Lin Jia estimated that if a pair of small wings were inserted into the four treasures now, the four treasures would be able to fly directly on the spot.

"Okay, let's go!"

Coincidentally, at this time, Su Hang also rushed over, greeted Lin Jia and Dabao, and then the whole family walked toward the gate together.

Su Hang drove the car and quickly drove the whole family A total of eight people were brought to the city center.

There is a newly built square here called Yulin Square. Although it is newly built, there are many people in the square due to previous vigorous publicity.

According to Su Hang From what I heard, this place is going to develop into a night market in the future.

No, before we even get to the square, we can see many large and small stalls on the roadside, offering food, drink, and clothing. , all used

"Wow! Look, those kids over there are so cute!"

"Together, they look a bit alike, and they are both about the same age!"

"There are only two adults. Could they be sextuplets?……"

Not long after getting off the bus, Su Hang and Dabao and the others caught the attention of the people around them.

After all, the sextuplets are so eye-catching, not to mention they are six such adorable children, it’s hard not to pay attention!

However, Su Hang and the others were already accustomed to the gazes and sights from around them, and they walked towards the interior of Yulin Square without changing their expressions.

The entire square is not perfect yet, and many facilities are still under construction. However, there is a large shopping mall in the center of the square, which was built early, and there is a constant stream of people coming in and out.

"Walk! Let's go into the mall and take a look. The facilities outside are not perfect yet, and they won't get any better!"

Su Hang suggested, and then took Lin Jia and Dabao towards the mall.

"Phew~ There are so many people in this mall!"

"Brother, here, here!"

"Xiaozhuo, run slower. Mom is calling you.……"

The scene in the shopping mall made Si Bao and the others run around like wild horses that had escaped from their stiffness.

Fortunately, Lin Jia and Su Hang were very good at dealing with Dabao and the others, so they didn't let them escape their sight.

The level of the entire shopping mall is still very clear. The first floor is full of clothing stores and jewelry stores. Su Hang and others did not move very well, so they followed Si Bao and Dabao to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is mostly filled with game arcades, arcades and the like. However, this time Su Hang just planned to take a walk and digest it, so he had no intention of taking Dabao and the others in to play.

In desperation, Si Bao, who was still in high spirits, had no choice but to hang his head.

The game arcade and arcade are right in front of you, but you can't go in and play. You can imagine the pain!

Afterwards, Su Hang, Lin Jia and Dabao walked around in other parts of the mall and bought some clothes.

Wherever they went, Dabao and the others were always turning heads, attracting a lot of attention. Some even wanted to come up and take photos, but Su Hang refused.

About an hour later

"alright! It's time for us to go home!"

Su Hang announced, if he goes back later, it will be a little too late.

"Let's go, let's go, I feel like my feet are going to give out!"

Hearing this, Er Bao immediately said, and Wu Bao also nodded in agreement.

As for Dabao and Si Bao, not only did they not feel tired, but they also felt a little unfinished.

"alright! Let’s play again another day! Lin

Jia also said hello, and soon took Dabao and the others home successfully.

When Su Hang drove the car back, it was already after nine o'clock.

"You guys have been playing all day today. After washing up, you will go back to your room to have a good rest. Do you hear me?"

Su Hang warned, and then asked Dabao and the others to get off the car, while he stopped the car.

"Xiao Zhuo! Shall we go see grandpa?"

At this moment, Sanbao suddenly stopped while walking, and then said

"ah? What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Si Bao couldn't help but be confused.

He had a big heart and didn't notice so much. He was focusing on the game today and obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Grandpa seemed to be feeling quite uncomfortable after his backache today. He stayed in bed all the time, so he didn’t have dinner with us in the evening.……"

Sanbao explained that she was the only one who stayed with Su Cheng the longest in the afternoon, so she observed them the most carefully.

Although Sanbao was still a little vague about the concept of flashing her waist, she could still sense that Su Cheng's discomfort was real.

"ah? So serious!"

At this time, Si Bao couldn't help but exclaimed and realized the seriousness of the problem.

"No is grandpa doing now?"

"I also think I should go see my grandpa, and I’d better try not to make him play games in the future!"

"There is also grandpa, and I won’t drag grandpa along either.……"

Hearing this, the Dabao, the Second Treasure, the Five Treasures, and the Sixth Treasure all came together.

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