When the children saw that their father agreed, they immediately gathered around the ice cream counter happily.

The Three Treasures and Four Treasures were lying on the counter, their faces squashed by the glass of the counter.

But this still does not prevent them from searching for the flavors they want to eat.

Strawberry, mango, chocolate... the various flavors of ice cream dazzled the little ones for a while.

Erbao was even counting on his fingers, thinking about how he could taste as many flavors of ice cream as possible.

"Sister, I want to eat vanilla and lemon flavored ice cream. Can you get it for me?"Dabao took the lead in choosing and asked politely to the waiter behind the counter.

After hearing this, the waiter smiled and nodded:"Okay. Vanilla flavor and lemon flavor...here, get it"

"Thank you sister."

Smiling at the waiter, Dabao held the small paper bowl of ice cream in both hands and couldn't help but licked his lips.

Seeing that his brother had successfully gotten his own ice cream, several little guys behind him also stepped forward and lined up. The team began to wait to get their own ice cream.

Because they had chosen the flavor in advance, in a short while, each of them already had a small bowl in their hands.

Looking at their ice cream with joy, the little guys took some other I wanted to eat for fifteen, and then followed my father back to the dining table.

On both sides of the dining table, four elders were working together with their hands to peel the Arctic shrimps on the plate.

There was also an egg custard that they had finished eating in front of their table.

I saw When her little darlings came back, Lin Yueqing immediately pushed the plate of peeled shrimps in front of her to the second baby. The other little ones didn't like to eat sashimi, but the second baby liked it.

The little guy said sweetly to his grandma. Thank you, then picked up a piece of shrimp, dipped it in sashimi soy sauce and ate it.

Lin Jia also pushed the salmon sashimi on his plate in front of Su Hang and said,"Try this. When I was in line, it happened to be the middle part of the salmon. , the fatness is just right."

After that, she picked up a piece of salmon sashimi, dipped it in wasabi and soy sauce, and handed it to Su Hang's mouth.

After taking a look, Su Hang ate it with a smile.

After entering the mouth, the soy sauce was thick with the taste of mustard. It was slightly overcooked, but just right.

Then, the plumpness of the salmon suddenly became more delicate and smooth!

"Well, it tastes really good."Swallowing the sashimi in his mouth, Su Hang smiled and praised.

In fact, the salmon served at the buffet is definitely not particularly good.

But if my wife feeds it myself, it will always be more delicious.

Hearing this, Lin Jia pursed her lips Smiling.

She picked up another piece of salmon sashimi on the plate again and handed it to Su Hang's mouth.

At the same time, Lin Jia suddenly felt that there seemed to be several eyes staring at her.

When she looked up, several little guys He was grinning and looking at himself with a smile.

On the other side, his parents were also staring at him. The corners of their mouths were turned up, as if they were trying to hold back their smiles.

Looking at this, Lin Jia's face Suddenly it was boiling hot.

After coughing slightly, Lin Jia quickly changed the subject and said:"These steamed crabs are quite fresh. Eat them while they are hot.""

"Come on, come on, while it's hot."With a smile, Tang Yimei quickly picked up a crab and peeled it skillfully.

Watching her grandmother take out the entire roe of the crab in just a few movements, the little guys showed surprise on their faces.

"Grandma is so awesome!"

"Grandma, how did you do it?"

The little guys came forward, wishing they could put their eyes on grandma's hand.

Hearing this, Tang Yimei smiled and said:"You each take a crab, and I will teach you."

Seeing that grandma wanted to teach themselves, the little guys quickly started to get the crabs.

Looking at the red crabs on the plate, they were a little confused.

Tang Yimei, with plenty of patience, started to teach them how to do it.

But a few little guys learned it. It was not easy.

After learning it twice, there was still not much progress.

Just when the other little guys didn't know what to do, Dabao kept making a clicking sound.

The little guy only used In just a few minutes, a palm-sized crab was completely disassembled.

Even the plate was clean, unlike the plates of other little guys, which were full of traces of"battle".


Pick up the crab shell. , Dabao took a big sip directly.

His mouth was immediately filled with the crab roe inside the crab shell.

At the same time, Erbao and the others next to him had already stared straight at it.

It wasn’t until their brother finished eating the crab roe that they anxiously joined in. forward

"Brother, how did you do it?!"

"Well... just like grandma taught me."Dabao said, and then showed how to use tools to peel off a slanted leg.

The other little guys looked at it blankly, their expressions becoming more and more surprised.


"Brother, you are so awesome!!"

"Brother, can you teach me something? Liu

Bao said, pulling off the crab leg in his hand.

Dabao nodded, picked up the other crab leg, and then picked up the small tool on the table. While explaining to his sister in detail, he moved the Peeling the crab legs.

Seeing that the other brothers and sisters didn't seem to see clearly, he demonstrated it again.

On the side, Tang Yimei saw this scene, shook his head and smiled at Su Hang and Lin Jia beside him:"I didn't expect my ability to explain , not as good as Xiaochen"

"No no!"

Dabao waved his hands quickly when he heard this, and then said seriously:"If it hadn't been for what you explained just now, grandma, I wouldn't have been able to learn it."

Knowing that the little guy was afraid that he would be sad, Tang Yimei smiled and rubbed Dabao's head, then gave a thumbs up and said:"Then our Xiaochen is also great and has a strong learning ability."

"Okay, okay, come on, eat quickly. If you keep talking like this, our meal will become a mutual promotion contest."

Besides, Lin Yueqing complained with a smile.

Dabao's face turned red, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and then continued to teach his younger brothers and sisters seriously how to peel crabs.

Seeing the serious expressions of the little guys, Su Hang thought of when he first entered the door. , the newly opened VR experience center next to the cafeteria, said to the little ones:"After dinner, mom will accompany grandma and grandma to visit the supermarket. How about I take you to the VR experience center next to it to play for a while?""

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