jia shook her head and immediately walked towards the bathroom.


Su Hang opened the door. He didn't know if the door of this hospital should be replaced. His voice was not soft.


Su Cheng's eyelids twitched twice in the hospital bed, and he gradually woke up.

"Su Hang! Here……"

Seeing the unfamiliar environment around him and looking at the hospital logo on the bedside, Su Cheng suddenly realized what had happened.

Last night he almost fainted from the pain. He was completely confused and unconscious. He didn't even know when he was sent to the hospital.

"Hiss~ Ouch! Ouch!"

Su Cheng wanted to turn around, but as soon as he moved, the pain in his waist made him take a breath.

"dad! Just lie down, stop moving around, and tell me what you want to do!"

Seeing this, Su Hang quickly ran up to support Su Cheng and let Su Cheng lie down.

"It's okay... Why do the children sleep here? It's too crowded!"

Su Cheng waved his hand, but when he squinted his eyes, he immediately spotted the treasures on the bed next to him.

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